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AngB23 ago

Amazing how Twitter censors exposing pedos but freely supports them and porn vids, Islamist Terrorist and the like. Twitter is run by a bunch of pedo asshats

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes. Just do a search of #missingdcgirls on Twitter, and see the results. When I search, it shows nothing from today. It then will show the new tweets over time as I stay on the page. I hit refresh, and all of the posts I was just looking at are gone. Based on just watching the activity before it gets wiped, #missingdcgirls should be trending. By censoring posts (which they have done to all of my tweets), shadow banning (hiding from people with large followings), and wiping them after a short window, they are trying to contain exposure to this...which means the DC pedo issue is VERY REAL. They only seem to invest in the blocking when we are digging in an area that has merit.

fartyshorts ago

Are you on the "TOP" or "LATEST" tab? Top will get the tweets with the most "notes" (likes, comments, retweets).

reasonedandinformed ago

I get that. My proof of the censorship is from two methods:

  • Posted 18 tweets this morning related to zero response or notification. Searches, sorted by latest, showed 0 of my 18 tweets were displayed. I could only see this result when I logged out of Twitter. When I was logged in, I could see my tweets (giving the false sense that they were posted). By logging out, Twitter assumed I was the general public and not the poster of the tweets, so I saw zero results. I just checked it again with the same results.

  • I did a search on #missingdcgirls. I then waited about 20 minutes and refreshed by clicking on the new notifications. I waited another 20 minutes and did another search on #missingdcgirls. When I compared results, I found that some tweets showed on one screen and not the other. When I tested, it seemed a bit random, but I was able to clearly see that the overlap of tweets between screens (within the same time frame) was not 100%, due to filtering.

fartyshorts ago

Alright, just making sure. It was working fine for me as far as I could tell, but they might be censoring based on location or who knows what else.

reasonedandinformed ago

They censor individuals and also only show tweets to those with followings below a certain level...very subtle but effective censorship. Search the hashtag and omamatruth1. There should be 18 tweets from today, but you will find zero.

DerivaUK ago

I posted and did separate searches on 'latest' and all tweets remained

bikergang_accountant ago

Thread solved people.

reasonedandinformed ago

I can absolutely prove they are filtering. I personally made over a dozen tweets about this topic today. If I sort by latest, I find just one tweet. I also see tweets that will show and then not show later on the same search. I have been diligent to check. I just did a search on #missingdcgirls, and I saw that this tweet by MISTA12DoubleO (, which posted at 10:03 am in their time stamp (1:03 EDT) is not listed. The filtering seems random, but it is easy to catch if you open multiple screens and just do the search with some time in between. Or try to find any of the many tweets posted today by @obamatruth1 on a search of #missingdcgirls. Only 1 of 18 posted (between 8-9 am on the Twitter clock) shows. It will sometimes show and then be gone if you refresh and go back down to the same time frame. The amount of activity should be causing the #missingdcgirls hashtag to trend (about 50 tweets per hour that I can find despite the filtering I just proved), but it is not.