NeverGiveUp ago

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

carmencita ago

We need to get something started. There are so many of us working so hard at this and there has not been any payback. We should have had some kind of Twitter War with some of the non believers or just getting this out there is good so people know we are not just going to go quietly into the night and disappear.

whorsquini ago

The Catholic Church is still One, Holy, and Apostolic. It was infiltrated in the early-mid 20th century and they made a mess of things at Vatican II. It is the job of Catholics to stand up and correct these things.

bopper ago


whorsquini ago

"Consider how contrary to the mind of God are the heterodox in regard to the grace of God which has come to us. They have no regard for charity, none for the widow, the orphan, the oppressed, none for the man in prison, the hungry or the thirsty. They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer, because they do not admit that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, the flesh which suffered for our sins and which the Father, in His graciousness, raised from the dead."

"Letter to the Smyrnaeans", paragraph 6. circa 80-110 A.D.

bopper ago

Research the Great Reformation and Martin Luther. The Eucharist is blasphemy, it's a sacrifice of Christ over and over again, he was the true and final sacrificial atonement. Roman Catholicism is a cradle to grave legal bondage system to control a person.

"And every priest stands daily at his service, offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. 12 But when Christ[b] had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, 13 waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet. 14 For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified."

whorsquini ago

All of the Christians from the first three centuries, who put the New Testament as you know it together, believed otherwise. See my above link.

The OTHER Alex Jones,

bopper ago

Hey, I watched just a tad of the video, these are Pentecostal Charismatics, they're a mess. I believe he's preaching salvation by baptism/water which is salvation by works, which of course is not what the apostles taught. But of course we could go on and on!

whorsquini ago

You're going to want to read the source material he references. The Ante-Nicene Church Fathers books. They are the Christians from the first three centuries, who were the ones who decided what would go into he New Testament. They have all the credibility in the world.

bopper ago

Thanks, I used to have most of their works. I like Augustine. I also like St.Thomas Aquinas. I began to rely though mainly on the puritans and Scottish Covenanters of the Reformation, as I trust them and it's easier to read their thoughts about the Church Fathers than slog through it all myself, though I would love to.

bopper ago

Whoa a preacher named Alex Jones, never heard of him! Thanks. We will agree to disagree. I've been studying all this for literally 35 years. I know all about the Roman Church, and I believe her to be an apostate and corrupt church/system ... but you understand I'm of the "reformed faith." But I'm not angry at you, nor offended, not at all :)

strix-varia ago

If you can still be a catholic after seeing this and knowing what it stands for, you deserve everything that's coming down the line and more. Sheeple catholics, wake up for God's sake. This is the church of satan.

strix-varia ago

Ya Lent....hmmmmmmmmm. With all it's ritualistic nonsense around Easter. The catholic church is not what people think it is and neither is their lying "leader" in white.

carmencita ago

I think there could be a really large worldwide parish or whatever they would call it. I wonder if Lent is their time of increase for human sacrifice? I say we should sacrifice Satan. We should at least have a tweet day to do just that. I say we have a Crusade. Like the Church did. the #Crusade#KillSatan

Touchdown50 ago

Yes purple is a lenten color

carmencita ago

Well I have seen many articles on here about the Church going way back to Satanism and how they inserted all kinds of people into the Vatican many moons ago. I have seen an article also on the net about how two gay saints were married by the Church many centuries ago. I want to say around the 15th Century. A lot of things going on then that they won't let us do now. Forgot the saints names. I Also remember as a Catholic that whenever the Church is mourning a death they drape the front of the Church in Purple. Hmm.

cantsleepawink ago

I see.

sugarskull ago

Yeah you can pray it away according to the pope. Those guys are supposed to pray the rest of their lives anyway so that isn't much of a mea culpa is it?

carmencita ago

"A total of 1,880 priests, religious brothers and sisters, and lay people have been identified as alleged perpetrators in abuse claims made to the Australian Catholic church by 4,444 victims." This is just the tip of the iceberg. And it is just Australia. When will people realize that the Pope has no intention of curbing this heinous problem.

carmencita ago

Notice they are all wearing purple sashes in the picture of the link. Another link to Satanism.

lynn1314 ago

They and police in the UK are backing away from prosecuting pedophiles to normalize it and make it an "illness," not criminal . . . so when the s#$% hits the fan and all the top level people are exposed, they'll all go to "rehab" not jail.

