MattHelm ago

Mossad has all the videos probably a hundred videos Epstein worked for them he gave them all the videos and they paid him and kept him out of prison with his team of expensive legal eagles including Israeli asset Alan Dershowitz who negotiated the plea deal for Epstein. The videos are the most valuable and tightly guarded blackmail material in the world. They are only valuable as long as they are kept hidden away so the power players who are on the videos having sex with kids will continue to pay money and do things for the Mossad. If the videos are ever exposed then their value vanishes. And the fact they exist would be very bad for the Israelis and the CIA and MI-6 and all the other outfits who benefit from having them. There must be at least 20 or 30 secret VIP locations around the world like Epstein's orgy island where VIPs can go to have sex with kids and at each location video cameras are installed.

cannabiscowboy ago

maybe someone can set up an anonymous reward (via bitcoin) for any concrete proof / videos

bignickwicked ago

I really hope MFJ has his concealed carry permit. They're going to go after him, if they haven't, already. This dude has balls, though, and I commend that.

bopper ago

I'm sure he has an arsenal.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

So has there been any hint/leads on anyone 'dropping' these vids?

Forgetmenot ago

Michale savage was attacked last night as well, along with sos announced investigation into works. May or may not be related.

Eyezopen ago

Congratz on new baby.

Eyezopen ago

Thank you Mike Flynn Jr. We're with you. You're doing a great job trying to expose these disgusting bastards. Keep up the great work sir. This pizzagate/pedogate is deep on both sides as you know. So many paid Soros shills, we need as many like you on our side. Our combined power of anymonous autists, and spreading will win out in the end. We can never give up , the children must be saved. Mike Flynn Jr thank you keep it up. You're a big help and inspiration

Eyezopen ago

Thank you Mike Flynn Jr. We're with you. You're doing a great job trying to expose these disgusting bastards. Keep up the great work sir. This pizzagate/pedogate is deep on both sides as you know. So many paid Soros shills, we need as many like you on our side. Our combined power of anymonous autists, and spreading will win out in the end. We can never give up , the children must be saved. Mike Flynn Jr thank you keep it up. You're a big help and inspiration.

sound_of_silence ago

you could always replace that bottom line with pizzagate is real. it would be at least advertising for something completely worth investing in,

7even6ix2wo ago

do you think it was the old ladies who all got together and said, "If my saggy old thing is gonna be worth anything we need to start saying men that men who enjoy the company of young ladies are perverts."

CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago


PizzaGate711 ago

Bill Clinton is a rapist. Bravo to all the men and women that let it be known for Alex Jones and our world. Bravo to Michael Flynn Jr. You're a legend mate.

PizzaGate711 ago

The Israelis apparently have the videos. They had been teasing about their release for months but suddenly disappeared from the net 2 months ago. Confident all will be released - when the time is just right for them.

Earth_Against_Evil ago

Keep speaking out sir. Your bravery is commendable and you've got a loud microphone.

bopper ago

Maybe Trump knows more about these tapes than we know.

dFrog ago

Woohoo! The absolute madman.

MeeestaTraumaLlama ago

Is his account deactivated now???

V____Z ago

not yet...

Dejure ago

Due to the sexually bereaved nature of this topic, saying "we have his back" may be a bit much. Maybe say "we are behind you..." oh wait not that one either ... how about....

savageslav ago

Yep, Turkish government will support the hell out of him, right traitor?

shoosh ago

Michael Flynn Jr. YES!!!! If everyone were as brave as him in coming forward, the mess would be cleaned up by now.
It's people like this who are political heroes.

Candygram_for_Mongo ago

Mossad does. Get info from pilots who flew there. I bet there are human remains there.

numbat ago

Why would the CIA give up its blackmail material.

V____Z ago

i have personal trolls, pay them no mind :)

Freemasonsrus ago

People who have video: Dershowitz, Epstein, Clinton, MI5, CIA and Mossad. Let's tweet them lol

Happy he's enthusiastic about his support. Keep spreading the word. When people stop and actually look at the info they can't deny there's a serious problem going on. It's just a matter of getting them to take an honest look.

bopper ago

Breaking. John McCain says Rand Paul is working for Putin. Circus.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

God I love this man!

commontruthseeker ago

this is the one thing that's makes me question who we can really trust. Between anonymous, wikileaks, Julian Assange, FBI Anon, etc etc someone has to have some hardcore evidence that equals a smoking gun that will turn society at large against these bastards. Release it. There won't be time to "suicide" you.

sound_of_silence ago

yeah he should start an asylum space, so victims can freely take safety to provide their first-hand evidence... wonder how many will not come out because they don't have the funds to fight the lawsuits or are too afraid they may be hurt.

lawfag123 ago


Grifter42 ago

11 hour old account.

