Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Toppers Pizza is very popular in Racine, Wisconsin which is an epicenter for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

Paul Ryan's district is the key to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

rooting4redpillers ago

13Buddha you are spot on, and since I just spent time on this, I'll go ahead and elaborate. Toppers Pizza is prolific on YouTube. Toppers Pizza is a serious and competitive business, bent on challenging the big pizza chains, and the founder, Scott Gittrich (Get Rich) has done a big job of getting the name out there. That said, it didn't take more than a few minutes to find examples of truly nasty content associated with this pizza business. Yes, I know, kids think the kind of shit in my last few links is funny as Hell.

About the IL closings: Toppers Pizza closes all Illinois locations By MYSHEBOYGAN.COM STAFF | March 8, 2017

5 minutes of fame on FOX Business: Toppers Pizza on Fox Business | Oct 20, 2010. Small Business Spices Up Pizza Industry: Toppers Pizza CEO Scott Gittrich on building a franchise.

Some UNAPPETIZING examples from My Toppers Pizza on YouTube:

THIS ONE (32 seconds of WEIRD sexual innuendo) - Toppers Pizza - Fur Hat | Jan 10, 2012. Sometimes Toppers delivery drivers encounter strange things when on the job.

... and this one (a bloody weird way to promote food sales) - Toppers Pizza - Robber | Jan 10, 20102.

Then there's THIS - (NOT on the Toppers channel, but Toppers is in the title and pizza is the subject - 2:32 worth of NSFW - graphically sexualized pizza) - Toppers: A Love Story

ArthurEdens ago

If they are so successful, why did they close? They "will re-open under the right circumstances" like if Trump is not president and Sessions isn't hunting pedos?

rooting4redpillers ago

Heck if I know. Some customer comments might explain it:

Sloopin - Toppers Pizza on State Street Apparently Closed | Feb 28, 2017. Comments: Had some horrendous delivery experiences with them. Good riddance to bad business. ; they should have known, trying to muscle into an already crowded pizza market. I never had this pizza, I imagine it's barely worthy of college students. ; I tried it with my 4-year-old, neither of us was impressed. ; It was pretty bad to be honest. I am not surprised. They were just trying to survive off the kids living in the area. Not a solid business model.

Toppers Pizza Reviews on Yelp: A mix of good, meh, and bad. Examples: Me and my husband walked in here for lunch the other day. I have to say that I wish we dressed a little better [that seems weird] because once we got inside we realized that maybe this wasn't a causal walk [probably meant "work"] attire place, but honestly the staff still made us feel welcomed. ; Prepare to have a headache and be disappointed (and I'm not talking about their pizza, but then again I have no idea because I never received my order!), totally crappy service and management to go right along with it. ; Not the best pizza ever, but I'd imagine this would be perfect for a late night post drinking feast with leftovers to cure your hangover the next afternoon.

ArthurEdens ago

All these suspect pizza places have polarizing reviews, the pizza always looks terrible though.

GeorgeT ago

Toppers Love Story - they ate sick fu&@s!!!!! This is not a normal behaviour!