Pokes ago

I think this is a bullshit rabbit hole. I watched the first 3 videos and feel like I wasted my time and learned nothing. The guy claims the voodoo character is a chingling which is supposedly a pedophile monster...except it's a pokemon an i can find nothing more on it. Nothing. And the swirl is a swirl, it's not inherently triangular, it could just be a coincidence. Also, I've eaten at Voodoo, they've got the best doughnuts i've ever had anywhere, possibly in the world. I don't think it's a front for child trafficking. I think they make a killing bc they make good donuts, they even have some breweries collaborating on beers with them. They are also from Portland which is sort of an eclectic hipster town. I'm all for furthering the investigation but I'm curious if anyone could explain to me what the seemingly compelling evidence is other than the swirl? I'm not going to watch all 15 videos if the first 3 i watched were so apparently absurd.

HelpMeExpose ago

Pokes ago

Fair enough, I listened to him repeatedly and could have sworn he was saying chingling. My bad. But, I still don't see any classic images of changelings that resemble the voodoo donuts character. I see a few modern horror movies that depict changelings as such, but I'm not sure we can definitively state that what they portray is a changeling. It very well could be, but it could also be a coincidence. Here's my gripe with this theory, i've been to voodoo donuts long before pedo/pizzagate was a known thing, before i had any inkling of what they might have been up to and I must say that I was impressed; they're a great donut shop. They make amazing donuts, and they market themselves well to the community they began in. It's like a hipster sort of motif, and I know plenty of people who enjoy their art design who are neither occultists nor endorse any nefarious practices or institutions.

Whether the red-pilled want to accept it or not, they are actually a profitable donut shop. They sell out of plenty of their donuts before the end of the day, do insane volume all day long, and have offshoot business which I see less reason to suspect. While I wholeheartedly subscribe to the notion that pedogate is real and that these symbols do connote something in many instances, I'm certain that they wouldn't use them unless there was also the commonplace use of the very same symbols unknowingly withing pop culture and marketing. Like, a swirl is very possibly something many designers have used unaware of its double meaning. While I don't doubt plenty are using it to promote pedo activism, and to identify themselves to prospective customers, it wouldn't work unless they were hiding among the already ubiquitous innocuous use of such symbols. Voodoo donuts is one example where the only evidence i've heard to support this theory requires you to be grasping at straws and looking for something where it might not necessarily be.

Snailracer ago

Very tasty donuts. Way better than krispy kreme.

ScientiaPotentia ago

CHANGE- LING not chingaling

zzvoat ago

So this is an EXCLUSIVE as opposed to all the other EXCLUSIVE's people post here? Stop with the CAPS post title hijacking.

HelpMeExpose ago

I really didn't look at it that way, first time on Voat. I'm used to titling YouTube Videos so I'll work on it next time.

V____Z ago

Welcome to Voat, where we kick newcomers as our way of saying thanks.

educate_yourself ago

pre sure everyone gets their ass kicked on all corners of le interwebs ;)

palmitespo910 ago

Your imagination never limits you, treat your kid to a Voodoo Doughnu styled Ice cream cone!


*Due to massive creative talents of our many doughnut crafters and the voodoo gods, our special order Voodoo Doughnuts may not look exactly as these photos. However we will urge the voodoo gods to make sure each of these packages are very similar in nature.

Call any one of our locations below nearest you to place your order.

/me shutters

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

I am about to look; is this your work?

HelpMeExpose ago

Yes, It is

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

ok, I just deleted my post about marking this NSFW, doesn't mean it shouldn't be, just didn't need it's own postsince you replied to my post here.

HelpMeExpose ago

I'm fairly new, but today I just put all of this information on here. It was removed because I put the link alone and nothing else "LeedleManLeedle" was my previous Voat account before it got banned for "spam". This is not spam, this is evidence and I'm ready to share. Thanks for everyone's support and I hope to see this forum up tomorrow.

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

No, it's not spam. I am a couple video's in and I really think you should mark the link as NSFW.

HelpMeExpose ago

Ok, I put NSFW, next to the link. I hope that's what you meant.

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Yes. I watched your playlist and you have done a good job. I know nothing about them but what I learned from you there is something going on that needs a closer look. Do they change the children in the pics of the donut cigar's, you know, rotate kids once they are bought? Need to look at wayback machine.

palmitespo910 ago

I noticed on http://voodoodoughnut.com/mobile/voodoo-doughnut-mobile-special-orders.php that they have a coffin of donuts available. Could someone who isn't me, I am at work and my work blocks archive.is for some reason, go through and archive their pages? We might need this in the future or in the right now.

palmitespo910 ago

Thank you very much. Also well, well, well, what do we have here?

Catchthem ago

Yes this does look bad.. I hope it gets investigated. It has all the warning signs.