Antiracist2 ago

No, I'm gonna tell you that besides being a philosopher of science he is also a wacky conspiracy theorist claiming things like nobody died at Sandy Hook or that the Holocaust didn't happen.

I already conceded crazy. "Even if we are crazy, one side doesn't have a monopoly on reason."

My question was, "Are you going to tell me he's uneducated regarding evidence and reason?"

Meaning, look, okay, we're crazy, fine, we get it. But what do you know about proper reasoning that we don't? You possess it, we don't. Great. But can you articulate what it is, such that that philosopher of science must concede?

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

Talc ago

you pizzagaters

you are the most retarded troll I have come across in some years, how many times are you going to make the same dumbfuck mistake?

You know what's dumb? Imagining baseless accusations and take them as fact.

You know what's dumb? imagining baseless accusations and take them as fact yourself, whilst trying to tell me it's dumb for me to do so (when I have not offered any opinion either way on the accusations being made in this sub). Do you know what else is dumb? You!

Talc ago

You pizzagaters here on voat.

there it goes again, your rookie mistake.

assuming that everyone is thinking / acting together.

I actually did not

yes you did, and then having had your mistake pointed out to you, you doubled down and made it again! What a fuckwit!

Here's a hint, check my posting history on /v/pizzagate. All I've ever done in there is call out obvious paid shill behaviour the same as I do anywhere on voat, it's irrelevant which sub. Please call me a pizzagater again, you anti-pizzagate propaganda operatives are fuckin dumb like that!

You're projecting.


Do you think people can't scroll back and see you're projecting?

you pizzagaters

Third time's a charm! Assuming that everyone is thinking / acting together, denying it, and then doing it again. And again.

Whoosh, there goes your remaining shred of credibility. No great loss, it wasn't yours in the first place.

Talc ago

you people

which people? you seem to have made a rookie mistake, assuming that everyone is thinking / acting together.

Your mind is like a balloon filled with air and untied at the end.

You're projecting.

I know I won't ever be able to convince you of anything,

That's because you're a blithering idiot, you'll never convince anyone of anything unless you can do a lot better than you have done so far.

There is no point me trying to hold a conversation with someone who makes such glaring errors and projects their own inadequacies onto everyone around them. I suggest you let someone with adequate conversational skills continue on your behalf, I'm not wasting any more time on the hard-of-thinjking.

antiracist ago

Even if we are crazy, one side doesn't have a monopoly on reason.

Look at this philosopher of science pizzagater.

Are you going to tell me he's uneducated regarding evidence and reason?

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

eagleshigh ago

Are you going to tell me he's uneducated regarding evidence and reason?

Ping me when this person replies. I'd love to see his answer.

antiracist ago

Even if you're right, you're merely claiming that you're right. Simply calling pizzagate fictitious doesn't address anything.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

Talc ago

I'm glad you take the time to explain this to us a dozen times every day. If it weren't for zeroes like you braving all the downvotes to bring us your evidence-free assertions we'd all be wasting our time </sarcasm>

Now fuck off and tell your masters that their propaganda isn't working.

sensitive ago

@PG-IsRidiculous deleting spam

Antiracist2 ago

Oh, that explains it!