WolvesAndSheeple ago

Oh look, it's "Jesse Smith" again. You aren't fooling anyone and your intentions have been noted. How many sock puppet accounts do you operate?

SpikyAube ago

Seems to me like the march on the 25th is much more legitimate and that this one on the 18th is just a fake intended to cause maximum trouble and discrediting of PG investigators so that they have an excuse for banning the march on the 25th. It is possible we could turn this around though. If we could make it go viral somehow that the 18th is a fake protest, to caution genuine people against going and to inform others not to take notice of all the smearing of the PG investigation that will go on, it could actually wake a ton of people up, if they see all these PG people warning in advance that a protest is orchestrated by TPTB to try to make PG look like a nuts conspiracy theory believed only by crazy and awful people, and then the march goes ahead, something happens and the media do their thing as predicted - it could make people think.

wecanhelp ago

@WolvesAndSheeple, I need to remove this post per rule 2. Your claim that David Shurter is a speaker at the event is not sourced. Please find the source for your claim, and resubmit this once you have added it to your post. Thank you.

zlomsocz ago

Watch anyone who says the word Honeypot Get downvoated so quick

6double5321 ago


zlomsocz ago

Thank God a moment of clarity I don't know a single person who has expressed a single reason why a protest is a good idea. Anyone questioning the marches gets downvoated so fast. I agree fully with op. I have seen many of David videos and I don't know what to think of his ideas, but for one David shutter has effectively said since October that pizzagate is a front, and nothing will amount of it. He called it controlled from the getgo . He does claim to be the Antichrist. He claims max spiers is his luitenent on the astral plane after max died , he is very knowledgeable with satanic ritual abuse but always struck me as the new Alfred webre, 90% on point 10%. Intentionally misleading. Either way he will be anhiliated by the press, if there even is any press. This March is a joke it's a bad idea for all the reasons mentioned in the thread above . Anyone going to the march imho are paid instigators or dumb Christian's who found voat v/pizzagate from their pastor. It's poorly thought out, and your all baiting yourself. I want the anyone who agrees in the voat community to formally denounce this insanity.

Piscina ago

imho, the media won't report on it.

WolvesAndSheeple ago

Oh here we go again. Quit posturing with your tough guy routine. I am sick of you following me around harassing me. I am sorry that you cannot handle someone disagreeing with your plans. It is a big world, and you need to get a handle on your emotions and learn to have a discussion without freaking the hell out like a child.

If people choose something dangerous like going to war, would you chastise them?

Yes. If the risks outweigh the reward, I will make my voice heard, just like in this instance. Your belligerent behavior is uncalled for. Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are a "shill" or "hiding something." If you are unwilling to see my point of view, that's fine, but quit acting like a doosh. I have been speaking truth and waking people up my ENTIRE life. Where have you been? Are you new to the truth seeking community? Is that why you ignore reality??

This little internet tough guy virtue signalling that you are doing is very transparent. Doing something reckless or stupid does not make you brave or tough. You sound like a kid in highschool trying to peer pressure someone into smoking. If everyone jumped off a bridge, would you do it too? Didn't your Mom teach you that when you were a kid?

I am sick and tired of people like you acting like you are some war-torn courageous hero going into battle to "SAVE THE KIDS". Attend your little protest. You can run around and act like a tough guy there, which I am sure you will. Your internet behavior and lack of foresight leads me to believe that you are very young, and most likely will be a danger to everyone around you at these marches.

You can call me names, accuse me of being a p***y, call me a shill, and troll me with multiple accounts all you want, but I stand by what I am saying. It appears that YOU are not confident in your actions. If you really thought this was this amazing great idea, why do you find the need to follow me around and harass me? Why am I not allowed to have my opinion without you getting triggered? I laid out my argument for all to see, and instead of countering my arguments with facts, you resort to calling me names and harassing me. Do you know what that means?

Not an argument. THAT is what that means.

wtf_is_happening ago

Don't let shills sabotage this event. Numbers attending is the main factor. Identity of guest speakers is way down the list in importance. Just go if you can. Vote for change with your feet.

ThePuppetShow ago

Edit: Nevermind, that seems to be a bullshit claim by the OP.

Searching4Truth ago

But they can use false flag violence or some other ridiculous shit that will make the whole crowd look like idiots. They can completely exploit this narrative for weeks. I'm 100% pro freedom of speech however this can backfire worse than the false flag comet shooting.

Searching4Truth ago

Yeah this has disaster written all over it

MolochHunter ago

Gay=OK Pedo=NO

Don-Keyhote ago

Grow up. I respect rappers and alt righters like when Eminem said pants or dress, hate fags the answers yes. I say grow up cuz you gotta realize they got their reasons and you can't judge until they fagbash for real.

SaveTheChildren ago

Faggots are fine, pedos must hang.

sound_of_silence ago

This man is basically the "keynote" speaker at the first march on the 18th.

hi.. could you please tell me where this info has been published?

EDIT: David Shurter's name isn't mentioned in any of the information on the march, that i've found..where did you see it?

