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pizza10 ago

No wonder criminal politicians are not prosecuted when the police itself is corrupt.

No wonder the DC police lied when they said they investigated Comet Ping Pong pizzeria when they did not.

freeagent37 ago

of coarse this is how it works

wbkeelhe ago

I read Alefantis is a Rothschild. Do you know if that is true? I remember seeing that pic of his with Lynn Rothschild leaning against the staircase that David Brock was standing on.

IPleadThe2nd ago

He looks Jewish

PG_IsDumb3 ago

Dc police never said they invesigated Comet Ping Pong pizzeria. Of course they wouldn't investigate Comet Ping Pong considering there wasn't any evidence of a crime taking place there.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Alefantis ass raping a 17 year old boy in the kitchen isn't a crime?

pizza10 ago

They did. Why are you trolling in every top thread?

PG_IsDumb3 ago

No they did not. Why the fuck would they investigate Comet Ping Pong? because of your stupid conspiracy theory? Real world doesn't work that way. The DC police isn't made up by insane conspiratards believing ridiculous conspiracy theories.