Gbuggers ago

Awesome! Wish i could be there!

HeartDaughter ago

ZalesMcMuffin ago

You make a very good point about style and tactics. I like the idea of silence and black apparel. By adopting quiet demeanor, we strip the enemy of one angle of attack. Carry a sign and some flyers for folks who might be interested in learning more. If you are with others, check their flyers to make sure they are appropriate and accurate, and let them see yours as well.

sound_of_silence ago

just put in $50.. half of what i'm willing to put in this week.. but still have concerns keeping me from going all-in...

  1. what exactly is the security detail.. are these paid people who otherwise wouldn't be there?
  2. are we really demanding arrests be made by the day of the march?
  3. what is the 'step up the pressure' if our 'demands (arrests) aren't met?
  4. where can we all go to stay up to speed on the developments (literature, audio-visuals, etc.)?

we need a hub that isn't facebook or twitter, for folks like me who don't use that stuff.

sent Neil Wolfe couple emails via gofundme page, yesterday, but haven't heard back.. feel we really need a qualified organizer to help us out with more details, so we can rest assured and get to the business of everyone going all-in on this.. and get some based famous people involved.. twitter storms.. all that. hope we can hear from someone soon.

i'm still voting for silent demonstration just so there are no loopholes.

redditsuckz ago

Send the word over here;

Over 22,000 pizzagate investigators on Facebook;

Fateswebb ago

We should have profile pics or some way for people to participate from wherever.

disturbinginfo24 ago

I'd be extremely cautious when at an event like this.

ashes_anon ago

Do not reveal your faces

Gammi ago

There is a GoFUNDME set up for this protest, to get banners, signs, as well as security etc if your interested in donating to this cause.

I_have_my_gun_ready ago


quantokitty ago


redditsuckz ago

I think this should be a nation wide demonstration, so those that can't make it to Washington DC, can still protest.


It should be world wide...I have a feeling it soon will be...:)

GeorgeT ago

Pedogate Global Inc. - how is that for a meme? True to the title - images of Pizzagate intertwined with UK Prime Minister Ted Heath, Jimmy Saville, Major players alleged and convicted - JA, Podestas (art work) juxtaposed with Hasterd and Epstein - Bill & Hillary Clinton. Include Organ Trafficking & Child Porn. Must be images of children pleading for help! Also references to past cases Franklin & McMartin. Mention of valid sources - Ted Gunderson

zzvoat ago

Jesus, also tell yourself to put your gun away!! The NWO desperately wants division and bloodshed. Did you FUCKING HEAR what Loretta Tarmac Lynch said on the 4th? These people are psychopaths who will stop at nothing. We canNOT give them any excuse for shooting and maiming people there. They WILL blame it on us and no one will be able to dispute that fact.

I honestly hope that the #2 priority for the organizers will be to make SURE that protestors understand that they are to NOTHING, not even react!!

WORDS OF WISDOM: Branch Rickey interviewing Jackie Robinson for the job.

*For the next three hours, Rickey interrogated the star shortstop. With great dramatic flair, he role-played every conceivable scenario that would confront the first player to break baseball’s color barrier: first he was a bigoted sportswriter who only wrote lies about Robinson’s performance; next he was a Southern hotel manager refusing room and board; then, a racist major leaguer looking for a fight; and after that a waiter throwing Robinson out of a “for whites only” diner. In every scenario, Rickey cursed Robinson and threatened him, verbally degrading him in every way imaginable. The Dodger general manager’s performance was so convincing, Robinson later said, that “I found myself chain-gripping my fingers behind my back.”

When he was through, Rickey told Robinson that he knew he was “a fine ballplayer. But what I need,” he added, “is more than a great player. I need a man that will take abuse and insults for his race. And what I don’t know is whether you have the guts!”

Robinson struggled to keep his temper. He was insulted by the implication that he was a coward. “Mr. Rickey,” he retorted, “do you want a Negro who’s not afraid to fight back?”

“No!” Rickey barked. “I want a ballplayer with guts enough not to fight back.

GeorgeT ago

Holocaust of silence would be a good meme as one had suggested along with pedogate.

Rmm ago

that's perfectly perfect

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Get good signs that ask succinct questions, and use pics of notable players, all the most visceral pics and questions should be visible, otherwise they'll make us look like lunatics. Good luck, and thanks/!

