submitted 8 years ago by [deleted]
anon_sense 8 years ago
This is the press conference and then encryption codes produced at the end, i.e. 9am right?
Mrs_Ogynist01 8 years ago
Yes, but keep checking. If they actually release encryption at 8:46 then it's 9/11 related. IMO
How come? Sorry if I'm missing something...
The first plane hit at 8:46 on a Tuesday morning.
matheasysolutions 8 years ago
chelseaclinton 8 years ago
For those who think Julian Assange is still alive and hasn't been abducted:
SatnamWaheguru 8 years ago
I agree with you. The first video gives it away. It is the smoking gun that the rumors are true. He is probably gone.
Archive link just in case: http://archive.is/9x1Rb
derram 8 years ago
https://tweetsave.com/wikileaks/status/839028999162642432 :
WikiLeaks on Twitter: "ANNOUNCE: WikiLeaks press conference in under five hours at 8am ET / 1pm UTC / 14:00 CET. Streamed live. #askWL"
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anon_sense ago
This is the press conference and then encryption codes produced at the end, i.e. 9am right?
Mrs_Ogynist01 ago
Yes, but keep checking. If they actually release encryption at 8:46 then it's 9/11 related. IMO
anon_sense ago
How come? Sorry if I'm missing something...
Mrs_Ogynist01 ago
The first plane hit at 8:46 on a Tuesday morning.
anon_sense ago
matheasysolutions ago
chelseaclinton ago
For those who think Julian Assange is still alive and hasn't been abducted:
SatnamWaheguru ago
I agree with you. The first video gives it away. It is the smoking gun that the rumors are true. He is probably gone.
matheasysolutions ago
Archive link just in case: http://archive.is/9x1Rb
derram ago
https://tweetsave.com/wikileaks/status/839028999162642432 :
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