Tossoff ago

god you people are so fucking ignorant. hail satan.

HappyHacking ago

Yeah, Satan works for God. These plebs keep forgetting that. ;) x

BethesdaDC ago

Thx for reposting. These people need to be reminded the gig is up. It's only a matter of time...

rooting4redpillers ago

Transcript: [Unintelligible] people. Thank you all for coming out tonight. There are so many places, that you could have gone, and you have discriminating taste. I know you. But you chose to come here. Come forward. This is the [unintelligible] room. Chairs, for this moment, they’re not safe. They’re not safe they’re unstable they crash through floors and Satan is below, us. You don’t wanna go there yet. We can experience the JOY of Satan here in this room without meeting him. I will love you if you if you step forward and sing. And sing, come forward, you’ll have fun. This type of music, it’s kind of dancy, and you are encouraged to breathe hard, heavily, to move a little. No arthritis here I hope you’ve been taking your cartilage supplements. I have a, a, a special mixture, if you haven’t, I can give it to you now. It looks like cocaine but it’s baby powder [giggles] just don’t take it like a laxative, that would be so confusing. I don’t advocate drug use, for those of you who don’t know me, but I will talk about them a lot. That’s funny, drugs [giggles]. I know you guys think that PCP is back, right? The word on the STREET, in DC these days, [dope?] is back, that’s what I’ve been hearing. [Dope?], PCP, they’re shit that makes you flip cars and run down the street nekked, right? I mean, it was big in the 80s, and you, it’s like 30 years, it’s back. But, I’m gonna dispute that. The [unintelligible] that you’re standing on, this used to be, crap [crack?] town. And tonight, the theme, crack [crap?] is back. [giggles] Crack [crap?] is back. The theme is gonna come through in a few new songs that we [end]

Criticalthinker615 ago

Look at those manly hands. Thats alefantis. Just look at those hams he calls hands

Howmanyarethere ago

interesting that the person feels the need to wear a mask. Is their face so well known that a mask is necessary to protect their regular life....their day job? Usually drag itself is a decent disguise for people who are relatively unknown.

Calling this guy alefantis.... has plausibility. Wish some one would snap a picture of these people leaving through the band entrance with all their make up and masks off.

HappyHacking ago

It's the same reason she wears sunglasses all the time

A while ago, someone came up with the theory that Amanda Kleinman was a clone as she had no father on her family tree. I am sure this sounds a little far fetched for some of our most seasoned researchers but I decided to give this genius/insane person the benefit of the doubt and pursue their line of inquiry.

What I found is remarkable.

Not only have Gerry McCann and Amanda Kleinman visited the Whitehouse...

Amanda Kleinman works at George Washington State University...

"Hall's experiment was to take 17 microscopic embryos and multiply them to 48. that 48 embryos, clones. Hall is director of IN VITRO laboratory in George Washinton Research University where Robert Stillman, his mentor, heads the entire in vitro fertilizarion programe." The coloboma of the eye is indicative of PAX6 congenital mutation/anomaly. As well as this, Pax6 is responsible for the formation of the pineal gland and olfactory system of the brain, which hosts the olfactory bulb, which produces stem cells in adults, neurogenesis.

Has anyone noticed how often Amanda wears sunglasses? Could this be something to do with an anomaly in her eye, she wishes to cover, much like Jacob Rothschild?

Sounds like some kind of top secret cloning program.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Can't wait till these god damn fagets go to jail

equineluvr ago

New? That one's been making the rounds for months.

HappyHacking ago

Oh really, well your algorithm has been making the rounds for months.

Swissmiss ago

Phencyclidine, commonly known as PCP, can be classified both as an hallucinogen and as an anesthetic. Look at:

Mk Ultra History - American LSD & PCP Testing For Mass Mind Control

and also

sound_of_silence ago

the young man on stage during this act with her.. it looks like the role he's playing is a child, what with the overalls and jump rope..

(0:46) "Satan is below us. You don't want to go there yet. We can experience the joy of Satan right here in this room without meeting him."

comeonpeople ago

The "young man" is the 40 year old guitarist of the band.

This show is not at Comet, contrary to the false title of the video.

Alefantis has never been "Majestic Ape". Kleinman takes off the mask and coat as she gets behind the keyboards. Just like always.

HappyHacking ago

A while ago, someone came up with the theory that Amanda Kleinman was a clone as she had no father on her family tree. I am sure this sounds a little far fetched for some of our most seasoned researchers but I decided to give this genius/insane person the benefit of the doubt and pursue their line of inquiry.

What I found is remarkable.

Not only have Gerry McCann and Amanda Kleinman visited the Whitehouse...

Amanda Kleinman works at George Washington State University...

"Hall's experiment was to take 17 microscopic embryos and multiply them to 48. that 48 embryos, clones. Hall is director of IN VITRO laboratory in George Washinton Research University where Robert Stillman, his mentor, heads the entire in vitro fertilizarion programe." The coloboma of the eye is indicative of PAX6 congenital mutation/anomaly. As well as this, Pax6 is responsible for the formation of the pineal gland and olfactory system of the brain, which hosts the olfactory bulb, which produces stem cells in adults, neurogenesis.

Has anyone noticed how often Amanda wears sunglasses? Could this be something to do with an anomaly in her eye, she wishes to cover, much like Jacob Rothschild?

Sounds like some kind of top secret cloning program.