ASolo ago

The Exorcist movie deliberately implanted secret subliminal images in the subconscious to impair viewers with a sense of fear and demonic possession. According to previously classified documents, the CIA started testing subliminal manipulation in movie theaters during the late 1950s. In Washington, Blatty, was head of the U.S. Air Force, Policy Branch of the Psychological Warfare Division involved in mass population psychological warfare programs in the Vietnam aggression. [44] You see. I wasn’t crazy- imagining things.

ASolo ago

My god. I just had a shocking revelation. That Jackson likeness to the exorcist still photo reminds me of the work I did on pazuzu

Pazuzu, The Exorcist; John Cena and Tina Fey's "Sisters"

ASolo ago

You fuckin bet ur bottom dollar Uri Gellar is at the pinnacle of this monstrous babylonian ritual/sacrificial cult as a 'master' handler, along with copperfield, blaine, angel and all of those involved in the commercial 'magick arts'.

Thnx 4 the link.

ASolo ago

Michael Jackson’s Personal Magician Dead: Majestik Magnificent Loses Cancer Battle

Interesting, this is the first I've heard of this Majestik Magnificent.

3141592653 ago

They were both kids, both being abused

3141592653 ago

He did name names. He gave names to the authorities years ago

ravensedgesom ago

strange he is not encouraging the research

ArthurEdens ago

I like him too, he was brave enough to say anything, let alone stick up for his friend even after death, no actor has done that. Rosanne Barr, Randy Quaid, Jon Voight, and James Woods are the closest to celebrity heros out there right now. But they've all been threatened too.

SatanOnIce ago

Hollywood MK Deception Part 22a

vhelsing ago

PS van helsing is one of the shittiest movies of all time.

At least we agree on something.

Oh, there's this: directly attacking the beloved star of the Goonies who has become a poster boy for an anti-Hollywood, anti-pedophile message/documentary is not a great idea.

PS - I never watched that movie, it's just a handle

vhelsing ago

You may be right about him being complicit. If you get started on that track, probably you end up dead or compromised, take your pick. You're going to go after someone, be sure, and maybe pick a target not from the fucking Goonies. You got a tiny bit of heat, as a total anon. Imagine the heat he got. Yes, you may be right, but the approach will bring massive blowback.

vhelsing ago

Interesting. But look at the reactions. You might as well try to take down the Pope first. Seems like there are softer targets.

Seems very odd to me that Feldman would do that documentary. Controlled opposition? Saving his own skin? Something doesn't add.

SatanOnIce ago

Hollywood is small fry. Let's begin.

mjvictims ago

What you should know about C.F. is that he introduced Corey Haim to one of his abusers his name was Marty Weiss. He also introduced Corey Haim to another one of his alleged abusers and that man's name was Dominick Brascia. Corey even took it a step further during an award show for child actors he praised Marty Weiss even thoug he knew Marty Weiss was a child abuser. I have contacted Corey Feldman several times asking him to support the accusers of Michael Jackson, at this time there are now seven accusers of Michael Jackson. when I tweeted him regarding Wade Robson he called Wade Robson a liar and insinuated he was only doing this for was money. He also stated that Wade Robson should get over it and even after all these years with mountains of evidence showing Michael Jackson's inappropriate behavior with children he still publicly bashes any accuser that dares to make an accusation. The other thing you should know is that when Corey Feldman introduced Corey Haim to Marty Weiss it was because Corey Haim according to Feldman was hitting on him. Corey Feldman got agitated and told Haim to go into another room with Marty Weiss. Corey Feldman also has a group called Corey's angels, these young women have to sign contracts and live with Corey Feldman. Corey Feldman is using his Fame and wealth in my opinion to take advantage of these young women. Corey Feldman in my opinion is not the best candidate to be the spokesperson for pedophilia in Hollywood. So before we start shedding tears for Corey Feldman you should know how he is treated other people who have come forward and claimed child sexual abuse. There is no doubt in my mind that Corey Feldman was a victim of child sexual abuse and child abuse in general however I believe he needs to show a little more empathy when it comes to people accusing one of his longtime friends AKA Michael Jackson.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle Corey Feldman turns against 4chan in vicious attack Corey Feldman turns against 4chan in vicious attack

vhelsing ago

Fucking dumbest waste of time ever.

vhelsing ago

No, he started getting tagged with Pizzagate, similar to a forced "outing." Time to hang up this account johnlupus, you're fucked. All that work down the fucking drain. Tell your handlers at Conde Nader to be more fucking subtle and use all caps a little less, mkay?

vhelsing ago

A victim of molestation not wanting to be tagged with Pizzagate on twitter is hardly a "hanging offense."

