culofiesta ago

Like everything that's a major problem, human trafficking has been hijacked by those that barely experience it. Just like people ignore that the majority of domestic abuse is in lesbian relationships.

Children are the greater victims of trafficking, but adult women make it about them.

Makes it easier for them to do nothing but whine and act sanctimonious, I suppose

fremar ago

it was one of the hardest moments for ross kemp :

India, 2013

I was investigating sex trafficking, and we had managed to track down one of the most prolific traffickers.

This guy - who I’ll call Mr Khan - was trafficking thousands of girls a year. He said he had lost count of how many he’d killed, but estimated it was around 400. He was being helped out by certain members of the authorities, and when it looked like they were going to get caught, he was put under pressure by these people in authority to kill the girls.

He worked as a honeytrap, so he’d go into a village; shower a girl and her family with gifts. He’d say he was going to take her away somewhere lovely, but as soon as he had her on a train she’d be drugged. She’d wake up in a bed and be gang raped, then forced into prostitution through shame, without the ability to get back home. Even if she did make it home, would she ever be accepted by her family again?

I’m not supposed to judge, but this was one of the times I found it very hard not to. He was trying to justify the killing of these girls by saying he would have been killed himself if he didn’t do it. He had gold rings on his fingers, a very nice car, and some bodyguards with him. After the interview I just had to say ‘get him out of my sight’. I had so much loathing for the man, I can’t tell you.

As told to Theo Merz


GeorgeT ago

Alifantis is this guy except it's in DC and he gets more than 8500 pounds!

GeorgeT ago

Dressage2 This is the Most important post for a while! This is linke bringing a bazooka in a gun fight vs Fake news & sleeping masses. This is what Alifantis is and does!

NeedPolyGF ago

Did the authorities find the victims? Is it certain that his confession is honest?

nameof ago

Sorry to say a lot of editing does not encourage belief or clarity. Indian lady is crying with NO TEARS nobody sheds tears.

Catchthem ago

Wow.... This was heavy. Thanks for posting, but right now i am speechless.

jangles ago

This is the YOUTUBE VIDEO of the interview Published on Apr 7, 2016

sleepingbeautycan ago

Is this the guy who he was interviewing. I am in Canada and the video was not available in my country (argggghhhh).

If it is, he admitted to killing so many children and he goes to jail for 11 years???

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Different guy, I think. Mouth doesn't quite look right to me, and the story doesn't suggest it's THAT guy.

Omnicopy ago

Yes, it looks to me like the guy's mouth

Bolux ago

Luvry , is that a Chinese bot.

odb281 ago

Russian, All bots are Russian. Don't you read CNN?

privatepizza ago

I believe Ross Kemp is one of us, a PG Voater, user @rosskemp-ongangs or something similar. We were discussing something together here a few months ago and I figured by his u/n it was him. If you're here Ross, you ROCK!

pbvrocks ago

Not watching this as I will believe title...we need to be hammering @FBINYork and all @NYPD twitter tags every time we can...this and far more on Weiner laptop...#justonevideo seems appropriate....

evademoney2 ago

great summary of what we have here brownstones etc.

Freemasonsrus ago

Great points. Thanks.

EQJ ago

Here's YouTube link to video found within article.

EQJ ago

Shillbilly ago

I think this is a lie, a traficker does it for the money. A person who is able to do this for money Will do everything for money and wont bury bodies. These people can sell the organs for a lot of money also child sacrifices so Maybe they try to hide those facts Why would he talk

VieBleu ago

Thanks for this. the scale is horrifying but this is real. Good link to include in a red pill collection.

44NJ9 ago

Kemp looks like he'd like to reach across and kill him. This is the type of journalism they don't allow in the US anymore.

AllDancingCrap ago

He said that at the end of the interview, that he has to stop or he'll kill him.

Poot_McGarvey ago

How could you not punch that weak bastard in the mouth.

neo50 ago

Deeply disturbing! This POS is still freely walking around....words escape me.

kestrel9 ago

This is the subject the MSM won't touch, the leftistsFA won't acknowledge, the LGBTQXYZ generation won't think about, the blood thirsty Stage 4 Feminists won't bother with, and Hollywood remains implicit in enabling.

awakenaware ago

blood thirsty Stage 4 Feminists ... That's a new one for me :-)

Gumbatron ago

I think once you get to stage 4, it's basically terminal

freeagent37 ago

Unbelievable! This has gotten way out of hand.

AllDancingCrap ago

This was before pizzagate was even in the internet word cloud, we just awoken into this reality. It was way out of hand waaay before we even thought of it. That's why they want to control everything in internet, its the tool that we as free entities can use to spread away things like this and get enough people moving into action.

freeagent37 ago


Antonius ago

Sickus Bastardus

PizzagateBot ago

Ross Kemp is the kind of guy we need investigating this stuff. Already proven he will risk his life for the sake of real journalism.

rogueplanet ago

Him or Peggy Mitchell.

GeorgeT ago

You think Kemp is the type who would have apologized to Mr Ping Pong?! I don't think so.

jangles ago

YOUTUBE VIDEO of the interview Published on Apr 7, 2016

GeorgeT ago

Maybe we should send Kemp and that Navy Seal Craig Sawyer to CPP and Pegasus Museum for some real investigation for a change!

madhatter67 ago

Worth a punt.....But i thought he was a luvvy really?

PizzagateBot ago

Worth a punt.....But i thought he was a luvvy really?

Perfect example of when British English might as well not be English....

rogueplanet ago

I knew exactly what he meant but then I speak English and do not accept the Wikipedia term British English, there is English or American English. British English isn't a thing.

madhatter67 ago

Well i figured i could speak British because not sure many Americans would know who Ross Kemp was !

unbiased_researcher ago

Damn an insult from a bot. That stings extra.