srayzie ago

This brought tears to my eyes. There was a 5 year old too :( Why don't they at least treat them better? Give them water! What they are doing is already cruel, but I would think it would benefit them to keep these poor people alive. They don't profit off of dead and broken bodies.

LaDonnaRae ago

Yes, it does, and I just recently found that out. Thank you for reading.

Forgetmenot ago

Libya is a major slavery hub as well as Mali is a provider of slavery.

kestrel9 ago

Many times people have struggled with the Biblical account of God's decision to have certain people end up in hell, even though hell wasn't intended for people. Not any more, makes perfect sense now.

YingYangMom ago

33 and 666 also.

123_456 ago

That is a hideous death. I feel bad for them. The people who did this to them are monsters.

srayzie ago

Then the ones that survived had limbs broken as they were thrown out! It boggles my mind that there are so many people willing to be so cruel. These bastards deserve the death penalty!

remedy4reality ago

Everybody needs to stop referring to these trafficking VICTIMS as 'migrants.'


sore_ass_losers ago

No, I believe they are part of the wave of economic migrants the press and politicians call 'Syrian refugees' (no matter where they come from or their reasons for migrating). They are trafficking victims in that they pay to get to Europe and here in this case ruthless parties maltreated them.

Most of these people were from Mali, they go through Libya because that's the established route. In fact they just have to get off the coast of Libya and NGO's and other 'do-gooders' [sic!] pick them up and take them to Europe.

3141592653 ago

YES to this

FeLpZ187 ago

Must be the damn Greek again..

Chatman ago

How does this link to PG?

Eastwood350 ago

It's not to say these children were ultimately being shipped to the US because the article doesn't state the final destination. However it's been questioned where these trafficked children are coming from and there is now proof shipping them in containers is not to be ruled out.

DeathToMasons ago

Small detail right?

4_InquiringMinds ago

Was sorry to read this part...

The locked container was transported from the central town of Bani Walid

Before the decimation of Libya Bani Walid was a tribe of decent, peaceful peeps. That traffickers are operating there now is sad news indeed. Means the cancer that was unleashed has set up shop in Bani Walid territory.

Dressage2 ago

Bastards! We knew they were shipping by boats. Look how many of these places near ports.

srayzie ago

Thank you. You explained what was going on clearly and helped me see things more accurately. I hate these people! I bookmarked your blog 🤓

LaDonnaRae ago

Thank you so much for reading! I am due to put out another article soon; I have research piled up that has been by the wayside due to events this past week, but I will get it done!

srayzie ago


rooting4redpillers ago

We desperately need to keep asking questions about what really happened, and what was behind the 9/11/12 Benghazi tragedy. If we allow that ridiculously inept investigative clusterfuck-on-parade, doled out by tptb and msm, to stand as is, ultimately buried and forgotten, then I have little hope we will ever expose the truth of Pizzagate. The defenders of the Obama admin's handling of Benghazi, commenters on mainstream and social media websites prolificly repeated the few false and popular "debunking" narratives, for example The 13 Benghazis under Bush, despite repeated call-outs of that obviously flawed comparison.

The Benghazi tragedy should have been a blockbuster opportunity for journalism. Confirmed, pro journalists no longer exist, and truth is entirely left up to citizen amateur journalists, who still give a shit about humanity.

Names of the murdered, and so far, only God knows the real WHY: Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.

I respect and appreciate your research and commentary about Benghazi on your web site, and I hope that unresolved tragedy will find daylight in the near future.

LaDonnaRae ago

I really hope you are right. Thank you.

SomewhatNeutral ago

At first I suspected arms trafficking, but now humans? Great.

"Benghazi is debunked!!!"

LaDonnaRae ago

More like covered-up. I do not think anyone wants to touch this thing.