Saying someone is dead inside is a big statement. Proof beyond speculation?

silentassassins ago

Hollywood MK Deception 22 Part 2 TWINNING

how come corey feldman always has to be the stand out star? Corey haim, from the way these boys dress, to the roles they play in movies, to interviews, is always feldmans sidekick. Don't you notice that fledman's characters re always manipulatinng haim's characters into doing what feldman wants to do? I can kind of see why haim was mad at feldman. 

This is such important work you have done. Have you looked into Lina Morgana and Lady Gaga twinning? 

3141592653 ago

He is certainly not Feldman's sidekick in License To Drive!

SatanOnIce ago

"Then Feldman started speaking to him slowly and in this weird tone like a hypnotist would, and then he did this subtle hand gesture that I never would've noticed, but that's when Haim got very upset and told Feldman and his girl to get the fuck out. Which then of course made him look crazy and irrational."

vhelsing ago

I agree that Hollywood is a good angle. But Corey Feldman? WTF? Let's just agree to a fucking suicide pact as we'll have the same result (and it will be cleaner).

vhelsing ago

It's not hard to see that if you name names, you suffer consequences. Sure Haim may have blamed him in some offhand remark (he took his own life, right? Mental health is an issue here).

Calling Feldman a shill is a bit much. Shilling no for whom? Cui Bono?

It sounds like he called PZG a right wing conspiracy out of fear (plausible).

He said this on air, which took a ton of bravery: "The biggest problem in Hollywood was, is, and always will be pedophilia" - Cory Feldman.

Let's talk when you've done 1/1000th of the awareness that one statement has generated.

DeathToMasons ago

That might be his way of saying leave me out of this. His answer is actually silly, because there is not left/right angle to this at all. Some in here detest or don't trust Trump. That might be his way of saying no thanks, back off. He is a visible person in society and might have wanted to watch in silence instead of being dragged in front of a microphone and camera to end his own future. Give him a break already.

DeathToMasons ago

Corey seems to be simply distancing himself for his own safety/future career. Why would you put him on the spot? He has already spoken out more than just about anybody in the bussiness, but this is something the anonymous community should handle and not seek an individual to throw it on. No way of knowing how he really feels, his response could be defensive. Don't corner the guy and hang on his every word. He is one of the good guys and did not ask for this.

lawfag123 ago

How and why does this thread have 225 comments, yet only 28 upvotes? seems bizarre.

new4now ago

Victor Salva, directed the movie Powder and the Jeeper Creepers movies. Convicted

Francis Ford Coppola suspected

ArthurEdens ago

good man

ArthurEdens ago

The "right-wing conspiracy" are marching orders, don't you see, he has to say that or else he gets wacked. Go to Hollywood and shout pizzagate is real from the rooftops and see how long you live. The only way he can speak the full truth is if there are armies of people moving against the pedo satanists out in the open.

ArthurEdens ago

Just cool off and think about what you're saying, which i still don't understand. The reality is that he and his friend were mere molested, his friend was killed because he was going name names, and now Corey F has to walk a tightrope

Piscina ago

If he wants to be left out of pizzagate, leave him alone. He deserves to have his wishes respected.

DCmommaBear ago

I was one of those on Corey's Twitter feed the other day, not harassing him but just saying I was shocked and disappointed in his calling pizzagate a right wing conspiracy. It simply doesn't make any sense for him to say that unless 1....he's just looking for attention....or 2 he's been threatened. I'm gonna leave him alone though, no sense in harassing him, that's wrong.

ArthurEdens ago

dude you are talking in circles

ArthurEdens ago

Reality shows are scripted, that was setup by them to open the conversation about it.

vhelsing ago

Nice try shill. Who the fuck would blame a victim who has put his life on the line exposing things. Time to vacate this useless user account johnlupus. Thanks for playing.

Try to simulate some empathy next time you fucktard.

