archons ago

Wow is she friends with Clare Gillen? Their websites are similar and so is the art.

Possible ago

The last link link actually has the evidence which your title references. I would suggest starting with that first. Comet Ping Pong has an arts school program targeted at young children - fact. That's useful information.

The post is otherwise very disjointed and emotional. I think these aspects of your presentation do a disservice to the very useful archived article you shared. Thanks for sharing that evidence.

Lowbatt34 ago

Just some doodles by a nice girl with some magick markers.

SturdyGal ago

You lost me at "jewish princess". People are people. The facts should stand on their own without bringing race into it. Not all Jews are Cabal Jews.

lynn1314 ago

Not sure if anyone posted this yet, or if this is the right place to put the link, but it appears Alefantis/Comet's "mirror" site in Berlin, Dr. Pong, has now "permanently closed.",13.4107233,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xca1886377d4ceaa5!8m2!3d52.5409446!4d13.4107233

justforthissubverse ago

They're over on r/conspiracy as well. Tons of shills who try to marginalize people investigating pizzagate.

Fatsack ago

Focusing on Comet Ping Pong is a TRAP! Plausible Deniability laden 'Limited Hangout' op by CIA to keep you away from the those ACQUIRING the human slaves, they want you to focus on end user clients, not the actual pimps.

Cold_Guinea_Pig ago

As an adult I actually personally think her 'art' is quite interesting. She isn't the best artist ever and I wouldn't want a piece in my house, but I do like the theme, because it's just me. I am not too keen on people here sometimes behaving like medieval peasants who cry 'satanists' and 'witches' without much knowledge, spreading dangerous ideas that if you are into the occult you must be a paedo. I acknowledge though that this particular kind of occultism [as seen some rich and famous adhere to like brainless twats] doesn't cancel it out either. There are a lot of different branches of witches and Satanism, I just wanted to point that out. Don't paint them all with the same brush.

HOWEVER...this woman is in no way the right choice for a children's art class...unless of course you are demented or a complete weirdo and totally irresponsible. After all the circumstantial evidence, which is so much that it amounts to actual alarm bells ringing so loud our ears are constantly ringing, choosing THIS woman to teach 6-11 year olds is like a slap in the face. They are literally laughing at us all. It's NOT a child friendly place [unless your idea of child friendly is warped]. Whatever happened to cute characters, colourful art that smaller children can relate to, happy and innocent stuff? These people need checking out sooner rather than later. Something is so off the charts it's not even funny.

Commonwombat ago

I totally agree with you. Occultist art is not the problem, it's the choice of artist to teach children. Adults can differentiate between good/evil/satire, etc. Children cannot.

momadona ago

I concur; good post. PG is what it is, I'll never discount that, but that big paint brush needs to be replaced with a bit of common sense. We must be prudent with our accusations.

SpikyAube ago

You should see the huge list of the banned accounts, all of them variations on the same name! I happen to think it's just an ordinary person who is in complete denial and terrified that PG is real, they're trying desperately to convince themselves.

LostandFound ago

Well them for heavens sake dont look at this post about a party that Alefantis was at in 2004 in Tony Podestas house for the 'artist' Anna Gaskell which features imagery like for sale

4_InquiringMinds ago

which features imagery like for sale


PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Sick people and they put their sick images in our faces, knowing nothing will happen to them. The elitists in this country either don't care or pedophiles themselves.

Aloha808 ago

Good grief! We need a running list just to keep up with all different ways JA and CPP are connected to kids. This is just getting ridiculous

MostPostersAreShills ago

Any name with pizza looks suspicious to me

Piscina ago

Even the activities Marissa has listed for her 'Art after School' program sound very creepy! I think most children would find them scary, not fun. They are trying to normalise evil and darkness to children. It's a form of grooming.

