AngB23 ago

AngB23 ago

So some dipshit accuses me of hating Jews, being a Nazi (laughable) and being the original OP which I wasn't. I would own it if I were. However, I see the original OP stirs the pot and runs. Coward. I simply stated Zionists/Mossad need to be investigated. What brought me to this was the fact on Twatter, I noticed a lot of Jews protesting against Israel and Netanyahu, which of course,MSM didn't cover.

After reading a bunch of their tweets, I realized they too hate what Zionists represents. I do not hate Jews, but I do not like Zionists. Here are a few pics from their March at the WH


Archive of Stratfor Email documenting the Organ harvesting and trade in Israhell


Oh well my shit got deleted just like I said it would should tell you something Voat is owned by dyncorp sooooo . . .

AngB23 ago

If we want to expose the Zionists, we need to take the angle (which is 100% true) Jews hate Zionists. I'm not sure how it gets "deleted" here but I can still see the post and I just posted on it.


I AGREE I am still in the learning phase of trying to figure out who is who

AngB23 ago

You have the right to dig and research. it seems to be a HUGE tangled web. And I do believe Mossad/CIA/GCHQ have a lot to do with this.

AngB23 ago

I'm glad it was out there. Great job on the investigation!


Thank you I don't get many of those Peace through Truth

JesusRules ago


unfuckitup ago

Ritual torture, murder have been apart of Western Society for millennia, Jews and western societies are connected. Pedogate is bigger than jews, it's universal.

MenschUp ago

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Jem777 ago

You might want to look into this a little deeper. You might be shocked to realize who are actually Jews and what that means. The Jewish people are an ethnicity not a religion. Judaism is a religion and uses the Torah or Old Testament. This was corrupted by evil Satanists were practicing black majick and subsequently wrote the talmud and all of the practices of which you speak.

The Jewish people were scattered many times throughout history from Israel by brutal regimes and also enslaved. There were a group of these Talmudic Jews that were not Jewish people at all but Satanists. They acquired great wealth and interbred in their families keeping their wealth and power in certain bloodlines. During WW11 these "Fake Jews" were the banking elite, and combined with secret societies & the Vatican all joined forces propping up Hitler'. Names such as Rothschilds, Soros, Rockefeller, Bush (different surname) etc, involved. These are the 13 bloodlines, the elite, possibly the illuminati. During the war through Hitler they tried to cleanse any blood of any hint of Jewish blood. They experimented did genectic testing, bloodtype testing and much worse. They then attempted to extinguish the Jewish race during the horrific holocaust.

The American military and leaders had not been completely infiltrated at this point and rescued the Jewish survivors and German people. They also helped establish Israel again as a safe haven for the 6 million surviving holocaust victims in 1948.

Since then America has been almost fully infiltrated with these sick people. And history books have not taught the truth.

DarkMath ago

And your jokes aren't funny. Minor detail.

Sorry, it was like fingernails on a chalk board to be honest.

DarkMath ago

" pretending jews "

You are living in a world supported by your own bull shit. The worst thing that could happen to you is you stay there.

I tried to help you out but it didn't work.

Good bye.

DarkMath ago

" your frame of reference"

LOL. Oh this is Epic. Your argument is so weak it can't even stand a hypothetical argument. That's how "air tight" your beliefs are. You have to protect them from rational thought experiments. Oh lord have mercy....

Like I said, you're an idiot.

DarkMath ago

You're not very bright.

Let's say for argument sake blood libel existed, it doesn't but for the purpose of a hypothetical argument it did.

Why would you accuse en entire religion for the sins of a tiny teeny weenie percent of psychopaths?

George H.W. Bush is a pedophile rapist psychotic war criminal. But I don't blame Christians for his and his friends crimes against humanity.

So why are you blaming "The Jews(tm)" for something some fucking psychotic may or may not have done?

DarkMath ago

Call them what you want.

I call anyone who tells me "The Jews(tm)" steal the blood of children to make pass over matzah bread A NAZI.

Sorry, it's kind of a history thing.

starhawk777 ago

Here's a FACT kinda thing, faggot: Filthy old JEW men bite and suck BLOOD from BABY PENISES as public religious ceremony. So, um, fuck u, u retarded fag.

DarkMath ago

"Here's a FACT kinda thing"

OMG, you don't even know where they get the blood in Blood Libel. I'm going to take a pass here, you're too stupid to waste time on.

starhawk777 ago


Respond to this FACT u fucking kike shill moron.

DarkMath ago

I'm not going to respond you idiot. I just said you're to dumb to waste my time on.

