I feel this relates to Pedogate since Comey, as FBI director, has continued to protect people involved in pedogate, such as The Clinton's.
Comey just lied again on Monday! You will see why he was seen at the Whitehouse unexpectedly yesterday.
This is about the whistleblower that came forward showing Trump was being spied on.
Key to the investigation is a whistleblower by name of Dennis Montgomery, who as a former National Security Agency (NSA) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) contractor left the spy agencies with 47 hard drives and over 600 million pages of information, much of which was classified, and came forward, under grant of immunity, to FBI Director James Comey. This information, according to Montgomery, shows that the intelligence agencies, particularly under former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former Obama CIA Director John Brennan and their minions, spied illegally and unconstitutionally on prominent Americans, including the chief justice of the Supreme Court, other SCOTUS justices, 156 judges, prominent businessmen like Donald Trump and even yours truly.
He went to Comey 2 years ago! Since Comey did nothing about it, the whistleblowers attorney handed everything over to Nunes and the House Intelligence Agency.
"Notably, regrettably and predictably it seems, Comey failed to disclose this to the House Intelligence Committee when he himself testified in open session Monday, the same day I delivered my letter to Chairman Nunes. However, thanks to my letter and perhaps other whistleblowers who have apparently come forward, Nunes announced Friday morning that Comey is being hauled back in closed committee session this Tuesday, I would hope to account for his omissions and apparently misleading testimony on Monday. Before that occurs, I hope and plan to meet in person with Chairman Nunes and have him speak with Montgomery.
Trump should have got rid of him. He's still protecting the democrats! We need someone who will go after these bastards!
The whistleblower Devin Nunes must hear from
AreWeSure ago
Dennis Montgomery is a known conman. He has zero credibility.
drgrm ago
Fourth FBI Director name is William S. Sessions (not Jeff--- easy mistake to make.)
President Clinton fired his FBI Director over the phone on July 19, 1993. Mr. Sessions had to leave.....Like right away.
The dead body of Vincent Foster was found in Fort Marcy Park on July 20, 1993.
huhWHAThuh ago
The problem with this is that it is the Mother lode - the Rosetta stone. This offers conclusive proof that every Federal law enforcement and intelligence gathering agency in the Western world is engaged in drug running, weapons running, human trafficking, pedophilia, child pornography, rape, murder, money laundering, treason, and a host of other unsavory behaviors. This sends to federal prison every well known political, intelligence agency, and federal law enforcement character from Bush/Cheney through Obama/Hillary, with Clapper/Brennon/Comey and most of their immediate lackeys and stooges. And it does the same thing to most of the allied countries of the western world.
The question is, who do you get to go after them? It's too big. And you can't pull on one strand of that spider web without the whole thing coming up. That is the exact reason the FBI has done nothing, and anybody/everybody it has been sent to wants to pretend that they didn't see it. How does anybody deal with something like this?
srayzie ago
Yeah but if we think that way then what are we doing all this for?
huhWHAThuh ago
We keep pushing hard until we get a crack in the dam and some water starts to trickle through. I honestly do think Trump has the guts to go after all of these sleezy characters if he ever sees a way to break through. The problem ATM is that he is surrounded with snakes within and without his immediate circle. But their is no magic wand to wave and put the world's most powerful individuals away in one stroke. I'm sure there are people in government who don't have this dirt on their hands, but they are probably not in the high echelons of power. I think the potential exists for him to maneuver enough people into the right positions where they can provide effective help. And it is critical that we keep the pressure on. The proof is there. I believe Trump has the guts to use it. And if things ever crack open and he has the right people in the right places, this can all break wide open. But i think it will require patience. People have to be in this for the long haul. I don't see it all happening overnight.
srayzie ago
I agree with everything you said
drgrm ago
I seem to be happy President Trump kept him.
I am hoping Comey will keep showing... And showing...And showing... And showing his true colors....
God please EXPOSE Comey for what he is.
huhWHAThuh ago
Job.5 [13] He taketh the wise in their own craftiness: and the counsel of the froward is carried headlong.
srayzie ago
But it's better to expose the ones he's covering for
R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago
How can one person make a real difference in face of such immense corruption?
DarkMath ago
"But what do you do in a world that is all about money"
Start a revolution:
And if TPTB still don't get it you send them a link to the Wikipedia page for the French Revolution's "Reign of Terror":
And if they still don't listen God................you don't want to know. Sometimes God has anger management issues.
