quantokitty ago

Is this the same Roosevelt Motor Inn? There was a shootout there. The manager says there are 47 surveillance cameras operating there. Seriously, this bunch of thugs has taken over that establishment. No wonder people aren't talking. A weakened police force is a huge contributing factor. http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/dramatic-hotel-shootout-caught-on-tape-in-philadelphia/

Jobew1 ago

i read in an article on the 14 year old's claims ,that it is the same hotel. that shootout was apparently between 2 pimps. i think it was yesterday's philly.com (inquirier)

quantokitty ago

So pimps are allowed to run that place with impunity? The Phillie police better grow a pair and clean up that neighborhood. I doubt the people living there want these pieces of shit around.

Jobew1 ago

it's no excuse, but it is kind of a rough area. i think this lawsuit and the publicity it's getting will cause le to step up at least a little bit

quantokitty ago

Exactly! Cover up the sickos. Meanwhile, I'll bet you could find her name easily. Ask anyone in that city who she is, and they'll know.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

She is only asking for $50,000. She needs to ask for at least $500,000-$1,000,000.

sleepingbeautycan ago

I am on the CBS site and trying to upvote all the people's comments that are concerned with the girl. I noticed 2 things:

  1. Sometimes when I upvote something, it registers 1 unlike. But there is not downvote button. What is up with that? Some people have the priveledge of downvoting things and others don't? *** Silly me. The 1 unlike is the ability to unlike something you've liked. The number is the number of upvotes.
  2. There are a lot of people condoning the trafficking of a 16 year old. And blaming her for the situation she is in, Pigs.

carmencita ago

This is just absolutely beyond disgust. I hope this poor girl does not have STDs. I hope there are not any kind of medical conditions that could be brought about at a later age. Divulge the Names You Scumbag MSM.

doubletake ago


TheTrigger ago

Man, that chick is ruined for life; shame. I mean, if it's some random whore that did it to herself, then k, whatever. But on some level, this girl will never fully recover. She'll literally carry a thousand cock stare, for the rest of her life, through no fault of her own.

quantokitty ago

What's this?

Her attorneys reportedly declined to identify her captors, fearing retaliation.

So CBS can't do a search for those arrested and convicted and post their names? That's very strange. Are they part of the MS-13 gang? If the men are convicted, it's a matter of public record. There's no reason for CBS to be so cavalier and sloppy as to not perform due diligence and post the names of the scum that did this.

PawnsInTheGame ago

Fearing retaliation? For the captors? For themselves? WTF?!? Those worthless assholes need to do their job and go after the Johns!!

quantokitty ago

Yup, do their jobs! Like the police weren't ignoring lines out the door. Really? They're not concerned about lines waiting to get into a motel room?

This story is absolutely DISGUSTING!