Silverlining ago

Mind Control Survivors' Testimony 1995 - 1 - Therapist Valerie Wolf

Mind Control Survivors' Testimony at the Human Radiation Experiments Hearings: Valerie Wolf -- Claudia Mullen -- Christine deNicola [Trascript]

RagingShieldMaiden ago

Well, looks like Epstien's dentist chair now makes sense.

Piscina ago

Oh my God, Greene and his cohorts were evil personified. These victims deserve compensation and a huge apology from the government. I hope these men burn in hell.

duhiki ago

there is speculation that Dr Greene was Mengele.

wgvdl ago

Thank you for this all-important contribution. It proves that child abuse, torture and rape have been exerted methodically by the CIA since decades. There has been historical continuance from the experiments in Nazi-Germany on to the "projects" run by CIA.

YingYangMom ago

The more survivors testimonies, the better. Thanks for sharing.