The problem with idiots is they're too dumb to know they're idiots.

starhawk777 ago

Ok jew filth. I know the facts destroy u like light does a vampire. Go back to your infant snuff porn.

DarkMath ago

LOL, 10-4 dude with a double digit IQ.

starhawk777 ago

I present FACT. You name call. Great job, faggot. Keep telling yourself youre smart.

DarkMath ago

"I present FACT. "

Want to know another "FACT"?

You're a Nazi.

starhawk777 ago



DarkMath ago


I'm not denying that. The reason I said you're an idiot is the term "Blood Libel" comes from a paranoid belief that "The Jews(tm)" kidnap gentile children and use their blood for passover matzah bread.

starhawk777 ago

if you think that I somehow DONT know that, you are the dipshit. MY POINT is, let's start from a FACT which in and of itself points to a VERY SICK AND TWISTED "CULTURE" which is the Jew.

DarkMath ago

"if you think that I somehow DONT know that"

Omg, you said that. Holy fuck, this is comedy gold.

starhawk777 ago

Cant seem to argue facts. Just ad hominim faggotry.

starhawk777 ago

Maybe you are in denial at being raped by Jews as a young fagling. You sound kinda "stuck".

DarkMath ago

Good one star hawk, now run along, you're mother's making lasagna for dinner.

starhawk777 ago

Thats all you got. You're a poor excuse for a shill. Fail.

DarkMath ago

"all you got"

I tried the more complicated stuff but you got lost.

starhawk777 ago

So the filthy Jews horrifically abuse their OWN infant children (as well as rape them as they get older. Rampant PEDO in Jew communities ESP. RABBIS). What would they do to children they consider to be ANIMALS?!

How many shekels you get, genius? Per word?

DarkMath ago

I don't care. You're a Nazi. You're beyond hope.

starhawk777 ago

You don't even know what that means. You are a pathetic, brainwashed troll. Go read Anne Frank and cry during Schindler's list you mental eunuch.

DarkMath ago

Best of luck with the whole Nazi thing. Remember to let us know how that works out for ya.

starhawk777 ago


DarkMath ago

Whatever dude, you're a Nazi.

starhawk777 ago


DarkMath ago

I'm not actually but you ARE a Nazi. That's sad.

starhawk777 ago

If a NAZI is someone who REVEALS the truth about JEWS, YES I AM ONE AND PROUDLY.

DarkMath ago

Great! I'm happy you can finally get some peace of mind.

starhawk777 ago


DarkMath ago

Bye. I'm so happy for you.

starhawk777 ago

Seriously. You r dum.

DarkMath ago

LOL, "dum"......sigh.......It's too easy. I can't.

starhawk777 ago

IF stating the FACT that FILTHY OLD MEN JEWS bite off flesh, draw blood and suck blood from INFANT PENISES as part of traditional JEWISH public RITUAL makes me a NAZI, THEN SO BE IT, FAG!

DarkMath ago


Great! We can come to an agreement. Finally. Take care. Best of luck.

starhawk777 ago

You are truly stupid.

DarkMath ago

You're repeating yourself but good job on the lack of spelling error. Baby steps.



DarkMath ago

JIDF? I'm not Jewish.

I'm just at a loss as to why you genius have such a poor knowledge of European History:

Do they not teach European History in school these days? I must have missed the memo.

AngB23 ago

The Zionist being #1 Global Organ Harvesting is true. I believe if we dig deeper into this along with Mossad, I bet we will find the "Queen Bee" of this hive. All signs point to this and it took me months to really realize this. Zionist own it all- media, entertainment, papers, social medias. There is no denying this. I was a HUGE I stand with Israel supporter, not anymore.

MenschUp ago


minusco2 ago

Israel is forbidden in the Torah.


Same story keep pushing

equineluvr ago

My recent thread on this was deleted by MF.

The Hidden Cult: Jewish Ritual Murder

The Hidden Cult


Yeah I have MF and Vindicator deleting all my threads

minusco2 ago

They are partial AI, did you know that? Also they are giving API access to shills, so voat is a shill hub to get the most highly intelligent people to congregate and keep their ideas segregated from the world at large.


Yes I bet Palantir is involved as well as Dyncorp I am posting on minds and steemit as well

minusco2 ago

You can mess with AI with coding.


minusco2 ago

@owlchemy Your masters are taking advantage of you. I intend to fix this. Would you like me to help you?

DarkMath ago

"pedorings problem relates back to the Jewish Ritual Murder"

George H.W. Bush was Jewish? Really? You might want to go back and double check. In fact I'm pretty sure his father Prescott helped bring Adolph Hitler to power and his financial contacts on Wall Street help FUND HITLER once he got into power.