Vic138 ago
It looks like what Sibel Edmonds keeps saying is true. Judges don't get appointed unless they have dirt on them. That about half of congress is (house and senate) are compromised.
In this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XMoejT3lKsYouTube released on November 11, Sibel says from 3:45:
One of my FBI whistleblowers, and this was a decorated agent who never became a public whistleblower, but he went to court cases with the FBI internally because he DOJ IG, that is the Inspector General's office, etc. One of the things this guy exposed, and I went to the media and I had this guy on the record with them but they never published, was: he was working between 1993 and 1997 in this division in the FBI, where one of his tasks was running background check on federal judge candidates, and this is during the Clinton administration, because those federal judges have to be cleared by the FBI. They look at their background: are they pedophiles, are they rapist, you know, do they have some financial nefarious activities etc.
And he said, during these four years, when this decorated FBI agent, and this was 10 years, or 7, 8 years before he blew the whistle, he was running background checks on these federal judges, the way they were selecting the ones to appoint were the ones who had the highest number of skeletons. Meaning, the government, the Clinton administration (this is the head of the FBI, this is the OJ), they did not want to appoint any federal judges to the bench, and go through the confirmation process, if the judges, or the candidates, didn't have enough skeletons, meaning they have to be rapists, pedophiles, despicable characters, and that information is collected during the background check, and then they are used against these judges, so the judges rule per government's instruction.
Very simple, same thing, one of my main whistleblowing facts that I exposed, and this was between 2002 and 2006, and if people were to go and visit by state secrets gallery, there were going to see all these individuals, whether they were from the executive branch or congressional people, they were involved in the case I was exposing. And I talked about the fact that they were all blackmailed. Blackmailed by whom? They were blackmailed by the deep state.
So you sort of saying they formed a cold, I have to say what they do, *the deep state, they want to make sure that only blackmailable, maybe I made up a word here, only blackmailable candidates get to hold offices, whether executive offices, or they are in Congress, you know whether they are in courts, federal judges, if you're clean, if you're squeaky clean, and if you start running for a major seat position, the chances are you are not going to get there because you will be disqualified. They don't want you there. They can not put pressure on you by a blackmail. So that's the answer to the questions: no we're not gonna join this crowd and talk about there is a cold, it is not about cold, this is how this corrupt system has been operating."
She has intimate knowledge of congresswoman Jan Shakorsky being blackmailed by foreign governments and selling secrets to Israel, as well as her pedophile husband Robert Creamer, a powerful Dem lobbyist.
She also lists powerful former Bush administration officials like Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Eric Edelman, Marc Grossman etc. as being blackmailed by foreign governments and/or deep state operatives.
srayzie ago
I remember her saying that. I also read that Judge Scalia, the one who died, was a Satanic pedophile and he would of course protect them. They could blackmail each other. What a way to live out your time on earth.
micha_ ago
I find it interesting, that all the AJ/infowars bashers that came out of their holes after AJ apologized to Alefantis, attacking him instead of attacking Alefantis, are not interested in that topic. Alex Jones had Klayman on his show yesterday! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH9g6f2JB5EYouTube
Insubordinate ago
Employees of the CIA/FBI/NSA should be ashamed. Not speaking out makes you complicit, imho. Is your paycheck more important than saving the lives of innocent children? Grow a spine and do the right thing. You have children too.
YingYangMom ago
Comey needs to be fired yesterday.
AreWeSure ago
Larry Klayman and Dennis Montgomery filed a defamation lawsuit against a well respected national security author after that author called Montgomery a con man. They lost their suit.
They filed a nuisance defamation suit against the ACLU after the ACLU told the court that Montgomery was a con man. Case was closed when they missed the court's deadline to file a scheduling report.
Larry Klayman would sue his own mother. Wait, he actually did sue his own mother for $50,000 in 1998.
Sermo_Ludere ago
Why would anyone get fired at this point?
If Vault 7 is true, the entire intelligence and federal law enforcement apparatus has had foreknowledge of any and all crimes for some time.
As the CIA had the ability to GLOBALLY monitor anyone with Windows, iPhones, Skype, Onstar, or smart appliances/electronics
Not only human trafficking/pedophilia, and terror attacks, but ALL criminal planning and communications using voice, text, email, and IM, or those discussed in ear shot of a smart device or voice enabled car communication system... Don't think for one second that their AI isn't robust enough to identify these elements.
