MattHelm ago

Kissinger has always worked for the Rockefellers they installed him in the Nixon White House to make sure they controlled foreign policy. Henry was basically the President he decided every single thing with regard to foreign and defense policy and after Nixon resigned Henry continued with Gerald Ford. Then the Rockefellers put Carter into the Oval Office and they had Henry replaced with their other weird foreign svengali Zbigniev Brezinski and he told Carter what to do for 4 years.

ItsMeMilo ago

This is very deep shit, pardon my word choice.

MrFarr ago

Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor?

MrFarr ago

You should read the Hungarian version of events, your American version is propagandized.

ForestTygerPeach ago

I always like to read the Hungarian version of events MrFarr.

SageIsSpice ago

No, he didn't snap. He's one of us.

bopper ago

OP is a shill.

shakethetree ago

The OP is a shill.

shakethetree ago

This is a shit post of shills talking to shills. Use your downvotes.

Mellowmountain ago

I feel like this is why Kubrick did Steven King's the Shining. He's been calling out the global pedo rings in his films ever since Lolita.

Ihatepizza2 ago

This thread is obviously confused, but the image used by the OP means it warrants (to me at least) further investigation. Im still confused as to where that image comes from? Ive been linked to two vids, but its not in either. All that said, having watched those two vids, Crispin Glover must be deemed a lead

Godwillwin ago

Henry Kissinger, in my humble opinion after researching this stuff for 6 months, is a huge link. He's one of the top guys still alive that heads this stuff up. I think he's more powerful than than the Clintons and bigger than Soros. I think the Clintons and Soros work for him so to speak

His website with all of his books (he's not shy about what he wants - a one world government)

Secretary of State from 73-67 National security advisor 69-75

Fled Germany with his Jewish family as an adolescent. Highschool at Washington heights upper manhattan Studied accounting at New York City college Drafted by US army in 1943 assigned to the military intelligence section. saw combat with the division and volunteered for hazardous intelligence duties during the Battle of the Bulge. Reassigned to counterintelligence Responsible for denazification of Germany's district of Hesse Although he possessed absolute authority and powers of arrest, Kissinger took care to avoid abuses against the local population according to Wikipedia In 1946, Kissinger was reassigned to teach at the European Command Intelligence School at Camp King, a German interrogation facility, continuing to serve in this role as a civilian employee following his separation from the army

Summa cum laude political science 1950 lived in Adams House and studied under William Yandell Elliott See the Wikipedia for this William Elliott - a typical elite academic professor in clubs with protégés that go on to politics serving presidents

Kissinger received his MA and PhD degrees at Harvard University in 1951 and 1954. In 1952, while still studying at Harvard, he served as a consultant to the director of the Psychological Strategy Board. This board was formed under sec of state, defense and CIA . This board composed psychological warfare programs

He starts to make a name for himself: Kissinger remained at Harvard as a member of the faculty in the Department of Government and, with Robert R. Bowie, co-founded the Center for International Affairs in 1958. What does center 4 int affairs do? The aim of the Center is to confront the worlds problems as diagnosed by its founders Robert R. Bowie and Henry Kissinger in their specification of The Program of the Center for International Affairs In 1955, he was a consultant to the National Security Council's Operations Coordinating Board. During 1955 and 1956, he was also study director in nuclear weapons and foreign policy at the Council on Foreign Relations

Here's where he gets involved in everything with tentacles. All of the following corporations, panels, branches etc need looking into

1956 to 1958 he worked for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund as director of its Special Studies Project. the Fund financed a study conceived by its then president, Nelson Rockefeller, to analyze the challenges facing the United States. Henry Kissinger was recruited to direct the project. Seven panels were constituted that looked at issues including military strategy, foreign policy, international economic strategy, governmental reorganization, and the nuclear arms race.

He was director of the Harvard Defense Studies Program between 1958 and 1971. He was also director of the Harvard International Seminar between 1951 and 1971. Outside of academia, he served as a consultant to several government agencies and think tanks, including the Operations Research Office, the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Department of State, and the Rand Corporation - especially the worldwide "nonprofit" think tank w/ revenue of 350million and 1,700 members - who are the members?

The slogan "To be the world's most trusted source for policy ideas and analysis"

It is financed by the U.S. government and private endowment,corporations including the health care industry, universities and private individuals.

The aim of the Center is to confront the worlds problems as diagnosed by its founders Robert R. Bowie and Henry Kissinger in their specification of The Program of the Center for International Affairs

Keen to have a greater influence on U.S. foreign policy, Kissinger became an advisor to Nelson Rockefeller and supported his bid for the Republican nomination for president in 1960, 1964, and 1968.[25] After Richard Nixon won the presidency in 1968, he made Kissinger National Security Advisor.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

How is any of this related to pizzagate?

Scirel ago

Drudge linked to this site today.

People are freaking out about the trailer for the updated IT film.

HollandDrive ago

2016 clown sightings:

HollandDrive ago

Leave Veritas up, delete this.

HollandDrive ago

Shills talking to shills. Please delete.

SageIsSpice ago

sugarskull ago

I always loathed clowns as a kid but perhaps that is because I grew up at the time that John Wayne Gacy killed children so they were kinda ruined for me. It was also kind of freaky to me that you couldn't really see the persons face under the makeup too. It made me wonder what is under that makeup they are hiding?

Psalm100 ago

I actually had a clown, stereotypically, touch me inappropriately when I was about 12. He reached into my clothes. Clowns have always seemed spooky. If they weren't so rare probably parents would be far more concerned about them.

HollandDrive ago

Please delete this shitpost.

SageIsSpice ago

Holy shit.

HollandDrive ago

What is it?

SageIsSpice ago

It's Mind Kontrolle

gnostic_front ago

"Sister" essay by Adam Parfrey (Feral House Publishing) on themes running through Spielberg's movies: "Perhaps the most perverse aspect of Steven Spielberg's work is its obsessive posture of sentimental innocence. Psychologists trained in the vocabulary of sex criminals often note the cloak of goo-goos and sugar frosting as the subconscious moral gymnastics of repression and guilt transference."

Touchdown50 ago

Obviously from what i read about speilberg his films in a sense are portraying his childhood sense of lose because his family life was chaotic and dysfunctional. I would call speilberg a covert narcissist which is probably worse than a regular narcissist.

gnostic_front ago

I wouldn't let him near my nephews.

Touchdown50 ago


SageIsSpice ago



Searching4Truth ago

What film by Spielberg are you referring to?

MrFarr ago


Searching4Truth ago

It wasn't directed by Spielberg though

MrFarr ago

Adapted by.

duhiki ago

It's being remade.

Godwillwin ago

Good grief! Why anyone wants to make a film that ends with 11 year olds in the sewer having sex with adults is beyond me. Or is it to normalize this stuff?

duhiki ago

I believe IT was written when King was deeeeep into his drink-reality-away phase.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Can you tell us where that awful graphic is from, and link to a higher resolution version OF THE TEXT (or transcribe it). Thanks

MrFarr ago

Poster for "What Is It" by Crispin Hellion Glover