TweedleDee3000 ago

"being investigated by the FBI" = child sex traffickers trying to eliminate the competition. ANY and EVERY member of the FBI is a terrorist criminal piece of freemason homosexual pedo dog shit that deserves death.

MommyLove ago

James did say Thursday that it was the men and women of LMPD pushing for an outside investigation.

"I've been contacted by several police officers suggesting there may be a coverup taking place and that we should ask for an independent investigation," adding, "They want justice to be found against anyone that has injured a child."

Peden said he, too, has had similar conversations with officers, "For me personally, there are some police officers telling us what rocks to turn over."

"What I can tell you is there is not going to be any stone left unturned into this investigation of the Explorers Program ," he said. "...To me, it's all about transparency and accountability so I'm looking at all kinds of options here."

Asked if he was aware of any cover-up, Fischer told a reporter that it was a "leading question" that he was "more professional to ask."

"It literally shocks the conscience of any reasonable person to know a 16-year-old child being raped by a police officer in a position of authority, and then when he confides in another officer, a supervisor in a position of authority, and he's abused by that officer too," Yates said in an interview. "That is appalling, that is sickening, that is disgusting."

"There's been some bad, bad people in positions of authority and they have not been held accountable," Yates said. "They've been protected by other bad people."