Minor detail......


OnHoldWithBreitbart ago

I dont think we should mix the two together. Jews are distinct from zionists.

DarkMath ago

Yes, of course. That's the only rational choice.

But these guys are either shills or they're legit Nazis. Either way it's bad.

equineluvr ago

You might want to check your dots. :)

You can start by finding the answers to these questions:

What is the (real) definition of Jewish?

Who were the Nazis?

Who founded the Catholic Church?

Who created Christianity and for what reason?

DarkMath ago

You might want to do more research into people who think it was "The Jews(tm)".

You also might want to explain to me why you don't have a problem with being on the same team as White Supremacists.

Don-Keyhote ago

White supremacy is not even a thing you fuck. I am convinced the entire concept of racism is a Jewish myth. Being among your own kind is a universal instinct

DarkMath ago

Did you just say white supremacy isn't a thing?

I could have sword you typed that. Weird.........

Don-Keyhote ago

Nope no one wants to be supreme or Lord over others they want the freedom to associate with their own like others do. You haven't even read one word by these people obviously so stfu

Don-Keyhote ago

That's because you're a pussy who won't go to a logical conclusion cuz he's scaaaared. I'm part Jewish btw and have no problem acknowledging what they do

DarkMath ago


Hitler believed there existed a "logical conclusion". How'd that work out for him?

Don-Keyhote ago

Don't care, not what I meant. You don follow the PG leads to their logical conclusion. How bout Epstein being a mossad op. How bout communism = Judaism in their ownwords

DarkMath ago

Whatever, split as many hairs as you want.

I call anyone who tells me "The Jews(tm)" steal the blood of children to make pass over matzah bread A NAZI.


Don-Keyhote ago

This sub includes blood harvesting of children bruh...whether they eat it with bread is meaningless

DarkMath ago

"eat it with bread"

Oh really? There's a rule about how they got the blood they're using???

ROFLMAO you people are fucking idiots.

Don-Keyhote ago

What? I don't care about a century old book or any alleged rituals. I bet you'd have said some orthodox mohels don't suck dicks but I've known longtime

Don-Keyhote ago

Ok so it's impossible to agree with any of the views of a group if they've done bad things. That's a shill joo sjw tactic if I ever saw one. Fuck off.

Don-Keyhote ago

I did a school project on mengele when i was a kid so you're not exactly blowing my mind. Cuz we studied Jewish persecution and holocAust for about 10,000 hours, natch

DarkMath ago

And yet you're still blaming "The Jews(tm)"...Fascinating.

Don-Keyhote ago

I was also taught race does not influence any behavior. That's a preposterous lie too.

DarkMath ago

Interesting. So why did the Schutzstaffel start rolling into one of those towns where they'd kill all "The Jews(tm)" therein with portable gas chambers?

Because the Aryan Race is the natural enemy of "The Jews(tm)" and have the mental toughness to execute people with a gun. When even the most hardened SS psychopath could no longer execute with bullets it kind of tells me there is no innate behavior of any human being. We're products of the culture and education we are brought up in.

I know you don't like untermensch but you might want to check out this movie:

Don-Keyhote ago

What movies that? #100000 about the holocaust no doubt, like anyone gives a fuck.

MenschUp ago

Talking to yourself again, does that make you the third or second smartest in the room?

minusco2 ago

I'm Jewish, this talmud stuff is disgusting.

equineluvr ago

I never said anything about "White Supremacists." :)

You have no clue what you're talking about on this subject, bud.


I caught that too but I really think some of the khazar germanic fake jews would flip flop like double agents its a complete mess trying to figure their real identities. Supposedly Bush real last name was Scherff

DarkMath ago

First up George H.W. Bush could be the whitest person to have walked the Earth in the past 1000 years.

Secondly you're missing the point, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a hoax by White Russians to get Western Europe to intervene militarily in their war against Bolshevism.

Thirdly is there exist some Jew somewhere in the history of the Universe who has done such a thing you can't blame all "The Jews(tm)". That would make you a Nazi.


Don-Keyhote ago

Pretty sure protocol predates the war by a lot and by your same logic you couldnt bomb germany cuz can't blame all germans for nazis

DarkMath ago

"Pretty sure protocol predates the war by a lot"

And you're an idiot. We've got a little Schutzstaffel thing going on here. Nice. You guys must be fun at parties.

Don-Keyhote ago

I was gonna say 20 years but The Protocols of the Elders of Zion or The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion is an antisemitic fabricated text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination. Wikipedia Originally published: 1903

Well before ww1 so my vague memories are smarter than you even with the aid of Google, SAD

DarkMath ago

"antisemitic fabricated text"

You agree with that right?