WolvesAndSheeple ago

David Shurter This is the organizer for the second march on the 25th. Shurter is going to both marches, and he will be speaking at both. The organization on the first March is pretty messy, so I do not remember where I saw it first. The organizer has been making the rounds on Youtube and elsewhere promoting it. I am keeping an eye on it all, as it seems fishy. I also find it interesting that there are two marches setup so close to one another....

sound_of_silence ago

I've seen everything the 1st march organizer has put out.. i check the info daily.. you have no source.. just admit it..?

MostPostersAreShills ago

Do you have any other anti christ/ or reborn christ videos to share? I wanna watch more.

WolvesAndSheeple ago

Here is one unrelated to PG. In this gem, we learn of the dangers of half naked men pretending to exorcise tattoos.Erotic Tattoos!

It gets really fun around 5 minutes or so. Enjoy!

Searching4Truth ago

Wow. Umm, thanks?

MostPostersAreShills ago

Thanks but ive seen this one before. I kind of feel like its fake since the possessed guy is clearly acting. He almost laughs with the crowd at one point.

I never really trusted Bob Larson since I saw this video of Satanists intervieweing him, and the satanists turned out better people than him.

Betty_Swollocks ago

There was a march in London (in support of The National Health Service iirc) and the BBC just flat out didn't report on it for the longest time. Nothing on their Twitter or websites. I think this may go the same.

WolvesAndSheeple ago

Yes, they can. They will be posting on blogs and channels that have a viewership that already knows about PG. It is preaching to the choir.

MolochHunter ago

I think its really important NOT TO MARCH on Comet Ping Pong. That is effectively playing into the hands of a perception of presumption of guilt before proven innocent.

Just march on police/cia/fbi/whitehouse

sound_of_silence ago

they're just gathering across the street and heading to the WH from there..

Vindicator ago

Alas, no. The plan is for a 3 hour long protest in front of Beyond Borders, across the street from Comet.

sound_of_silence ago

Where's the source for david shurter being the keynote speaker.. do you know? and thanks, btw, for not responding to my question about putting up a shared banner for both marches..

Vindicator ago

I wasn't aware of the Shurter thing. I don't know who he is. I am working on a response to your question.

sound_of_silence ago

no.. they're meeting there, staying in that area, then marching 5 miles to the ellipse..

wecanhelp ago

Not according to Erik Gallant either.

Vindicator ago

Not according to Facebook:

"The demonstration will begin in front of Beyond Borders located at 5016 Connecticut Ave NW and after a three hour protest there, we will march to the Whitehouse elipse . My permit for this event was approved by National Parks Services on 3-3-2017. Protest will end at dusk."

WolvesAndSheeple ago

The march is meeting across the street from comet.

ZunarJ5 ago

WolvesndSheeple - That's beyond stupid.

SterlingJB ago

Dear lord. I can already see the Westboro controlled opposition crowd shouting about fags and jesus and fags and jesus. Easy pickins for MSM

WolvesAndSheeple ago

They already did that and the headline was "ANTI_LGBT Protest outside of Comet Ping Pong".

SterlingJB ago

Right, that's why it's so easy to see. Predictable AF

huhhh ago

If people don't show up then who will call out the faux protesters? Think about it.

ZunarJ5 ago

huhhh - It's often impossible to tell who's real and who's a shill online - it will be even worse in reality. If this protest goes ahead, it's going to be a disaster.

SterlingJB ago

Not saying don't, but that sounds like a handful. Protesting and then protesting the shills and extremists at the same time. I can't make it for funding and schedule reasons anyway, but sounds like it's going to be a shit show.

WolvesAndSheeple ago

They control the narrative, if they want to draw attention, they will. If not, they bury it and ignore it. The elites could care less what any of us do, as long as it does not threaten them. If they see this as a threat, they will treat it accordingly. If it does draw attention, the MSM will control the narrative. Google "Pizzagate" and see if you can find a single fair article written about it. You won't. All you will find is propaganda. Even though everyone here knows what the truth is, most people do not and still rely on mainstream news.

I am working hard at getting people to THINK.

Jem777 ago

I agree. This reeks of a bad idea. I would caution anyone about attending. There are already postings and organizations paying for thugs to counter protest and create conflict. This is what they want. To exploit real evidence and research through attacking anyone seeminglynon the fringe therefore denouncing all serious investigations. There have been allegations that groups such as ANTIFA have acquired face recognition softwherr so protestors can be identified and tracked later. For those who do not believe in this softwhere I urge you to study it. It has already been implemented through google with identification of refugees through face identification and even pupil eye scanning. TrueType terrifying

WolvesAndSheeple ago

I am sure this event will be highly monitored by TPTB. They will be crawling all over the place. It is in their backyard. I will NEVER go to DC, especially not for something like this. Why would I want to hang out in the epicenter of evil? And yes, I am sure they have facial recognition. It was developed by Facebook/CIA and every alphabet federal agency has the capability. I think there is a good chance that these events were orchestrated by operatives as an intelligence gathering op. Who knows.

ArthurEdens ago

they won't

Likeitirish ago

I think it will probably be ignored for the most part.