Tetromino ago


I hate it when a bitch does that on my carpet.

SaveTheChildren ago

Whenever I hear anything about Catholicism I like to post this picture

samhara ago

These too:

And this: "Pope Francis is named by former Argentine junta insider as “prime mover” in child trafficking network. Francis concealed Vatican – Crown of England “Holyrood Agreement” authorizing joint coverup of child rape in Anglican and Catholic churches"

3141592653 ago

That is terrifying!

Touchdown50 ago

You can tell its evoking demons. Talk about hell on earth

sponiatowski ago

5 Reasons Vatican Run By Reptilians

Click the link above. You need to see the outside of the building. I was raised Catholic and I can confirm that not all Catholics are like this...but not that many. And they are all outcasts of some sort.

SaveTheChildren ago

Ps: I just posted this to my small community /v/truthers

I love shit like this!

SaveTheChildren ago

Great video, thank you.

evilwhitemale ago

Believing in reptilians is dumb - it's just a twist on satanism/gnosticism so they can attract more skeptics into their child raping, child eating ways.

sponiatowski ago

But this Reptilian nonsense is what these pedophiles and child sacrifice practitioners believe. They commit these atrocities to see their Reptilian overlords. I'm not saying I believe it. I'm saying that these people believe it. Just calling it crazy is the easy way out.

evilwhitemale ago

Some of them believe it, some of them are gnostics and believe the spriitual side more, some of them are straight up satanists, others likely just do it because they like the evil deeds...

Ultimately it's satanism of course, regardless of whether they prescribe to the bloodline bullshit or not, they like raping and eating people. If there is anything to the bloodlines I'd argue it's more like a bloodline descended from the Nephilim. Even so, demons and angels aren't physical beings and thus at the most the Nephilim were genetically altered humans modified by fallen angels possessing human bodies - perhaps the cause for the fall of Atlantis?

I don't discount the possibility of aliens existing, or of other intelligent species of earth existing in a hidden way, but the reptilian stuff, the greys, etc are obvious demonic deceptions as a believer. Any intelligent race that could fare the stars would hide from us or avoid us because we're a bunch of savages.

sponiatowski ago

There are no rules for identifying evil properly, is there. It's up to mankind to tackle this problem. I've never seen a reptilian, but I've seen enough nuts at anti-Trump rallies to make me wonder.

evilwhitemale ago

Satan originally possessed the snake which had legs at the time, potentially was humanoid...doesn't mean reptilians exist, but that the nature of "snakes" or "snake in the grass" goes back to that event...

So yeah those people are either just autists or are legitimately channeling demons...

sponiatowski ago

I also think the "Emperors New Clothes" syndrome takes place among these initiates. If they are committing human sacrifice and say they didn't see Reptilian Overlords, I'm sure they'll be the next human sacrifice. I like this theory, though, but only because it's an intriguing myth that's interesting to acknowledge.

evilwhitemale ago

I also have the biased perspective of being a WASP, but my worldview is seen through the lens of the Bible, that is the new and old testaments.

That perspective forces me to see that the catholic church and the straight up satanists, Islam, etc are all the same thing.

sponiatowski ago

Agreed. But don't let people who are of other denominations get off the hook. I've a feeling these fiends are hiding everywhere, just waiting to get at the vulnerable.

cantsleepawink ago

Great image. Says it all really.

unrealisthenewreal ago

Creepy AF.

palmitespo910 ago

God dammit I love South Park.

strix-varia ago

How I totally despise frankie, the jesuit liar.

MightoScrub ago

Maybe he's just blessing the fallen hero of our times, Ronny James Dio!

cantsleepawink ago

Lol. I'm going to steal those.

frankenmine ago

The Guardian is corrupt and should be archived in the OP. It doesn't deserve our support. Please keep this in mind for future posts.

