equineluvr ago


Vindicator ago

Not really, equineluvr. A) Her theory was shot down in comments. B) One of the mods deleted the whole thread as an unsourced discussion post. :-)

MostPostersAreShills ago

Ive been working on a list of shills. Lol funnly enough 2 or 3 of them are posting in this thread. Becareful of darkmath and zzvoat I have been suspicious of them.

equineluvr ago

Not going to hold my breath waiting for the APOLOGY that is owed me.

equineluvr ago

NEWS FLASH: According to TrishaUK, if you DEIGN to disagree with her you are most likely a "troll!"


DarkMath ago

I just read up on a bunch of @equineluvr comments and I think he's the real deal. The following convinced me:


Why? Because that link is in reference to an interview Victurus Libertas did with an "insider". Well it turns out that "insider" is going to spill the beans on a lot of stuff including the species of Alien Reptiles who rule the planet.

Uuummmmm yeah........

To give Victurus Libertas some credit they're trying to make money by increasing their viewership so you have to cut them some slack. But regardless equineluvr wrote:

"Dittos. They suck! That stupid woman sounds illiterate."

I don't think VL sucks, I just think their suspected shill factor increased with the "Alien Reptiles" disinfo campaign. Equineluvr seams like the real deal to me. He's jaded and pissed off too, that's more proof he's alright. Everyone with a heart and some basic level of sanity should be fucking so pissed off right now there should be nothing more important than bringing down this cluster fuck.

But who knows, I've been wrong before.

TrishaUK ago

Thanks for your reply and the link :)

equineluvr ago

Thanks. I was unaware that VL was also promoting the "alien" crapola.

And I still think VL sucks! :) We can agree to disagree on that one.

BTW, I am a VICTIM/SURVIVOR and have posted this many times on here before.

DarkMath ago

"We can agree to disagree"......Yep. If everyone felt exactly the same it would be wrong.

And I hear you on Jeff Sessions deciding not to prosecute that pedophile. You made a comment here:


You're skeptical of Sessions and rightly pointed out him seemingly letting a pedo off the hook. I'm not as worried as you are because I strongly suspect that move was part of a much larger "battlefield maneuver" currently going on behind the scene preparing for the mouse trap they've set up to catch these sickos.

For example Jerry Sandusky just got moved to a low security prison. That could make you mad because the guy deserves a fist in the face not better living conditions. But if that move was in exchange for his testimony later on then it's all good.

equineluvr ago

You may be right on JS. Maybe Sandusky too.

But prisoners are moved all the time as a matter of course. Many have posted that here, including moi. (Criminal Justice) So it could mean NOTHING.

We don't have additional info so are merely speculating.

Correlation does NOT equal causation, a logical tenet that most here need to learn.

DarkMath ago

"prisoners are moved all the time".........That's certainly true. But after 3 months at this there are no coincidences. A few weeks before Sandusky was moved his step son was arrested. That's no coincidence.

equineluvr ago

Jeff Sandusky is an employee of PA Corrections. They would NOT want both father and son in the same "big house" with a high-profile case like this.

DarkMath ago

"in the same "big house"".....That's not what I meant. I don't think Jeff was arrested to get them in the same jail.

I think Jeff was arrested to make him more "malleable" so he'd give up more prominent pedophiles. That's a classic move when rolling up a drug ring or something. They arrest the small fish and then work their way up.

Does that make sense?

equineluvr ago

Yes, of course they go after smaller fish first.

The topic wasn't Jeff's arrest; it was Jerry being moved to more lax security.

As for the Sessions issue, those were Ocommie DOJ holdovers, and he has subsequently asked for their resignations. So it may have nothing to do with some "brilliant strategy move" on Sessions' part at all as you speculate.

All of this is still mere speculation without more evidence. My point still stands: Too much OVERconnecting on here. Correlation still does NOT equal causation.

DarkMath ago

"As for the Sessions issue, those were Ocommie DOJ holdovers"

I don't understand what you mean. The Sessions issue I was talking about had to do with Sessions dropping a case against a pedophile not the 46 Obama appointed prosecutors resigning:


reasonedandinformed ago

Basically, look at patterns. If they are saying "nothing here" without substantiation to something promising, that is suspicious. You KNOW it is a troll if they do the caution troll + push unsubstantiated posts, where they favor leading us down dead ends and posting wacky theories without support, filled with hateful/bigoted rhetoric (often targeting jews or another group). They will also try to push vigilantism as we know they want to censor us, so a false flag event after a call for violence serves that purpose.

Northern_Soul ago

I've lost count how many threads sprang up exposing @reasonedandinformed for being a MOD "alt" account.

One user in particular, cant remember the name, beautifully demonstrated how this prolific account was being used by a MOD.