Votescam ago

"Speak so we may know you" --

Paint so we may see you -- ?

awarenessadventurer ago

yes. And spiritual war joined about the time this was posted and has ONLY posted on related subs. possible shill alert.

awarenessadventurer ago

the links are there, but I updated my post. The quotes are by Alan Brown (thus the quote marks)

YingYangMom ago

Great Catch, OP and love the sarcastic tone!

awarenessadventurer ago

the link is in the sub. She referred to the art as being by Marissa. It is not. I am not talking about myself AT ALL it is a direct quote from Alan Brown regarding his artwork.

Spiritual_War ago

We need to seriously make a pizzagate thread dedicated to all their occult doings. We should call it pizzagatedark. I have a lot of research I want to post about this subject and this will us share our thoughts about the Darkside of pizzagate

Silverlining ago

Go dark - and/or please post your info here - The Pizzagate Proof Project PPP v 666

Winter_Folger ago

What the hell

MostPostersAreShills ago

Great find btw

MostPostersAreShills ago

I think this rules out any possibility of Alefantis being innocent.

Id like to see "Pizzagateisfuckingretarded"s response to this

awarenessadventurer ago

Just a correction. The link you provided for "Youth of the Beast" is by Alan Brown. He also has an audio explaining the painting on the link you provided. It is very clearly labeled as art by Alan Brown.

Here is a series of Alans work. VERY DISTURBING. and a picture of him. He is not a child. He is a grown ass man.

I wonder how Alan Brown is involved?

"I don't really feel like I have an identity without being artistic. It's been my primary source of communication with people in my life and critical to making friends. To this day, I'll draw someone a picture as a way to sort of say, "Hey, we should be friends, maybe!" Not specifically thinking that, but I know that's why I do it, especially with other artists because I think maybe they get that.

I remember being in high school, early on, and the first time I heard the term "antisocial" was when the guidance counselor told me I was antisocial. He was like, "You know, you wanna be by yourself a lot." I didn't know anything about it and didn't consider it until that moment. It sort of worried me, because then it made me think, "What's wrong with me?" After that, I think I really thought there was something wrong with me. I'm fine with it now. I was happy, I just liked to be by myself."

"I never felt lonely or out of the loop or like I wasn't included in things, because I think I always managed to entertain myself. Even now, I don't go out much at all, which might sound boring to some people, but I would just rather be drawing. I really love it. It's all I ever want to do. "

Quotes by Alan Brown

Spiritual_War ago

I'm in the same boat as you brother, I'm not great with drawing with a pen, but my way of think is very unorthodox, so I always found myself in my backyard creating experiments and making wacky inventions. Many people tend to look at the world from different perspective, I'm left handed, so I'm forced to do everything from a different perspective, like having to use the special lefty scissors when in art class. But our time has come to let people know that we have a greater purpose.

awarenessadventurer ago

did you join this site 2 hours ago to promote or defend Marissa? it appears to be so.... are you a shill?

Spiritual_War ago

no way, I don't even know Marissa. I have been doing research on the occult nature of pizzagate, I want to expose the darkness in the elite, so that people can know that evil exists, so that God's glory can outshine it.

Spiritual_War ago

Do you have any more art from these people. Evil likes to boast, so I'm sure they'll reveal their plans in their art, which is maybe why they're obsessed with it.

pizzaequalspedo ago

These satanic witches need to be burned at the stake again.

Why should we have to put up with a group of satanic pedo rapists running the world?

Spiritual_War ago

Don't worry, the wicked witches deeds haven't gone unnoticed and they will be dealt with.

TweedleDee3000 ago

"There is just something magical about dark things and dark places, maybe because the light hasn't given up the secrets of those places like the daytime has, and it's so interesting, as an artist, to carve them out."


Spiritual_War ago

Those pictures prove who these people serve, because everything they do is occultist.

carmencita ago

The Illuminati Eye is watching us. How Special.

Gorillion ago

Notice that it has the Colomba reptile eye effect thing.

carmencita ago

Yuck. It seems whatever he comes up with has an Ick Factor.

Spiritual_War ago

My goodness, that picture is wicked evil, it has a weird 2d/3d effect