AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

Still no direct proof that Racine is anymore corrupt than D.C. or NYC which has child prostitution, mafias, headquarters or secret societies, politicians, agenda 21, etc.

bopper ago

sigh ... people quit upvoting this guy

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

What is wrong with you? Would you ridicule victims of Criminal Corruption? Would you ridicule victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse?

To many people these crimes are very real. To people like you, it's all a joke. Would you rather support satanic ritual abuse and criminal corruption or open your lazy eyes to real people telling you the real truth about major criminal corruption involving the most powerful people in America?

Maybe you are just an ignorant child, a confused atheist, or a paid shill puppet of Soros, Bush, Clinton, Brock, Rockefeller, Rothschild or other puppetmaster who is desperately afraid of Racine, Wisconsin being exposed for the secret underground cesspool it is. If you do not think Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption is real, why are you so obsessed with it? What is your motive?

Why not support a full investigation and indictments for corruption in Racine unless there is something to hide?

sore_ass_losers ago

Your usual post of 'go research Racine' is usually low-content and distracting from whatever topic is at hand. If you know so much about it make a post with links (your comment here is best I've seen from you) in pizzagatewhatever.

mysecretidentity ago

You showed your hand by calling those kikeleaders "puppetmasters".

bopper ago

Give me a link, it's bedtime. I'll give you one more chance. I'll check it tomorrow.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Please research it for yourself. The full story is being developed and will all come out soon.

Racine, Wisconsin is a genuine key to solving Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. You may think it sounds strange, but it is true, and this is a very serious matter involving real victims.

You have no idea what you are talking about, and this is not a game, nor is it disinformation. The FBI and DOJ need to do their job. This is a matter of life and death, the rule of law, and the global elites that are abusing the system. This affects the entire country, and the entire world. Do you think it is acceptable for the elite involved in secret societies to commit crimes at will against others in a rigged system of corruption, blackmail, trafficking, abuse and satanic rituals? Why not investigate it?

We have inside knowledge about criminal corruption and pizzagate related activities in and around Racine, Wisconsin. We know witnesses to extreme levels of crime who have had their lives destroyed and threatened, and had their families stalked and threatened by members of secret societies in Racine, Wisconsin. Some of the more prominent secret societies linked in Racine are Knights of Pythias (Anthony Weiner and Chuck Schumer are also members), Scottish Rite Freemasons, and Pilgrims Society. A main key is the connection between the Racine and the Clintons, Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, and Sustainability which leads to Agenda 2030.

Racine is also linked to the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, and many other major hubs related to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption such as Chicago, Pennsylvania, DC, Denver, Arizona, Haiti, Ghana, Norway, Brussels, UK, Brazil and more. There is direct pay to play racketeering related to the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative, and there are connections to the elite leaders in both sides of the political establishment. There is a reason why Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus and Scott Walker are so powerful, and it is not because of their qualifications. Racine is one of the most corrupt communities in the nation, and is linked to the Rockefeller, Rothschild and Reynolds families. There is a reason why shills come out of the woodwork to attack these claims. They know Racine is a weak link. They know that there is enough evidence in Racine to start a wave of dominoes that will continue to link higher and higher up the chain.

We know that Loretta Lynch personally stonewalled the investigations into racketeering and other crimes following a recent RICO lawsuit in which the Mayor and others in the same secret societies were accepting illegal campaign contributions in schemes involving racketeering, corruption, embezzlement, bribery, bid rigging, and other forms of abuse. The former DA was criminally negligent and also involved in his own criminal scandal and cover up. The new DA has already committed federal crimes with other local officials, and the Wisconsin Attorney General is in the same Freemason and secret society clubs, and is closely connected to those involved in Racine. The former mayors had high profile scandals, and Racine is known for other high profile pedo, satanic and trafficking crimes. The entire area is a lawless sanctuary city filled with mafia ties, pizza places, gangs, trafficking, and undocumented immigrants. Racine is a centrally located between other Sanctuary cities filled with gangs, mafia, trafficking, namely Chicago and Milwaukee.

Here are some background links for you to get started - Here are a few links to get you started on some of the connections. - Background on Link to Pilgrims Society - Background on Links to Pilgrims Society - Links to Media - Links to UK / Banking & Elite Financial Powers - Links to UK / Banking & Elite Financial Powers - Links to UK / Banking & Elite Financial Powers - Links to Rockefellers - Links to Anthony Weiner, Chuck Schumer, Rockefellers and others - Rothschilds and Agenda 2030 - Links to Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and others - Links to Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Reynolds and others - Links to Council on Foreign Relations - Links to UK and Prince Charles - Clinton starting Sustainable Development - Background on Sustainable Development and Racine, Ties to New York, Arizona, etc. - Links to World Business Council - Links to McCain Foundation - World Business Council & Global Sustainability

The full story is being developed and will all come out soon. Instead of working against victims of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, attempting to obstruct justice, and condoning the evils of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, why not help demand full and immediate investigations and indictments in Racine? It is a cesspool of corruption that links to the bigger picture in truly incredible ways. It will also reveal whether Donald Trump can be trusted to restore law and order and drain the swamp, even if that includes some of the most powerful people in both parties and in global business. Which side are you on - Good or Evil?

bopper ago

"We are developing the story."

Well that's good so come back when you've got it developed, since you know so much about it.

equineluvr ago

Thank you for posting this! That OCD clown posts that garbage in EVERY thread!!

carmencita ago

Well there may be some shenanigans going on in Racine, after all it is Ryan and Priebuse's Playground. But I must tell you that it will be small potatoes in the refrigerator of life. It will pale compared to what is going on in St. Louis. Tenet Healthcare will take down the Clinton Foundation.

AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

Hehe I know. I am just bustin that dudes chops. What do you know about Tenet/ St Louis that isn't posted here already? This is the one semi related pizzagate offshoot/tie-in that I am convinced has traction especially with what world trail posts - he seems to have info that cannot be found anywhere else. I am truly intrigued about it. I'd like to help anyway I can. Any tips/advice/guidance?

carmencita ago

Did you get my reply? What did you think? Are you on board to do research? I cannot really reveal much more. You can ask Wolftrail questions or me. We will reply.

carmencita ago

Have you read his submissions? They are chock full of information. He is convinced that there is something that will take CF down through Tenet. Jeb Bush was on it's Board but had to leave due to his run for President. Also, West Lake Landfill is filled with uranium and extremely hazardous chemicals and has a continuously burning fire in the middle of it. He said that most fires are arson. That was a clue. There is organ harvesting and sex trafficking going on there at a very high rate. The Archdiocese is also complicit all the way to the top. This is just for starters. Please read the Submissions. Wolftrail7272. I am going over them again just to refresh in order to continue my research. If you have further questions please ask. Thanks.