ArthurEdens ago

They killed his friend over this, leave the poor guy alone

MostPostersAreShills ago

Wow so many shills here using the guilt angle. Good post op

Fatsack ago

could be, he's probably lying about being raped as a child too huh. Or, he's trying to not get involved because he knows that these people murder public figures like him that rock boat, and he simply wants to live in peace.

Smyrtz ago

I think he was under the impression that this interview would motivate public outrage enough to have them look into his claims from back in the day. Sadly, we let him down. Let's not let him down again by not respecting his boundaries.

keepthefaith ago

yes, everyone can clearly see I'm defending pedophiles here. How did you manage to crawl back out of the abortion bucket?

Jem777 ago

Agree. Adults with compassion, intellect, judgement, equity must stand up

keepthefaith ago

speaks with mouth full

You dad says hi :-)

Jem777 ago

Agreed. Lost twitter already completely. Many heros already silenced.

Jem777 ago

Reading everyone's knee jerk responses really help clarify why mob rule does not work. Also shows individual depth, intellect, & empathy. Again respect Corey's words give him space he is a victim who has done so much. Focus your Twitter energy on a twitter storm at Pod.. or who had the secret Alice and Wonderland party with J. D.

The owner of "the viper" All the brace heroes on here that have already focused their energy on the rulers raise your hand.

keepthefaith ago

No, I'm here. I didn't vote for either of 'em. Hillary? you must be joking. UGH.

new4now ago

From what I have read, it was the movie Lucas where the raping started. Charlie Sheen and Winona Rider were both in it. Charlie was young to be called an older man, so I doubt it was him, But I thinking Corey wasn't the only one abused. Both Charlie and Winona have had their problems. It's a thought.

new4now ago

Charlie may be Ron.......One night, after taking a cocktail of pills 'Ron had made up', the man, in his early 20s, placed a hand on Feldman's thigh. Ron ended up having oral sex with the 'petrified' and 'revolted' Feldman that night, the teen too frightened to say no.

Charlie was 21 or so at the time

Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

ashes_anon ago

this guy stands up for victims of pedos?

Touchdown50 ago

Ok . im sorry.

Touchdown50 ago

There are but you got a guy like corey whose in their line of fire. He prob knows alot of dirt.

keepthefaith ago

Don't look at me. I didn't 'Voat' for her.

ashes_anon ago

The easy interpretation of Corey Feldman's behavior is that he's calling attention to a problem to benefit future victims, the hard one is that he's blackmailing pedos for money. I'll go with the hard one.

Jobew1 ago

there's something to what you say, in that soon after doing interviews without naming names, he was booked (twice?) on good morning america even though his music is pretty bad by any standards. he obviously cares and wants h'wood cleaned up, but he's also a self-marketer and always desperate to hang onto his fame/income. I'm not knocking him too hard for that and i think people should stop tweeting him, but it is something to keep in mind. (also, the whole 'angel' thing seems pretty creepy)

keepthefaith ago

Its just another outlet for his creative, artistic bent. Why the hate? He's an actor, he's trying new avenues out. Music is his latest thing, the angels are a harmless different to every other artist. Corey is respectful and polite to his fans; he doesnt cause fights or whores himself out to paparazzi every night. He's having fun, not being "creepy". What's your problem, dude? Can't stand your own boring life?

Jobew1 ago

i think it's obvious by my post i don't 'hate' corey (read the part where i basically say that). i don't study feldman, but the little i heard about the angels seems a bit creepy, but again i'm not the most informed and it could all be fine. btw, the bigger point i was trying to make is that i thought it was odd that he got i believe 2 bookings on GMA (pretty sure - definitely network tv spots) for his band/ performance when his music doesn't sell well (even leaving aside the fact that i believe it's pretty bad- i watched it and the clip went viral because a lot of people thought it was bad)

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Its not a conspiracy Corey, we have the documentation. You out of all people should realize.

Touchdown50 ago

Would you trust the feds? I sure wouldn't

keepthefaith ago

no 'probably' about it. He IS.

Touchdown50 ago

Oh you came off as if you wrote to him

Touchdown50 ago

I disagree. Hollywood is a very strong link in pedogate. Their political ties is one thing and also the fact the studios are owned the by the media giants.

keepthefaith ago

Stop trying to wriggle your ass out of this. You knew exactly what you were doing and your responses to people have been misguided, distorted and insulting (calling people "idiots" in your original post - PRICK.)

