sponiatowski ago

Remember Al Capone. The only reason he was in jail was for tax evasion. The good news is that a death sentence was delivered to him via syphilis. Even a non-believer sees the justice there. Millions suffered because of this man...and his "oversights" caused his downfall.

Strait8 ago

Wikileaks Vault 7 is a kick in CIA's balls.

Let this play out a bit. For chess comparisons, pawns are not being loyal pawns right now so the rules and tactics will be changing drastically.

Who can the extreme corrupt murderers and pedophiles trust? Only their own that are in it as deep as them. Their pawns are no longer to be trusted. Their dark army is getting effectively smaller.

MattHelm ago

I think Trump is going to disappoint all of us. He is frozen in fear afraid to do what needs to be done.

He lashes out on Twitter because he's frustrated but he is surrounded by traitorous enemies and they will prevent him from being the great patriot he could be.

He should order the arrests of 200 top politicians from both parties including Obama and Hillary and McCain and Graham all the pedophiles and career criminals. Plus 100 of the fake news media pedophiles.

But Trump won't do any of this. He has probably been warned he faces death or removal from office if he does what we want him to do. Sad!

thomccc ago

I disagree. Trump is a very, very powerful man because of that twitter. Even if he was to drop dead of a heart attack, he can still twitter because he could be doppleganged.. His only agony is when or whether or not to open a certain can of worms.

Sometimes you can let things out of a bottle that you can't put back in.

Long_Knife ago

A president can't order arrests.

betty23 ago

who then for Gods sake is responsible for arrests in such a huge quantum in the U.S.?Is it the Marines?Who can order search warrants and arrest warrants when the president of the United States can not intervene?Jeff Sessions?Who would be responsible if the FBI is not doing it?FBI is compromised as well.Someone for sure has "the ultimate"say on this issue.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Sessions and his team will get only one shot to take the elites down! It has to be precise and with military precision.

JesusRules ago

Yes, apparently the egghead CIA agent from Utah, who ran for president, set up a fake Donald Trump server to make it look like he was in contact with the Russians. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ITEP_D3yzM

pizzaequalspedo ago

And Evan was clearly a no-name CIA plant suddenly thrust on the scene and put in place to ensure Hillary's victory by McMullin sabotaging Trump by winning Utah and/or possibly 1-2 more red states.

What a joke there assholes are. I'm pretty sure libertarian candidate Gary Johnson was also a plant to deny Trump.

je-sui-pepe ago

Will say this, we have a better chance of putting these people away with them doing major treason than we do with pizzagate because pedophiles protect pedophiles. the mafia was brought down by books not by the crimes.

Lalalola89 ago

I know this is probably irrelevant but didn't the Agnew tweets constantly talk about a Mullen? Yes it's a common name wether Mullen or McMullen but just throwing it out there.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

There is/was an Admiral Mike Mullins, not sure but might be him.

glorycloud62 ago

This is insane! I hope this solidifies pizzagate in the process.

HereticalPeasant ago

Seriously what the fuck could be more serious than the torture and rape of innocent children????

I'm sorry I'm a bit disappointed. I don't like the minimilization of the injustice perpetrated against children. This is what keeps this vile abuse of children going. Cuz no one denounces seriously and publicly and loudly.

All talk.oh look how much we care about children. Fucking shit if you care so much then denounce it vehemently and publicly and give a scathing criticism and call out the Perps in public. Name names and point then out.

I get Potus Trump has his own issues he's dealing with... but... I can't help but be upset about the whole hush hush atmosphere regarding this heinous and despicable cancer which has plagued the country.

I'm about to be an aunt and thinking about this shit makes me so angry when I think about the fact that I will soon have a little one in the family myself. It would kill me if someone were to minimalize his abuse.

strix-varia ago

Agree. The satanic world we live in is so huge it is beyond comprehension. It is everywhere and it is the reason for children being used as they are. It sounds incredible as I type this, but it is satan we are dealing with and satan causes division, hatred and worst of all utter fear in humanity.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

If the perps run, then we really are fucked!

madhatter67 ago

Can't they be extra judicially dealt with? They are enemy combatants and precedent has been set!

je-sui-pepe ago

well then tell us, how is he supposed to go after them when the senators wont confirm the people he needs in place?