I'd say nice try, faggot, but that's not even a nice try.

V____Z ago

Congratulations on new baby!!

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Obvious shill is obvious.

DarkMath ago

"Keep telling yourself that"

Sorry fucktard, it's all over but the cryin'.

bopper ago

Hey check out the Trump rally!


Mongo: "mongo just pawn in game of life".....

Betty_Swollocks ago

Once (if) these come out, that's it, game over. We won. There'll be no stopping the movement.

quantokitty ago

Awesome! It shows that he and his father are not connected.

He's actually a pawn that might have been queened by the Cannibal Queen's faulty strategy. By cutting his loose from the administration, he becomes a loose cannon and free to say what he thinks. If he had stayed where he was, he would have been contained.

Another mistake, Shillary. They're piling up.

V____Z ago

Unrelated but you guys need to know:

Roger Stone may have been victim of attempted murder:

March 14 he tweets

"I just wanna testify" @SenJohnMcCain wants me called to testify b4 the Senate. Be careful what you wish for

Five hours ago:

Car I was in T-boned by large grey 4 door - dark tinted windshield - I was passenger side


I am fine after suspicious hit and run. Blurred vision in right eye on which I had surgery for detached retina sustained in boxing match

PizzaGate711 ago

First the poisoning attempt and now this. BAD!

equineluvr ago

Just be aware that in January, Stone claimed to have been poisoned with polonium. This really pissed off many of his followers who noted that he presented zero proof of said "polonium poisoning."

Did it really happen, or was it a PR stunt to promote release of his new book? Nobody really knows, but again MANY are suspicious.

wtf_is_happening ago

Roger is like the proverbial cat with 9 lives.

V____Z ago

I would like to see proof that "many" of his "followers" were suspicious. also note that this is the exact thing that happens when anyone not on Hillary's side comes out with anything damaging to the Soros wing of DC. Your comment only adds credence to the fact that Stone is a thorn in their side.

V____Z ago

I though he did end up providing proof, last I heard. Wish i'd kept that source handy.

Here he is talking about today's incident.

bopper ago

Drudge has the story right now of Stone (CBS Miami). Trump rally right now, maybe he'll give us a hat tip.

bopper ago

"You have more support than you know." Thanks Michael.

8pinkstars ago

Very telling "more support than you know," he knows, we know, he knows we know, and his dad and Co. know and support us!!

bopper ago

Bingo. He knows very well we know. Goodnight and blessings to you and all. I'm in USA.

V____Z ago

And here's an earlier tweet also from today:

Sick of MSM ignoring B Clinton PEDOPHILE connection Bill flew 26 TIMES to "ORGY ISLAND" FOLKS!

bopper ago

Wow. Thanks.

Breadleaf ago

I would double-like this if I could. Does anyone know if commenting on this thread will make it rise faster?

bopper ago

Yeah it will. And leave the shills in the shallows to wallow.

Breadleaf ago

Thanks for the tip, thats good to know. take my upvote.

bopper ago

Sorry, I see your upvote you gave me and the downvote given to you.

Breadleaf ago

some fucker also downvoted ur second reply lol

here take an up vote

bopper ago

Thanks :)

bopper ago

It may be that you are too new and don't have enough points (upvotes that others have given you) and maybe that's what happened to your vote, dunno, welcome :)

Dressage2 ago

That is a great start! Schumer ought to be shitting in his pants right now!

TrishaUK ago

Come on everyone, upvote so the owner of the videos can see how much support we will give!!! Justice, justice, justice........

bopper ago

Yes, upvote so Flynn can see it and see that we appreciate it.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

He knows there is video! The freaks are going to Gitmo! Gitmo4Pedos!

bopper ago

Great Scott man! (Sorry.) Michael Flynn Jr.!! Thanks for posting this, upvote please.

derram ago :

Michael Flynn Jr🇺🇸 on Twitter: "Someone HAS 2 have video on these sick elites from that island. COME FORWARD! You have more support than you know!"

This has been an automated message.

carmencita ago

Hooray! What moxie. What guts. Whoever has twitter accounts, Tell him you have his back!

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I wish the cunts didnt ban me, love this guy

privatepizza ago

We're getting closer and closer. Tick tock.