You were trying to encourage an online twitter campaign of hate against the one person in Hollywood who has put his life on the line in an attempt to highlight a century long problem. How dare you.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Years of being told not to tell, could really fuck with your head. Obviously, his abuser is still alive and I am sure still posing a threat. There needs to be someway, victims can be assured safety once they have escaped and can expose their abuser/s.

SturdyGal ago

There is plenty of shame in that - you are a predator looking for the most vulnerable in a group of victims.

keepthefaith ago

No, there IS a lot of hate, here. But that's ok. Hate emanates from those who absolutely hate themselves.

keepthefaith ago

um, that didn't make sense, but if it did to you, that's all that matters xx

keepthefaith ago

confirmed bore.

Pablolove ago

Speaking from my own family's experience, you think you report these things and people are on your side? Wrong. The legal system doesn't favour you, quite the opposite. We're now in a worse and more dangerous position than we ever were and we're not in anyway involved with the powerful. Corey is .

rippingtheveil ago

What about Charlie sheen

memnochdainfowarrior ago

I completely agree, and while I do not know you on a personal level, Id like to think most of that anger displayed generated from the horror of what we've been researching. We all know the impact stress, and negativity can bring to the mind, and even body, it's rough. But if can we harness these emotions and focus on this unbelievable task we're all here to help with, then maybe we can all start working together, and not against one another. I didn't have the best childhood, but I did have one, I remember a lot of laughter and joy, and most of these kids don't, that's my motivation.

Touchdown50 ago

Whoa you touched a nerve. Leave him alone. Hes probably in fear of his life. These Hollywood people are very powerful. You should know that.

concernedaboutitall ago

He is clinging to fame now. It seems all he has left. Sad considering his enormous acting talent.

keepthefaith ago

He still had enormous acting talent. Just because he choses not to whore himself out in front of daily paparazzi does not make him a has-been. He has tens of millions of loyal fans around the world who support him and are glad to see him happy and well.

concernedaboutitall ago

You haven't seen him lately? He is desperate to get this music career going. His acting was amazing. I loved everything he did, and still rewatch many of his movies today... But with his reality shows - I think he did three? - and now the attempted music career I think it comes off as sad.

mrjdouble ago

We all have a choice to fight or run, his personal situation could change but looks like he's made his choice.

Barry_McCochiner ago

You're right, I apologise. It was your friend w the 25min old account who made the CIA jokes. He was also pushing this 'Corey Feldman is one of them' BS narratives

vhelsing ago

Nice catch

keepthefaith ago

You seem obsessed with Brock. I'm a bit worried about you, baby.

mrjdouble ago


Personally to me that's a cop out, and slightly disappointing. Myself? if that was me, shit, they've already taken everything, I'd be going all the way with that until the bitter end, but hey, can't always expect people to respond the same way as we would.

carmencita ago

Will you be happier if he ends up with a scrambled brain like Kanye? Please leave him alone. His answers are in defense.

carmencita ago

We need to stop poking at him. We need to respect his privacy and his decisions. We are not walking in his shoes.

educate_yourself ago

thats why it could be broken open i absolutely think hollywood is a proverbial goldmine. its honestly what actually red pilled me first years ago was television. the main issue is even when we have someone like james woods tweeting about it... he was big back in the day. and if anyone does the research they know that pedos have been prevalent/prominent in hollywood since at least wizard of oz and shirley temple, and we know symbolism is how they mk our consciousness. ronald reagan was hollywood before pres, nancy reagan was a whore. its all obvious and we can connect the dots but a "guy" (i question whether or not they are even human, lots to suggest many arent) like ben affleck can say and river phoenix says that ceos "blow him" (he is speaking metaphorically but still...child actor, interesting that he wouldnt choose not to say it if u follow) a little over halfway through this then we look at this and can "johnny depp" ever actually be held accountable for what hes done? WHICH JOHNNY???? how common is this ? what about the mk ward at UCLA santa barbara? right??

we can blow hollywood wide open but i doubt it will change much because they are all involved.

idk. my best bet would be elijah wood but even then hes full of shit. his mom protected him? yeaaah, thats why hes a star....

memnochdainfowarrior ago

I wasn't insinuating you did, all I did was reference his responses to those post as evidence to him not wanting to be associated with anything PG related. But I do agree with you when you mentioned "Hollywood still seems the most willing to talk about it"; however I feel if/when they start witnessing "bigger fish fry" then they just, on their own, may want to open up about it. Until then, we just have to keep researching. Most of our hearts are in the right place, we just have to have our minds match the effort.

listentoreason2017 ago

"I REALIZE PEOPLE LOVE COREY. SO DO I. IM NOT SUGGESTING AN ATTACK ON HIM. (IDIOTS) I'm suggesting that we try to bring him in."