HereticalPeasant ago

I kmowwws :(..... Leak hard evidence against these pedos...??

Antiracist4 ago

Don't forget cannibalism.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh


Just watch the video, people! It contains important new information.

Haldelos ago

When / If this pizzagate explodes...it needs to happen in a way that even the most anti-Trump people will see it's truth. Our country is too violently divided right now...hardcore libs won;t believe it if it comes from Trump. Therefore its MUCH better for the evidence to come from a source other than Trump....Wikileaks or FBI or Some other authority

keeper1 ago

I consider myself pretty "hardcore liberal" and I'm fine with it coming from Trump. I personally think it's not about liberal or conservative. The reason most people haven't recognized that this level of depravity is not just possible, but apparently prevalent, in these elite circles is because most people can't even conceive of this. That's not because they're stupid. It's because they're good people, for the most part. We tend to judge what is possible in others by what we know we, ourselves, are capable of. And the vast majority of us are not capable of the behavior we are uncovering here. Not only would we never DO anything like these people (if that's what they even are anymore) apparently do, we can't conceive of doing it. America's reluctance to believe that this is all actually happening is not an indictment of our culture and proof of our stupidity. It is rather a byproduct of the fact that most of us are compassionate and empathetic, decent people, so we cannot relate to this level of evil. (I don't like the word "evil" generally, but I've come to accept through this process that there is genuine evil in the world. We are reading about it here on a daily basis.)

If we want to put that back into the liberal/conservative context, maybe THAT'S why liberals are having a harder time seeing this (though I'm not sure that's even true). Because we're "bleeding hearts", we tend to just not think this kind of thing can be possible. One of the things about that that really pisses me off, therefore, is that there apparently are a whole lot of so-called "liberal" politicians and media people who appear to be engaged in this depraved shit. The duplicity of that--being "bleeding heart liberals" and "treehuggers" et al while also apparently being sick MFs makes them far more culpable in mind than the people on the other end of the political spectrum, who we tend to see as all about money and not caring about people. The ones who pretend they put people first AND THEN do this shit--they should be the first ones to meet justice, in my opinion.

Haldelos ago

I appreciate your position and certainly didn't mean ALL liberals...most of my family would fall into liberal categories. I pretty much meant those people out there who are losing their effing minds every day because Hillary lost and The ppl violently protesting. I know there are tons of reasonable liberals out there

strix-varia ago

Yes and if anti Trump people GET IT, really GET IT, then all hell breaks loose, everywhere, with more chaos than can be imagined.

Haldelos ago


ZunarJ5 ago

Haldelos - It will, but it's still gonna take time. Can you imagine how screwed up in the head the rescued victims are?

TruthTrumps ago

Sadly enough, perpetrators were likely abuse victims themselves. How can kids who have gone through alot of the sick stuff we've learned about...ever be normal or near normal? Kathy O'brien seems normal...and I believe she wouldn't hurt a soul. However, I have to believe a lot of innocent children can be turned into monsters. God help them...and help us to help them.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

My thoughts exactly! Also where will you put them? Who do you trust to take watch over their care?

DietCokehead1 ago

I'm sick of people asking this. IT TAKES TIME to investigate, build cases, and obtain warrants. It also takes time to get people to flip on each other. Anthony Weiner will be singing like a canary soon.

chelseaclinton ago

"build cases" shameless plug of my thread on us building a legal case https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/1696060

DietCokehead1 ago


Grifter42 ago

Your headline seems anti-Trump.

Long_Knife ago

What's wrong with being anti-trump?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Everything! Trump is our only hope of ending the Evil Satanic Pedo Filth in our gov.