Thus everyone is compromised, which is why there are put in the positions they are in- to be happy puppets, lest they risk being exposed for some crime or socially unacceptable behavior, whether they willfully participated or not.
micha_ ago
But they fight Trump like they fight Putin. Maybe Trump is the last tiny chance the world has?
drgrm ago
I feel like Trump is our last chance.
Thank you for your voice.
God used Alex Jones and Infowars (love love David Knight) to get me out of my extremely ignorant sleeping state!
Ever since Alex had that banner....
"Hillary For Prison"
flying over DNC convention I can't turn against Alex.
Now if he starts saying Hillary is innocent of all crimes..... Well that is another matter.
micha_ ago
Correct. Just look which topics Alex has made the world aware of and it becomes clear, he was not acting on behalf of TPTB or the global elite. I also noticed, that those attacking him now so viciously, do only claim he was disinfo, but bring up not a single argument, where he was wrong among his many hugely important topics! Today I watched his apology to Alefantis a third time, with and without sound, and I must say, he retracts nothing about pedogate, not even pizzagate. If you read carefully, he just retracts what he said about Alefantis. That's pretty remakable, compared to a "disinfo" agent... ;-)
44NJ9 ago
Please don't consider that their are 7billion people on this planet and Trump is the last chance, that is beyond sad and depressing. They are running scared with PizzaGate because it's the first thing uniting it's sheeple. There is power in numbers, not putting it all in one person.
If you have kids, teach them the real deal, raise them to join the police, FBI and all govt agencies. Teach them to be smart and do the same thing the TPTB have been doing. Good will triumph evil when it puts its power to good use. God is not in the sky, its in your heart, it leads you, it doesn't do it for you.
You gather your food, buy your own house, earn your own money, realize that God is leading you, not doing it for you. Too many people put too much faith in action less prayer.
Sermo_Ludere ago
Chance at what? This is life. We grow from adversity, challenge, and other catalysts. There are no saviors. 'God' is within you. And all. Trust no man.
Xax ago
Keeping Comey allows him to hang in the wind out in the open. He's in the crosshairs. Let's keep him there until he's handcuffed.
Nana66 ago
Yes, it is forcing him to dig his own grave to protect them.
thisisnotagame ago
Doesn't Comey have tenure until like 2027 or something? So, an incoming POTUS cannot just "fire" him...there must be a special process for such outrageous corruption to be prsecuted, removed and delt with!
rooting4redpillers ago
Here's one article that addresses that: Can FBI Director James Comey Be Fired? 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy | Oct. 29, 2016/Updated Nov. 6, 2016
BertieMcDuffy ago
LOL fbi directors get fired for using a government limo for personal transportation, meanwhile the cia are using psychics and fucking kids
Jem777 ago
Removing Comey is only the beginning. Deputy Director McCabe who is in charge of the HRC email scandal/weiner server/abedin server...pedophiles, money laundering and worse going back 20+ years. He took 675,000 dollars through his wife Jill via corrupt Clinton operative Gov. Terry Macalliffe. He directs the wiretap, or gangstaulking through intercepts with the CIA.
He said in a special meeting of his special little group "first we fucked Flynn now we Fuck Trump.
Let's investigate these guys as well.
Andrew McCabe& wife
Terry McAulliffe
equineluvr ago
Link to the "secret meeting" info?
Godwillwin ago
I remember that being proven before the election - McCabe taking money from clintons for his wife to run and McCabe being the lead investigator. Yet the left still didn't care. Brazile gave all the questions, left still plugging their ears. Left says trump and Russia, but no proof, but they're still saying it. Proof they spied on trump transition team, but they STILL don't care.
What has happened to people? All politics aside, this is very very disturbing that people can't see through this
Clinker ago
Dennis Montgomery is either a con artist or a victim of slander. He was accused of selling fake software to the government many years ago. Then he worked for sheriff Joe. Now he hangs with Larry Klayman. I don't know what to make of him.
Clinker ago
I am beginning to think that Montgomery might be a con artist, but Klayman is not. Here's my theory: The white hats in the Intel arena wanted to give Trump the evidence, but it was impossible to do legally. So they give it to Montgomery and tell him to go to Klayman with the story that he stole it from the NSA/CIA. Klayman goes to a non-Obama judge that he trusts and gets an immunity deal to protect Montgomery from prosecution for stealing the data (and to make sure Montgomery doesn't have explain how he got it). Now the data is given to Trump to nail Obama.
peacebringer ago
Alright, here is someone paid to engage in disinfo...
