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equineluvr ago

You forgot option 3.

Comey is a compromised PEDO.

It's Howdy Doody time!

Comey a Pedo

JesusRules ago

I love the Dr of Common Sense!

DarkMath ago

"Prince Charles looks like Howdy-Doody"

Priceless. I had to hit myself to stop laughing. Oh Christ in heaven please make it not true.

Jem777 ago

Can you explain how the Jews created the Vatican & Christianity since you are such a wizard?

Vindicator ago

Well that is just basic history. Jesus was Jewish. St. Peter was Jewish. St. Paul, Jewish. St. James, St. John, St. Bartholomew...all twelve Apostles were Jewish.

ChristChildGrown ago

council of Nicea. the law professor Adam Weishaipt, Jesuit of Jewish lineage.

equineluvr ago

I never claimed to be a wizard, but I have been researching this stuff for YEARS. I have two books in the works on the Secret History of America so am considered "expert" in that area.

It's not rocket science, either. Just think. If you want to control an opposing group, that is spread over several continents, back in time before TV, radio, etc. how would you do it?

RELIGION. Religion IS mind control. Control the religion, and you control all adherents of that religion.

SoldierofLight ago

I know David Icke is shunned as the "Lizard Guy," especially here on Voat, but I'm reading The Biggest Secret and he does a great job of explaining what he believes are the real truths behind the creation of every religion. Like you said, it has everything to do with controlling the people. If he's right and we ever get full disclosure, there will be a shit ton of stunned people on this plant, for a whole long list of reasons-- even among the most diehard and dedicated pedogate investigators.

pby1000 ago

That is great you are writing two books about this. I am thinking they both heavily involve Freemasonry.

Jem777 ago

Do you think you are the only one who is on this forum who wrote books? Wondering if eye witness testimony to your research would ever change your perspective?

equineluvr ago

"Eyewitness testimony to my research" is impossible unless you have a time-travel machine.

All of my work is sourced, sometimes double- and triple-sourced.

Why are you trying to skirt the fact that I refuted all of your "points?" Do you have no debate skills? A concession would be nice. (Prolly too much to ask of ignorami on here, though.)

Jem777 ago

What if I did have a time traveler? Or maybe had one or more? What if your research is flawed? Love to debate there will be no concession do not need nor want your approval. Challenge you to think you are not the only genius in the world but seem to be a smart one that needs to be right nonetheless.

You take away from Dark Math's message so goodbye.

equineluvr ago

Ha! I knew it. No class, so no concession of points. In fact, it appears that "she" has abandoned the thread.

So, as usual, NO refutation of ANY of my points. That's because my points are all SOLID and the results of a LOT of historical research.

So, toodles "Jem777." I hope you have fun goosestepping while you salute the fascist oligarchy flag while regurging the SOCIALIST Pledge of Allegiance like the mindless, brainwashed bot that you are.

Jem777 ago

What is the "she" comeback. Is that a slur. Or deragotory term .

Jem777 ago

Since you have not responded with the "she" explanation, taking it as a threat and ask the Mods to clarify with you as to what this means.

You have followed this account everywhere to shut down other points of view other than your "expert" historical account of everything.

No problem with that or ALL the CAPITAL letters to scream your opinions. You have proclaimed Shill, Bot worries.

Now you specifically say "she" in quotes. Since there is more than one contributing on this account, but you seem to allegedly possess some secret knowledge by "she" Will ask the Mods to address you personally. Also warn you about attempting or possessing access to confidential & privacy have constitutional protections. Saved and archived your posts.