pbvrocks ago

Good god..this is horrible..was not aware of this when I posted the above...

11-11 ago

thnx for posting this

pbvrocks ago

Ditto for your fine work!

VieBleu ago

McDonald's Hampstead connection- would be nice to have the search bar to look for those articles here.

Excerpt from one - https://newsinsideout.com/2015/02/anonymous-document-exposes-hampstead-uk-school-municipality-ritual-child-sex-sacrifice-hub/ East Finchley swimming pool is amongst other meeting spots for Satanic peadophile ring. The members of the ring attend swimming sex sessions satanic ritual blood sacrifice. The ritual is permed in an upstairs room in McDonald’s on Mondays & Fridays. Frank, boss of the McDonald’s (within the complex) allows the child sacrifice in the McDonald’s secret kitchen behind the mail one and is member of the cult.

Human babies are prepared and cooked on the cookers and ovens.

thisisnotagame ago

Human body found in machine at McDonalds' processing plant:


pizzaequalspedo ago

Just watched the video. I'm moving my account from Vanguard, and I'm boycotting McD's

pizzaequalspedo ago

Can someone summarize the McDonald's prison connection? I can't watch right now.


palmitespo910 ago

McDonalds tweeted

"@realDonaldTrump you are actually a disgusting excuse of a President and we would love to have @BarrackObama back, also, you have tiny hands"

The Vanguard Group

is the largest investor for McDonalds. Apparently, they also caught some flak (Updated July 2016) for paying Bill Clinton $400,000 in 2012. They also have a PAC that contributed $339,000 during the 2016 election cycle. Recipients here and Donors here.

Hillary Clinton

and Donald Trump were compared in an opinion article published by MarketWatch stated that Donald Trump's 93 pages of investments were many in comparison to Hillary's single investment in The Vanguard 500 Index Fund

F. William McNabb II, CEO and Chairman of The Vanguard Group

"...owns close to $590 million in private prison shares."

Abigail Johnson, Leader of Fidelity Investments

"...owns over $520 million in private prison shares."

The Law Offices of Amoachi & Johnson, PLLC In an article, wrote:

The GEO Group and Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) have been active in the press as of late. Most recently, Florida Atlantic University announced that it would name its new stadium the “GEO Group Stadium” in recognition of a $6 million donation from the private prison giant.

The CEO of CCA recently assured investors that there was no need to worry about immigration reform, as Colorlines reported: "There is always going to be strong demand regardless of what is being done at the national level as far as immigration reform."

At this point in the video, 4:55ish, HoneyBee kind of puts it together, stating

So as you can see here, this is profiteering done at the behest of.......relying on immigrants to fill the prisons so that these private prisons can get more money. So you can obviously see here why these big agencies and investment firms don't like the fact that Donald Trump is banning immigration from, you know, Radical Islamic countries. Places like Syria, Somalia...this is happening because they're worried about losing money. It always comes down to money.

I hope I was able to sum it up well enough for you. Peace and love.

Jem777 ago

This ties in perfectly with several different researchers. George Webb YouTube series speaks of private prisons and Dyncorp(CIA) in regards to organ harvesting facilities. Also if you study the Hampstead cover up of Satanic Ritual Abuse-MK Ultra case in the U.K. you will find McDonalds being mentioned by the children.