Laskar ago

It already happened. She has video from Epstein's pedo island. Epstein is a convicted human trafficker but because of his little black book of the elite, he continues his trade.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Yeah she wants to ask him in court about Prince Andrew. Cernovich entered the case acting against her, presumably acting on behalf of Alan Dershowitz.

strix-varia ago

Smug epstein...ugh. He needs to be dealt with by special forces.

TrishaUK ago


carlip ago

threatening huh? why in the fuck would you wait, maybe because its not real?

TrishaUK ago

There are no identifying dates, source on this article? I tend to agree with you!

equineluvr ago

Persactly. Legal strategy.

kaptklok ago

"FBI: New Evidence From Anthony Weiner Will See Clinton ‘Locked Up For Life’ "

MolochHunter ago

needs its own post

TrishaUK ago

E X C E L L E N T..........Can't come quick enough!!