It got that bad for this account.. We didn't see it for months, them were the days :)

reasonedandinformed ago

You are out of your mind. I am like anyone else here who is not a paid CTR shill trying to help as best I can in stopping these sick pedos. You have no support for making this ridiculous claim, so stop the crap of pointing fingers.

TrishaUK ago

Thank you, (its equineluvr) he/she seem annoyed and rude by the fact that I posted about Monika Wesolowski whos child was taken from her for no reason.

reasonedandinformed ago

If someone is shilling, just expose them and move on from there. Don't spend too much energy or get distracted.

equineluvr ago

Again, enough with the attempted mindreading. I already told you that you're way off base with that.

You are the one who was rude, immediately accusing me of being a "shill" because I pointed out ERRORS in the "Common Sense" presentation AND what makes that woman suspicious to me.

ASolo ago

Who at this point who DOESN'T have their own personal troll from working on pizzagate? Watch, mine will post here shortly and won't even realize what thread she's posting on. 0 contribution, 100% trolling, mods doing anything about it, no. Changed IT'S name from shillstomper to a number.

ASolo ago

Yeah, don't piss this one off, 8333764 and 8343277 (how the hell is it getting two different numbers when it's the same person, must be a number generator in anon post.) Anyway this creature started this ID simply to fuck with me and called herself Shillstomper lol, she's been trolling me since I created my own pizza gate thread at LunaticOutPost, http://lunaticoutpost.com/thread-708771.html the biggest thread about pizzagate on any forum at the time it first broke, but this shill says im AGAINST pizzagate, you should really see the psycho techniques this troll attempts to use.

TrishaUK ago

I guess I am due one then haha

ASolo ago

IT claims to be part of Anonymous but posts a threatening illuminati actress with the ok symbol covering one eye. I'd like a real Anon member look into her.

reasonedandinformed ago

I wrote this a while ago related to trolling back in December:

The key patterns: 1. Heavy caution at a new, possibly promising, lead. This is different than asking for documentation of a CLAIM. This guy was pushing back hard on somebody's finding of possible others connected to Tony Podesta in his FB friends based on questionable posts. 2. Smoking gun or exaggerated claims without evidence, which contradicts point #1. When you see both happening, you know it is a shill (versus someone just being over zealous) since it shows radically-inconsistent analysis. 3. Planting ideas that seem to be ludicrous, disconnected, or fringe, with no support, so that they can build the narrative of fake news by pointing to nonsense threads. When these unsubstantiated ideas fly up with heavy upvotes, you know it is CTR. They use this to move our resources into dead ends or areas that make us look silly...while replacing legit threads by moving to the top of the board. 4. Showing heavy venom and hate, bigotry, etc., again to partially paint us as a lunatic fringe of white supremacist racists (another of their memes). They loving pulling in hatred of jews or other groups. 5. Inciting violence or a call to arms to go down to the place and give them justice. They play off our natural outrage to try to create a record of us calling for violence, which will support their narrative when they have the false flag op and blame us for the violence, calling for outright censorship.

Those are the main themes I see, and this is how I have spotted them. The last item took off as an initiative for them yesterday, so I think a major false flag is imminent, especially with Hillary's comments yesterday. It is very coordinated.

Vindicator ago

Great comment, reasonedandinformed. Would you mind putting this together as a post for v/pizzagatemods? Then we can link to it as a ref in comments. Also, protip: You can make Voat show a numbered list as an indented sub-paragraph by putting a double return in front of each number, then highlighting the whole section and choosing the 7th formatting button. It will insert numbers in front of your numbers -- just delete your numbers. You can hit the preview button to see the formatting in advance.

DarkMath ago

After 3 months of this my shilldar is extremely sensitive and finely tuned.

Lead me to this potential shill and I shall pass judgement.

Seriously what comment in question makes you think they're a shill?

equineluvr ago

I DEIGNED to point out a huge ERROR in Dave Hodges' presentation about that woman who has had her "brakes cut." AND I also pointed out that the woman has been making the "news" since 2014 with uberdramatic stories, yet STILL contracts with the U.S. State Dept. That makes NO SENSE.

I always do and CONTINUE to point out things that are hinkey to me.

TrishaUK ago

it is equineluvr thank you :) on here thx https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1711293

zzvoat ago

Mouseover posters' and commenters's username. See how long they have had the account and that the other numbers you see there are somewhat high. If troll, hit "report" button underneath comment

TrishaUK ago

Thank you, when I mouseover it says 18 days SCP:148 CPP:926 ? Would you say equineluvr is a troll ?

Forgetmenot ago

I would say he is a troll since he is very pushy about antisemitism. Beware of darkmath I just caught him lieing and using links taken out of context to push his false narrative. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1805597/8845004/10#8845004

SturdyGal ago

Based on public comments, I do not think equineluvr is a troll and I would say it to their face if I thought so.