adam_danischewski ago

Reminds me of the Jew art during the Weimar Republic, and possibly one of the reasons why the German people voted in Hitler. They could see what was happening to their society in no small way from the trends in art:

ASolo ago

My biggest curiosity is wondering what other lubavitcher 'perks' come with these 'shows'? Certainly not just these brat mk artists and boxed wine.

ASolo ago

I think a very important note to embellish this thread is the keynote that Heather Podesta is using her lobbying skills to SOFTEN up an EPA ADMINISTRATOR, Bob Perciasepe, to ALLOW THE SALE AND TRANSFER OF RIGHTS FOR RUSSIAN DRILLING FOR URANIUM ON AMERICAN SOIL.


AngB23 ago

I've posted before and going to again. We need to dig into these "artists".

Harper Books/Fortnight-Institute the words are a bit blurry but it states "a little girl (or boy) doodling in her notebook dreaming of a big, beautiful cock...."

Jerry Saltz and Richard Prince-both "artists". Satanic ritual underground

Richard Prince-HIGHLY connected w/powerful people and entertainers. His recent "art" was pilfing pics off of Instagram of random people. Not art, but weird invasion of privacy

Why Richard Prince name caught my attention. Two girls crying out he's CIA tied and stalking them

Second girl-scroll her tweets

Richard Prince stating it is a CIA thing

Don-Keyhote ago

Great link I've read that article before. Pretty sad to have to be suspect of child's entertainment but I'm not even old and it's been clear to me forever

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Watch the video. Carroll was long dead but Nabokov was still battling him any how. Seems Nabokov was a anti pedo mind trick master.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

No he was a pedo. It is well know. Nabakov hated him and was fucked by his uncle when he was little. Lolita is a mind fuck of a book that the Pedo´s dont understand. They like it but they miss the tremendous anti pedo message in it. He was trying to tell the world about the molestation going on in the world in many many of his works and he had a kind of battle with Carroll with his works.

YingYangMom ago

will perform "All the Others in Me"

This alone suggests cannibalism. What's more to say? Satanism in your face.

Aloha808 ago

I wish someone would ask her about those complicated videos they watched in their underground basement

Don-Keyhote ago

I just heard he took photos of young girls i.e. there's proof

Don-Keyhote ago

Well you see, art is for fags. Hollywood is run by fags and basically fiction is for fags. Lewis Carrolls fantasy epic of psychedelic fictional garbage oh he was a pedo. Pop culture is fucking stupid and gay because it's controlled by leftists, fact. How bout your kid learn to carve instead of getting radiation from his wifi enabled device and watching brainwashing nonsense. Bad father

cantsleepawink ago

Art is also how you achieve transformation in a society. When you dictate influence the symbols in the logos of companies, the sculptures in the public places and the visual media in the televisions and films, you change the values and thinking of the people. It's quite insidious.

Touchdown50 ago

Well it seems these elite see their depravity reflected in the art they patronize

equineluvr ago

"Elite!?" LMAO!!

Say they.

Touchdown50 ago

Well they think they are elite