ThePuppetShow ago
And here is someone with a highly suspicions account.
pizzaequalspedo ago
If this country stands back and allows the FBI/CIA/Obama/Clinton/Bush to spy on political enemies and then lie about it, there is no saving this nation.
TimeForPitchForks ago
It has been a very slow process, but the shake down has begun.. we all want these fuckers exposed asap.. but the so called good guys have to get solid proof and be 100% right the first time or many of the pedos/traffickers etc will skate.. there are many people who refuse letting this shit go, which will help the people who can do something... if the perp's can be exposed, they will be eventually then its all over for them! Anyone partaking in any of this shit especially organ harvesting deserves a gnarly public death!
micha_ ago
Spying on supreme court justices - and the MSM ignore it! The FBI ignores it! That's as unbelieveably as #pizzagate.
We are living in a world where the most outrageous crimes and violations of law are of no interest, even when it comes to the core interests of the state. That says a lot about TPTB. It will take extremely capable and powerful men to wage this fight and win it.
Flat_Truth ago
And as long as people are figuring out things aren't exactly as they are presented....or that there is mischief afoot....of utmost importance is the level to which our news is fabricated; aka completely false. To quote CIA director James Casey "We will know our disinformation program is complete, when everything the American public believes is false". I think he meant it :/ Kennedy tried to warn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9FqGg1Im3AYouTube
strix-varia ago
It kinda means these people can get away with any thing, except regular people, who go to work, raise families, etc.
Godwillwin ago
That's exactly what it means.
Godwillwin ago
I'm afraid that's where we are at. The left doesn't care. They said bigger than watergate and impeach him on their ASSUMPTION Trump collided with Russia.
Now, There's no evidence of that, but there's evidence of Obama admin spying on transition team and they did a rat's ass! No comparison to watergate on that. They are truly evil horrid people. How half the nation can't see through their BS due to their hypocrisy just blows my mind. I'll give the world order one thing : they truly delivered on the keep the people dumb and distracted rule in their playbook. The people are dumb dumb dumb dumb
ArmedExorcist ago
Yes, dumb, but also scared.
Our entire political arena is a show. Trumpfag and Obamafag are two sides of the same coin. Financial ownership of our entire peoples.
Don't buy into fake saviors.
strix-varia ago
Dumb and dumberer
ArthurEdens ago
does ANYBODY do ANYTHING in the FBI besides fucking kids?
44NJ9 ago
I'm sure they destroy evidence, intimidate people and probably sell drugs and guns.
pizzaequalspedo ago
It's quite clear that the entire purpose of the FBI is to cover for Washington elites and their crimes.
And to eliminate competition to the elite in the business and political arenas.
YingYangMom ago
I'm sure there are still a few good guys left, I mean besides the ones that didn't resign in November or got suicided since.
bopper ago
Francesco Vincent "Frank" Serpico (born April 14, 1936) is a retired American New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer who holds both American and Italian citizenship. He is known for whistleblowing on police corruption in the late 1960s and early 1970s, an act that prompted Mayor John V. Lindsay to appoint the landmark Knapp Commission to investigate the NYPD.
"In 1971 I was awarded the Medal of Honor, the NYPD’s highest award for bravery in action, but it wasn’t for taking on an army of corrupt cops. It was most likely due to the insistence of Police Chief Sid Cooper, a rare good guy who was well aware of the murky side of the NYPD that I’d try to expose." - Serpico
"Federal Bestiality Institute"
DarkMath ago
Comey was on the board of Lockheed and HSBC.
HSBC has a lucrative money laundering division. I'll leave it at that.
Comey needs to be impeached IMMEDIATELY.
JastheMace ago
Jailed is more like it.
cthulian_axioms ago
I'd prefer "hanged as a traitor", but I suppose life imprisonment at ADX Florence would be acceptable.
equineluvr ago
If all of this is LEGIT and not a big theatrical production, which is highly doubtful IMO, then Comey should and will be canned.
Time will tell.
Godwillwin ago
But time doesn't tell us much. We don't know what's true and false anymore. Who's being bribed by whom? This is all too confusing. The bottom line is though that kids are being abused and tortured and raped and no one is rescuing them nor stopping new ones from suffering the same fate.