AKA twitter spamming him about PG...which is what people are currently doing. Clearly he's taking it as an attack, intended or otherwise.

keepthefaith ago

Man you are vomit.

SturdyGal ago

Please leave Corey Feldman alone. Do not contact him. Please respect his boundaries.

keepthefaith ago

Thanks SturdyGal.

SturdyGal ago

You are welcome, you sure have the warrior spirit! :o)

keepthefaith ago

No way is anyone going to harass Corey, if I can help it. Literally, one of the only good guys left standing. My blood boiled :-(

vhelsing ago

Leave him the fuck alone.

keepthefaith ago

OP is a shill fucktard.

vhelsing ago

Seems like it. Always hard to tell

VieBleu ago

Shilll calls for harrassment in the name of pizzagate. IGNORE. Next.

keepthefaith ago

your droppy ass isn't talking your way out of this. Youre a total imbecile who enjoys harassing innocent people online.

keepthefaith ago

Keep trying to think of witty retorts, fucker. Its not working and folk know youre the complete asshole for wanting to harass innocent friends of pedogate online.

ASolo ago

I am going to have to side with the OP on this one. Mr. Feldman went out on a limb once upon a time about Hollywood and then began to backtrack and once again try to crawl out from beneath the weight of the Hollywood hills to try and scrape out an existence among the pond scum that ruined him. Like his SAG peer and The Pizza Underground band member Macaulay Culkin he has intentionally sidetracked the issues that killed his friends so that he could continue to ride the gravy train. Anyone with a conscience would have dropped the bomb and rode off into obscurity. Nope, we are graced with a megalomaniacs fantasy of what it looks like in his manic grovelling brain to fight these 'demons'. It looks to me to be just another level of his programming, this 'angel/demon' bullshit he tried foisting on the public on the today show (no dancing brooms Corey?)

There always has to be some level of empathy even for the worst. Corey Feldman is by no means even in the realm of the worst, may not be a perpetrator, a multiple, or involved in any way, but he is an enabler. Him and Culkin have kept the lid tight on a network of pedophiles that pray on the youth of hollywood as if it was a matter of fact. Number one on that list is Michael Jackson. Corey could have revealed, if he even knew, of the cult and homosexual indoctrination of Michael Jackson within Hollywood even at the young age of nine by Billy Preston, his Peter Pan programming, and his work with the cia affiliated USAid, which may or may not have used vaccination programs to sterilize thousands upon thousands of african women among other human rights abuses. James Safechuck never rescinded his allegations, but he was paid off! Michael Jackson might have been an MK-multiple, he had obviously been brainwashed into believing he was living in some kind of fantasy land and he was some sort of 'catcher in the rye' or pied piper saving boys when in all reality all he was doing was harming them. These facts have all but been proven, but money and influence go a long, long way.

This is just the tip of the iceberg for what Mr. Feldman might know, and what he might now about others in the industry like Charlie Sheen and Steven Spielberg. Right Corey?

keepthefaith ago

Then why are you re-victimizing him?

memnochdainfowarrior ago

How do you think "we're going to bring him in"? By acting like paparazzi and bombard him until he gives in? He's been living with this for decades now, and has loved ones next to him who've probably tried doing the same. What makes you think strangers are going to change his mind on would could be a dangerous life altering event for him and his family.

Most of us here do not have to worry about the same things he has to worry about because "they" don't fear our words are going to bring down their empire, Corey's on the other hand might. Therefore he has a lot more to lose. At one point or another we've all seen the savagery evil display's when desperation has been added to the mix.

