Jem777 ago

This is absolutely correct. Those who want to make this an intellectual arguement are indeed missing the entire story. It is not. The occult aspect is very real. The Outer Dark will wake you up in ways you never thought were possible. You need to watch the last month or more. They are short and succinct. Dark Math I know you are paying attention to George Webb videos this aspect of the story will make sense if you don't immediately dismiss it.

ArchitectOfDreams ago

Hands up if you give a shit what self-proclaimed intellectual heavyweight DarkMath has to say?

How about JamesHowardCrow...

OK keep your hands raised, so that's, none of you.

JamesHowardCrow is to Darkmath, as Podesta is to Skippy.

finska ago

Check out the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland near/connected to CERN, last year which was attended by some of Europes most well-known leaders, such as Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, President Francois Hollande of France and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, where the most bizarre and in your face occult rituals were openly performed. Here is an article- Here is a video-

strix-varia ago

It's so disturbing as are photos of the empty tunnel with all of it symbols. The ceremony immediately reminded me of Metropolis.

Ihatepizza2 ago

This is absolutely nuts. Seriously WTF is going on at that ceremony? It's so bad on every level. If you watch the full thing (1 hour) you can see the faces of the people in the choir look none too happy - like they were duped into it and realise it's one bad load of fucked up voodoo. The Outer Dark on youtube has some good analysis

equineluvr ago

That guy's YT channel looks like an electronic National Enquirer.

I disagree with his interpretation of the BoA murals, especially the "sleeping giant."

Never trust anyone who cannot correctly pronounce "picture."

DarkMath ago

I'm sorry. I fell asleep half way through this. Could you create a little "Cliff Notes" version and put it at the beginning?


MasterLucifer ago

Done. :-)

DarkMath ago

Ha ha.

Don't shoot the messenger. I'm just trying to help you make your case. I'm a card carrying Tin Foil Hatter. And if you're struggling to convince me (and bee tee dubs I'm struggling to understand your exact point) then good luck with everyone else.


MasterLucifer ago

You amuse me. Don't forget that.

DarkMath ago

You should take me more seriously. The problem with 9/11 and all this conspiracy stuff are the people who are plugging it on the Internet.

You couldn't pick individuals with a less credible delivery style if you tried. It sucks. Someone like Jim Marrs is correct about 80% of the time but he sounds like an illiterate red neck 100% of the time and that's not good if you're trying to wake people up.

MasterLucifer ago

Hmmm Nope, I shouldn't.

DarkMath ago

Great. Let us all know how that works out for ya.

MasterLucifer ago

Anyone who believes planes hit the towers, is not in the same league intellectually.

DarkMath ago


JamesHowardCrow ago

I agree with Darkmath this wasn't even coherent enough for me to understand your point much less convince me of it.....

e-traiu ago

dejavu... agents are coming to delete this thread

This Cern sacfifice needs light on it. Wtf. Connect it to pedogate

MasterLucifer ago

Religions for Peace, met with Fund staff on May 3 2007. The discussion focused on the impact of IMF policies on Latin American countries.

MasterLucifer ago

Gerry McCann At The Whitehouse & Washington State University A while ago, someone came up with the theory that Amanda Kleinman was a clone as she had no father on her family tree. I am sure this sounds a little far fetched for some of our most seasoned researchers but I decided to give this genius/insane person the benefit of the doubt and pursue their line of inquiry.

What I found is remarkable.

Not only have Gerry McCann and Amanda Kleinman visited the Whitehouse...

Amanda Kleinman works at George Washington State University...

"Hall's experiment was to take 17 microscopic embryos and multiply them to 48. that 48 embryos, clones. Hall is director of IN VITRO laboratory in George Washinton Research University where Robert Stillman, his mentor, heads the entire in vitro fertilizarion programe."

The coloboma of the eye is indicative of PAX6 congenital mutation/anomaly. As well as this, Pax6 is responsible for the formation of the pineal gland and olfactory system of the brain, which hosts the olfactory bulb, which produces stem cells in adults, neurogenesis.

The changing Coloboma of Madeleine

equineluvr ago

Actually coloboma is indicative of PAX2.


In our study no pathogenic PAX6 mutation were identified. This suggests involvement of other coloboma genes."

MasterLucifer ago

Novel mutations in PAX6, OTX2 and NDP in anophthalmia, microphthalmia and coloboma.

Polymicrogyria and absence of pineal gland due to PAX6 mutation.