Also, please see:

cantsleepawink ago

I don't understand what you are saying. I'm no fan of the Guardian but I posted this article because of the content of the article. Could you clarify why you think that this should not have been posted ?

frankenmine ago

This article is almost certainly factual, but the Guardian has a history of lying about or covering up lots of other issues, so I am asking people to archive the Guardian's links and posting the archive to deny them traffic and revenue while still sharing the content.

See this archiving tutorial:

The link in my previous comment provides even more info.

cantsleepawink ago

I know how to archive thanks. I understand now what you were after. Makes sense. I don't agree with some of your media lists though :)

frankenmine ago

I am always open to feedback. Feel free to comment publicly or send me a message.

sponiatowski ago

There is not a word in the New Testament speaking against pedophilia. I wouldn't expect any help from the Catholic Church. There is a glaring, unstated loophole that allows for child sacrifice and pedophilia. I mean, even God sacrificed his only begotten son...didn't he?

lynn1314 ago

Romans 1:24-28 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

sponiatowski ago

Those quotes are open for interpretation and are posted all the time to debase homosexuals, lesbians, transgenders...but until TODAY have not been used to debase pedophilia and child sacrifice. Why not until TODAY? What have our religions done to protect the children since?

huhWHAThuh ago

Because until "today" no one has ever had the nerve to even suggest that pedophilia or child sacrifice is anything less that the horror that it is. Only now are we seeing attempts by Salon and a few other outlets to write articles attempting to normalize such sickening behavior. Only now is there widespread public disclosure on the internet about the global problem. I would consider any religion that doesn't condemn it to be satanic.

lynn1314 ago

They've done a pretty terrible job, I agree.

sponiatowski ago

Thank you! There are a large amount of Christians here and I'm glad we are all in agreement that something needs to be done, but I don't think we are going to come to a solution in religion but in DNA testing and tracking, etc. We also have to vet our politicians better because they seem to be using their power to run pedophile rings the same as the Catholic Church has done. This appears to be humanity's job.

lynn1314 ago

I think you're right. I believe God has put this firmly in our hands - it maybe our last chance.

derram ago | :

Pope may be backsliding on paedophile crackdown, Catholic official says | World news | The Guardian

'The Pope may be retreating from his crackdown on paedophile priests as Vatican bureaucrats do all they can to undermine reform efforts, a senior Australian Catholic official has warned. '

'The Catholic Church in Australia could end up as a “marginalised rump” unless there is real change to an institutional culture hell-bent on self-protection and self-preservation, the chief executive of the church’s Truth Justice and Healing Council, Francis Sullivan, has said. '

'Sullivan, who has led the Australian church’s response to the four-year child sex abuse royal commission, points to recent developments in Rome. '

'Pope Francis has told bishops around the world to adhere to a zero-tolerance policy for clergy who sexually abuse children but has reportedly reduced sanctions against some offending priests.“You have to seriously wonder whether this isn’t the Pope backsliding on what has been a strong and determined crackdown on offending priests and the circumstances that allowed abuse to take place,” he said. '

'Sullivan said another concerning development was the resignation of Irish clerical abuse survivor and advocate Marie Collins from the Vatican’s child protection commission, citing resistance from the Vatican.“Together these two developments paint a picture of the Vatican establishment, its bureaucrats and courtiers, doing all they can to either undermine the Pope or driving an agenda that is about maintaining the status quo and protecting the institution.”It was a very dangerous time for the Catholic church in Australia, Sullivan said in a speech in Sydney on Friday night that was released to media on Sunday.“If the church in Australia doesn’t see continuous, concerted change from our leaders driven and backed by an active and demanding Catholic community, then our church as a religion will become a marginalised rump, stripped of credibility and relevance, left to preach to an ever ageing congregation with eyes on an ever dimming hereafter.”A total of 1,880 priests, religious brothers and sisters, and lay people have been identified as alleged perpetrators in abuse claims made to the Australian Catholic church by 4,444 victims. '

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