The fact he's dropped hint and codes I feel is/has been enough, if our "investigative skills" aren't good enough to decipher said codes we shouldn't put his character and possibly life at risk because of it. The same arguments destroyed Corey Haim, to the point he felt death was better than life itself. We shouldn't help Feldman make the same decision. And I have to disagree with you when you say "it's not an attack on him"; because it clearly is, judging by his response(s).

keepthefaith ago

Agree100%. OP is an utter retard.

keepthefaith ago

Nope, don't think so, retard.

keepthefaith ago

Keep talking, shit stain.

keepthefaith ago

I want to make sure it gets seen by everyone (downvoating You though) so folk can see what a small dicked weasel you are, trying to encourage harassment of celebrities, especially an innocent one who has been through so much. There is absolutely nothing you can say that will get to me; keep responding, and so will I.

keepthefaith ago

No, you stupid idiot. Stop harassing innocent celebrities, especially friends of pedogate.

educate_yourself ago

look man heres the issue. hes an ACTOR. he has a ROLE to play. he has an AGENDA. considering what we know of his past, what are the fucking odds he could possibly believe this to be a right wing conspiracy? not likely. maybe he is scared... or maybe hes intentionally lied about things in the past to cover up the real predators because he has in a sense gained back some spotlight by doing those talks on pedophilia.

also just to be clear the hollywood aspect could be broken wide the fuck open in a matter of days, it wouldnt be hard at all. not when considering how hollywood is used for mk there is ample evidence for us to use. but the very truth of the matter is feldman was a predator himself at a young age. he was in hollywood before haim and he brought haim out because even when young he looked fuckin weird so he would get young people around him who would then get fucked by the pedos. he was an enabler and he ruined haim and hes taking the spotlight now while protecting pedos and calling bullshit on us.

but yeah lets tweet him and appeal to his better nature hahah

keepthefaith ago

Yes you are. Stop trying to backtrack, you fucking weasel.

keepthefaith ago

I don't care what you think of me at all. I don't know you. Don't give a shit about you. My breathing is fine thanks; youre the one with problems, sicko, talking about harassing innocent celebrities online. "Meds" lol. Youre so boringly unoriginal. Stop trying to backtrack and re-hash. You WERE talking about harassing Corey online. YOU are a compete FUCKTARD. Leave him the fuck alone. He is a friend of pedogates. Go after any number of other Hollywood fucktards by all means, by corey is one of the good guys.

keepthefaith ago

Of course youre upset, you stupid cunt. If you were 'living the life' you wouldn't be talking about harassing celebrities online. What part of your pea sized brain doesn't understand that Corey is not going to engage with you. He is in fear of his goddamn life, dumbass.

sleepingbeautycan ago

Of course he is entitled. What do you want?? Every victim to be revictimized? ummm I am so not on board with that.

keepthefaith ago

You started it with this dumbass post, idiot.

keepthefaith ago

Stop harassing him, you stupid, small pricked shit. Makes you feel like a big man does it, tweeting anonymously to celebrities from your basement.

ASolo ago

Why does Feldman have to be so volatile in his reply? ''U HAV BEEN WARNED!" is a pretty strong message. There has to be some residual emotion and prior knowledge about this topic that is triggering such an intense reply. I would think he would have been much more reserved and professional considering what... I mean, surrounded by all his angels and what not.

Touchdown50 ago

It means the people behind all this child sex trafficking are deadly serious. Kinda like when a drug cartel warns you by killing your best friend and ripping his skin off to drive the point that they mean business.

concernedaboutitall ago

I imagine when he came out as a victim years ago his acting career took a hit. Now he is pushing this singing career and doesn't want a repeat.

keepthefaith ago

Because you are a disrespectful, unintelligent, low life piece of shit. Wanting to harass a celebrity who has already been through so much and tried to publicize an issue and putting his life on the line. You are an utter retard if you don't understand why corey can't name names. Seriously. Were you deprived of oxygen at birth?

keepthefaith ago

youre a fucking low life prick, wanting to harass celebrities like a 12 year old girl. fuck off and get a life.

VieBleu ago

In the fight that follows below, I VieBleu declare keepthefaith the clear winner. JOHNLUPUS the shill.

Its a rather entertaining one too. Congrats keepthefaith, good work on the floor mat. I grant you today's Blue Diamond in the ongoing war againt shills.. 💎

keepthefaith ago

VieBleu, I'm not proud of myself for cursing so much.