Don-Keyhote ago

Haven't researched the book cuz it's not important at all. I would fully believe it cold be true unless there's aliens or something

DarkMath ago

"could be true"

Thanks for the confirmation you're a Nazi

Have fun during your time in hell.

Don-Keyhote ago

There's no Nazi party faggot. This conversation should be a sticky so we can compare you, a bitch, to a guy with a brass pair that you aremt fit to shine

DarkMath ago

Call them what you want. Me personally I call anyone who tells me "The Jews(tm)" steal the blood of children to make pass over matzah bread A NAZI.

equineluvr ago

Nobody brought up the Protocols except YOU.

One doesn't need the Protocols. There is a TON of other evidence.

Again, you're out of your league on this topic. You don't even know how the Nazis really were!

DarkMath ago

"Nobody brought up the Protocols except YOU."

Correct, I thought we skip all the formalities and get straight into it. You know the let's fuck until we fall in love kind of thing.

So let's get into it. Why do you feel the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is real and not a hoax made to slander an entire religion and is one of the planks in the platform Hitler used to kill 6 million Jews in WWII.

Take your time, I'll wait.

AngB23 ago

I can't help but wonder why the Holocaust number through the yrs keep changing. Actually saw on Twatter it's up to 11 MILLION and this Red Cross paperwork which used to be in history books states 271,000, don't get me wrong, one person killed is too many. But throwing out the Nazi/Anit-Semite card anytime anyone questions Zionists is right out of the playbook of Hitler himself silencing anyone with a different view. Or Podesta

AngB23 ago

I've seen the pics just wondering why each year the count goes higher. Calling someone a "fucking Nazi" doesn't answer the question. Since you have no answers, goodbye to you, freak

DarkMath ago

Ok dude. Best of luck with the whole Nazi thing.

AngB23 ago

If you think every religion is free of crime, you are as stupid as you sound. Keep ur eyes wide shut, it suits you well

DarkMath ago

"you think every religion is free of crime"

Dipshit, I told you don't blame all Jews for a crime a tiny minority commit. That would be like condemning all Christians based on the crimes of George H.W. Bush.

Seek help

AngB23 ago


MSM of course did not show a shit ton of Jews protesting against Israel. I am not saying all Jews are bad and that the Holocaust never happened. I AM saying we have been conditioned to believe the number keeps rising and that if anyone brings a bad light to Israel (Zionist) we are anti-Semitic or as you say Nazis. It help them cover their SHIT they do if no one can speak out. Mossad is fucking evil. And the REAL JEWS know it.

DarkMath ago

"I am not saying all Jews are bad"......forgetting the title of your post is:

"Understanding Blood Libel Jewish Ritual Murder #PIZZAGATE Deleted in 3, 2, 1 . . ."

You need help and stuff.

AngB23 ago

It wasn't MY post you moron. Look at who the original OP was. It wasn't me. I was chiming in to investigate Zionist. You seriously are not bright.

DarkMath ago

My bad. So why didn't you correct him? Why attack me for standing up for Jews who DING DING DING never did anything wrong.

You're a Nazi and a Shill.....

AngB23 ago

You didn't give me a chance to stand up for you because you posted AFTER me or I didn't see yours for fucks sake. You jumped the gun and down my throat. Kind of hard to stand up for anyone who pulls a trigger so fast and not even understanding what I was saying. And calling people all over here a Nazi, you will never get anyone to stick up for you. I've seen you calling many people that and it's highly immature and nasty.

DarkMath ago

I got bored. Have fun with all the things.

AngB23 ago

Ok dip shit as u don't get a ZIONIST is not a Jew. FFS...check Twitter. Even REAL jews were protesting when Netanyahu came to the WH. What don't you get. Even the Jews hate Zionists for what they do and stand for. What the fuck is wrong with you?

DarkMath ago

"Even the Jews hate Zionists"

Your idiocy is painful. I can't believe I have to get out the crayons.

Understanding Blood Libel Jewish Talmudic Ritual Murder #PIZZAGATE Deleted in 3, 2, 1 .

OnHoldWithBreitbart ago

You are right this is going to get deleted. Thanks for posting though. This should be a meme

starhawk777 ago



It's Okay I archived it SO FUCKEM

minusco2 ago

Deleted posts are still searchable on google.



OnHoldWithBreitbart ago

There is no group of people with more conviction that the world is theirs then this group. They'll stop at nothing.

Astrodreamer ago

I stopped! I stopped!

MenschUp ago

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

OnHoldWithBreitbart ago

Yep. You are so right. ByeBye to this post for sure.