TweedleDee3000 ago

As much as I utterly despise libtards from the bottom of my heart, I think it's time to unite with the anti-Trump people, and get this entire government in front of the firing squad where it belongs. These are ALL criminal satanist freemason trash that need bullets in their heads. I'm very inspired by the story in Korea, and we must do the same here. EVERY SINGLE ONE of these pigs, demoncrat or republitard, needs a bullet in its head.

TweedleDee3000 ago

We need this here. It's time for the overthrow of the satanist pedo masonic "government" of the US. EVery fucking one of these maggots needs a bullet in its head.

Aloha808 ago

As the US does all over the world and in our own government they put their mind controlled slaves in positions of power and if they have not been brainwashed by the satanist then they are blackmailed and threatened to obey.

Jem777 ago

Let's not forget the Moonies cult already connected to the Clinton's, G. H. W. Bush & Barbara, Washington DC, Alefantis etc

carmencita ago

Wonder what was taken from those children before they were sacrificed?

Touchdown50 ago

Actually many people ive talked to either believe pizzagate is bullshit or never heard of it. The latter is more occuring.

jkick ago

Let's not forget Clinton connections here....

Hillary Clinton knows President Park Geun-Hye pretty well. They met whenever Hillary visited Seoul as secretary of state or Ms. Park went to Washington. They have no doubt talked about what they would do about North Korea.

Which maybe expains why Tony Rodham was able to facilitate a lucrative speech offer for Bill Clinton in North Korea...

A Clinton Foundation official pushed Hillary Clinton's State Department to approve a request for Bill Clinton to speak at a North Korean industrial complex

In March 2012, the former president received an invitation to speak at the Gaesong Industrial Complex in North Korea, where dozens of South Korean companies took advantage of the lower wages permitted north of the demilitarized zone by shifting parts of their operation there.

According to Human Rights Watch, the labor laws governing work at the Gaesong campus "fall well short of international standards."

Maybe they also talked about Haiti...

South Korean companies and Haiti

"Reports reveal that tens of millions in taxpayer dollars were used to build a clothing factory in Haiti for a company that has donated to the Clinton Foundation and whose owner invested in Cheryl Mills’ private consulting company."

By 2012, Sae-A Trading Company, a South Korean clothing manufacture, had become the flagship tenant in a much-celebrated Haitian industrial park. Both Bill and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attended the factory’s ribbon-cutting ceremony.

An ABC News investigation shows that after opening its factory in Haiti, Sae-A donated between $50,000 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation.

The chairman of Sae-A, Woong-Ki Kim, also invested in a startup company, BlackIvy Group, owned by Hillary Clinton’s former chief of staff Cheryl Mills.

Don-Keyhote ago

Great stuff there, proud of your boy

zzvoat ago

It has been speculated 911 was the same kind of sacrifice

Rangers_justice ago

BOTH 9/11 were sacrifices. It's the significance of the date. Like 3/15 which is coming up in a few days.

Touchdown50 ago

Ive been looking into that as well. What they call a mega ritual.

Rangers_justice ago

K-pop has been displaying the Illuminati/Luciferian signs that is all over American pop music. It's not even hidden anymore. Youtube "k-pop illuminati" and you will see.

Touchdown50 ago

I see that as well in j pop

Rangers_justice ago

Their message had to enter Asia at some point because 60% of the worlds population is there. Korean culture is perfect to permeate with their message because the entertainment industry is blossoming and spreading right now. The globalists have tentacles everywhere including into the Korean "chaebols" like SAMSUNG.

153sdsd ago

Thanks, I kind of saw this coming

Vindicator ago

I wondered about this. Hasn't this caught up Samsung heirs as well? Given what we now know about their TV's being able to watch you...perhaps the CIA is running the whole show over there?