DL4L ago

Had to be done. Get 'em. Woot WOOT

V____Z ago

He absolutely has the right to walk away.

SuperJohnWayne ago

fuck you v___z, more evidence on why I think you're a shill. The idea is that we are all in this together for the child victims. People with money who are "in the know" should be broadcasting their truth to the masses. They should rely on their wits, guns, the 2nd Amendment, and friends/family to get through the fire.

V____Z ago

And this is more of what I was calling "obvious" - this brand new "let's call everyone a shill" campaign. Y'all aren't subtle at all. And what you're doing, trying to interrupt Voat conversations meant to get child trafficking investigated, is bad. It is bad.

SuperJohnWayne ago

I've read a lot of your comments and you seem to be toeing the line and sometimes being subtle, it seems, in attempting to tone down people's outrage about pizzagate and the gravity of the situation. I think you're also spreading some dis/misinformation.

V____Z ago

I don't really gaf what you think of my comments.

Barry_McCochiner ago

If youre interested, you can find plenty of instances where Feldman has spoken out about it. His best friend killed himself of PG. It is absolutely his right to speak or not at this point.

SuperJohnWayne ago

No it isn't. The greater common good supersedes personal qualms.

Barry_McCochiner ago

Who decides, you? Get off your high horse. We're all working together. He's done more in his life to speak against PG that you or I.

SuperJohnWayne ago

More than you or I? I'm not so sure about that...

SuperJohnWayne ago

That's right, me, with my own opinion and experience. I'm entitled to my opinion, and based on my experience, I think it's the right one.

Barry_McCochiner ago

For your life. Not for Corey Feldman's life. He decides that.

SuperJohnWayne ago

Then he's a pussy

keepthefaith ago

Make me, cunt.

SuperJohnWayne ago

Go suck Brock cock. I hear it pays up to $30 per hour.

keepthefaith ago

Too small for me. Nothing under ten inches.

SuperJohnWayne ago

Ah so you like the hot dogs from Hawaii and Chicago, eh.

keepthefaith ago

yep, everywhere your dad's lived.

SuperJohnWayne ago

LOL fucking pervert pedophile Hillary cunt-sucking shill

keepthefaith ago

let it out, baby...

SuperJohnWayne ago

Nah, you can save that for Heavy Breathing's mash head-thrashing session.

keepthefaith ago

yawn. So unoriginal. Oh forgot. Its because you have a low iq. Not your fault, honey.

keepthefaith ago

go fuck yourself, unoriginal retard.

strix-varia ago

Didn't think you did. Changed my statement.

lawfag123 ago

We should have been working the Hollywood angle long ago. A twitter campaign on Hollywood celebs could be fruitful, and it would help bring awareness to the public at large.

We could tweet them pictures of celebs and Abramovic and ask them to explain

We could tweet them pictures of celebs who look alike (ie bieber and cyrus, the katy perry looking clones, etc)

We could ask about hollywood swinger parties

We could ask about handlers

Maybe we need a hollywood general thread to compile all relevant Pedowood evidence, kind of like what we did with the executive summary of PG evidence.

Tyrone88 ago

They sure seem to be more "open" in responding

AngB23 ago

I think this idea is awesome. About time these propaganda pushers got a taste of their own medicine. There's many pics available with them at that weird party in lab coats cutting into a red velvet human cake to pass around in Twatter

JrSlimss ago

justiceforever ago

Sorry I'm kinda lost...what does people looking alike have to do with anything?

lawfag123 ago

Insiders have said that hollywood is largely made up of products of swinger-sex parties who are bred based on genes of parents. its rare that outsiders of this system make it big in hollywood. evidence of this can be seen from the lookalikes - katy perry is one such lookalike

sleepingbeautycan ago

We could have a list of the top suspected pedophiles and then boycott their films and get reddit:the_donald to follow suit.

SpikyAube ago

And call it the 'P-List,' as in 'Bill Clinton was spotted on Tuesday night in LA hanging out with Bryan Singer and a number of other P-List celebs. More proof, if proof were needed, that this ex-Prez is a dirty fucker.'

RexAxisMundi ago

James Franco slipped up a bit.

A list would be great. I'm sure most the Hollywood ones will be powerful people behind the scenes instead of widely known public figures.

Vic138 ago

He has a movie coming out about a teacher and a student. Might be a publicity stunt, I wouldn't put it past him.