I'm not 100% on board with Trump but I agree that he is the only hope. He really is the only person who could have a hope of cleaning up the cesspit that is the modern United States. No one who wasn't a billionaire and who wasn't able to make the Republican Party into his tool would have had a chance.

Z11Mama ago

You are 100% correct. We can live in a fantasy world (aka mind controlled) and say otherwise or accept reality. There is no way around the fact President Trump is our only hope. A miracle, according to multiple authorities. People who show their fear of this only demonstrate their unwillingness to do their part when it comes to educating themselves and supporting the right thing. You get an upvoat from me for saying it like it is.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Thank You :-)

Long_Knife ago

No he isn't. And people like you are only alienating others by acting like Trump is some savior. You're dividing the community based on politics and that is dumb.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Not dividing! Showing gratitude to a man who is risking everything for US ALL! The hypocrisy of supporting abortions, like Libs do, to Libs wanting to help rescue abused kids, is mind blowing!!

Long_Knife ago

You do realize there are pro-choice republicans as well? Most people are liberal about certain things and conservative about others. Either way it matters not when it comes to pizzagate. I would thing any help would be welcomed but you and others that act that way are basically shitting on anyone that isn't a far right trump-fellating conservative and being unwelcoming to them.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

You do realize just exactly the scope of ass kicking Trump has done in a few weeks as President? Do you sit back and say holy shit what would be happening right now if anyone else but Trump was sitting in the Oval office right now? Trump deserves support and gratitude. Someday, those rescued kids will call Trump their hero! Like Trump or not he is doing this because he has a good heart, a conscious, morals and the biggest set of balls ever in modern times.

Long_Knife ago

He hasn't done anything. And don't try to lump a bunch of prostitution arrests in and try to make them pizzagate-related. As an American I WANT Trump to do well but so far he has been an embarrassment as far as I'm concerned.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Sorry you feel that way.

Long_Knife ago

It isn't how I feel, it's the truth. Child trafficking arrests have been happening for years. It isn't like they just started when Trump took office.


Since 2010, HSI has arrested over 7,000 individuals for human trafficking offenses.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Now to you believe Trump?https://wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/#PRESS

Long_Knife ago

Believe him about what?

Grifter42 ago

Because you're a faggot traitor cunt who ought to be lynched.

dougG ago

Why would he be a traitor if they are anti- trump. Pizzagate has nothing to do with what side of the political spectrum, it seems way too often alt-right mofos like yourself use it as an "excuse".....

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Pedos are in All branches and parties! Trump though is the only one who can stop it, if it can be stopped! So hating on Trump is counter productive to our cause!

dougG ago

So you're saying that one can't be Anti Trump and a pizzagate supporter


It depends whether being anti-Trump makes you a supporter of the Democrats or not, doesn't it?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Nope! You can support whomever you like. All that matters is the kids get saved!

Long_Knife ago

This dude is clearly a fucking idiot.

Grifter42 ago

Fuck you, shill.

dougG ago

What. Haha. Please explain yourself if you are capable of doing so

Long_Knife ago

haha fuck off retard. I guess only democrats can be pedos right?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

No! Of course not!

Grifter42 ago

You got a 357? I do.

You know how to tie a noose? I do.

Long_Knife ago

how did you learn to be so cool though?

Grifter42 ago

Stormfront, my kike friend.

Long_Knife ago

Ahh the lament of the ignorant.

Grifter42 ago

Let's talk about Joe Biden, the pedophile. Why does he grope 12 year olds?

Long_Knife ago

Stormfront told him to? I give up.

Grifter42 ago

I mixed up my responses. Sorry. I was talking to some biden-lover fags. Sorry.


It isn't and I have no idea why you would say that.

Grifter42 ago

Because Trump IS handling Pizza Gate. It's all building up to a crescendo.


Well, if so, that's a matter requiring inside knowledge, which I don't possess.

NoBS ago

If Grifter42 is as emotional as I am about our Nations disgrace, then your humble response is what I need the emulate. Thank you for a dose of reality. Great post, enjoy.