Fsumom ago

Does he even like girls?

lawfag123 ago

We need to do more than boycott their films. We need someone to spill the beans

Touchdown50 ago

That will never happen. The Hollywood elites know who the squealers are. They got the connections money and power to shut them down.

keepthefaith ago

Just delete your post, you stupid prick.

lawfag123 ago

fuck you

strix-varia ago

I don't think the warning is of any merit but if anyone is bugging him on twitter it's probably wise to stop, ONLY because he asked and is probably bombarded with it. "Right wing conspiracy" seems to be the buzz words coming from the lefties.

This is social media which is nothing but opinions, otherwise it wouldn't exist!!!! So his comment about keeping opinions to oneself just doesn't cut it. I do not support any hollywood bs and that includes this guy.

Can someone explain his current satanic "identity" and his "angels"?

concernedaboutitall ago

I think you are onto something with the scantily -clad "angels."

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

Pizzagate/Pedogate: An effort to prove a large bunch of mostly rich, mostly white men and women are engaged in paedophilia and human trafficking across the globe is a right wing conspiracy now according to the SJW media machine...

Touchdown50 ago

So much bullshit. Some of the biggest sjws i know would support or are Pedophiles

keepthefaith ago

You are an absolute retard, fucking SHILL.

pidgin ago

of course he's afraid. That's why he's not naming names. He doesn't want to end up like his opposite Corey.

Hollywood is a good place to look, mostly because everything is so high-profile. Intelligence agents of finance and government have had that place under control for a long time, so that also kind of makes it harder. Since it is a spin center, local media and enforcement are likely more tightly controlled than other places. I wonder how much Hollywood dirt is covered by "state secrets." From the conspirazzi ebook that I just read about the LC, it seems like the stars are well groomed and often come from generations of dysfunction (and from families high suicide rates and military/intelligence backgrounds). It never occurred to me that these people were already (mostly unwitting) participants in some type of already present network.

keepthefaith ago

You speak with the anger and bitterness of someone who has been abused yourself. That sucks for you.

AliensInParis ago

Fear of death is a powerful motivator to shut up. Put yourself in his position.

keepthefaith ago

I would urge you to leave him well alone. My heart pains for Corey who has been through god only knows what, and the death of his best friend in recent years. If Corey could have told us, he would have told us. Also, how dare you call him 'weak'...on the contrary, Corey is incredible courageous and has risked his life and reputation to already talk publicly about this heartrending and disturbing topic.

You can conduct your own research to find out who some of these names are, instead of harassing celebrities via twitter. One name that has been mentioned countless times is Charlie Sheen. Even ex-wife Denise Richards called the police after she found chld prn on his computer, but soon shut her mouth after he threatened to kill her and withdraw her $50k a month alimony.

DL4L ago

Well said. Also, Feldman has left enough hints in various interviews of pedofiles that he had regular contact with that some cleverer sleuths could probably track back i.e. Movies he was in at 14, his agent, directors, other people in the biz associated with his early teen career and gain some insight while simultaneously not harassing the guy who understandably does not wish to be on stage for this act. No one should be judging him for his request to stay where he is on the issue. Who of us knows what he went through, has or hasn't tried to do in the past to expose the issue? And how it may have rebounded etc....... just sayin

keepthefaith ago

Absolutely DL4L. He looks to also be currently happy and healthy, from his recent twitter and I hope he continues on this good stretch. He's a terrifically sweet guy and I wish him nothing but the best,

Jem777 ago

Respect him please. He is a victim. If you need focus go after the government who makes and enforces the laws. Nothing changes until that does

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Look what happened to the Franklin scandal victims. Didn't some of them end up in jail?

Maybe Corey isn't giving names, but he has shed light on the Hollywood pedophile problem. He also said Corey Haim's abuse as a child played a part in Haim's death from overdose.

Pablolove ago

Think you should respect what he's saying.

Fatsack ago

The dude probably already has a hard enough time with depression and anxiety and ptsd triggers, which are basically hyperlinks to your autonomous nervous system, so he has probably been in a constant state of elevated cortisol and adrenaline spikes for a while. Let victims have some peace.

madmanpg ago

Agreed. Victims should always have the choice of not having to relive their abuse. Some people simply cannot handle it, and should not be blamed or shamed for that.