GeorgeT ago

Also remember non-religious/homophobic rhetoric, no accusations - asking tough questions. Visceral images of major players within a tree nerwork, colourful. Asking questions. Get 5 questions ready - such as ....' ..JA, Visited white house 5 times, just a pizza parlor owner and nothing else?' Wikileaks emails - dominos on pasta or cheese, Obama ordering $65 000 worth of hotdogs. Podestas bizarre artwork. Laura Silsby, Dennis Hasterd, Epstein - all backed up with real sources. Have the sources ready. Draw parallels to Ted Heath and Jimmy Saville - an image of Saville getting knighted by the queen! Remember the major theme is pedogate global.

ich1baN ago

Yea and also mention the Franklin Scandal and the Norwegian Pedophile network that just got busted as well as the Europol crackdown of 10s of thousands of known pedos.

GeorgeT ago

Norway - Operation Dark Room. 51 busted, teachers, politicians. 150 Tera Bytes of files x 2 Size of Library of Congress. Made it ti Washingto Post - pulled down at the last minute? Why? Well - they employ J.Podesta as a contributing columnist, that's why!!!!!

ObamaFAG1 ago

He meant HEAD! bullet enters YOUR HEAD!! or in your case you are about to go down with the rest of your baby raping clan. Have a nice day James "I fuck kids". TICK! TOCK! mutherfucker!!

PGIsInsanity2 ago

Look I made this for you:

PGIsInsanity2 ago

Pizzagate is a ridiculous fictitious conspiracy theory, therefore nothing will ever materialize out of it. So you can tick tock all you want like a pathetic insane conspiratard that you are, but that fact won't change.

VieBleu ago

LOL upvoated.

PGIsInsanity2 ago

And pizzagate still remains a ridiculous fictitious conspiracy theory.

VieBleu ago

and your obsession.

VieBleu ago

Put aside your differences and the shill like efforts to discredit a peacefull call for investigation of pedogate.
\/\/\/\/right there\/\/\/\/

Fuckingcucks ago

well the other accounts are pgizinsanity5, pgizinsanity4, etc. "if i'll prove to you that i own all those accounts" way to shoot yourself in the foot. anyway guys mark this guy as a shill- i'm blocking now.

VieBleu ago

PGI is blocked easily and earlier and now is just a bit of windy gas. pfffft

Fuckingcucks ago

^^^this is the one guy working today- they've had like 5 handles so far

redditsuckz ago

Just dont put too much faith in Titus Frost if he shows up to the demonstration with a megaphone.

He is also part of secret society Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity AKA Pikes.

VieBleu ago

Titus Frost is not the man in this video.

And now people can't have been in a fraternity in college and support pizzagate? sea Shepards is an environmental group. I like the environment almost as much as I do humanity, you don't?

ADDED: By your method, you will eliminate everyone and anyone who might have been in a fraternity, joined an environmental group, or ever had an association beyond their doorstep from joining and helping to end pedogate. Nice strategy you have to disable the movement. We are so PURE no one qualifies to help us.

redditsuckz ago

Yeah the guy in the video was wearing a "Sea Shepherds" sweater in a previous video complete with a skull and bones motif.

Another cult like group.


Not gonna hold anyones hand here but if you want to know the truth you have to find it for yourself...and know that the "faces of pizzagate" are not here to help.

The Honey Bee wearing a "skull" shirt from band The Misfits;

The Misfits are a occultic satanic band;

Bad Guacamole wearing "skull" shirt by Satanic/occultic band Red Fang;

Really Graceful flashing pentagram and moon;

These people all claim to be

Get the picture yet?...these people are not here to help you and will only take you so far down the rabbit hole and no only yourself.

ich1baN ago

Interesting catch Red... I've seen this video before and didn't see the symbols on her shirt.... but you're right these people are more diversionary than anything else as they don't really expound upon the issues but rather take you a certain direction and leave it there.

VieBleu ago

Don't agree. Sorry, I like the environment personally.

redditsuckz ago

Titus Frost is not the man in this video

He's linked in the youtube video and is being promoted as another face of pizzagate.

And now people can't have been in a fraternity in college and support pizzagate?

When that fraternity is known for drugging and rapes and torturous hazing and having "butt chugging" competitions then I would say something is wrong with that fraternity and with the people that join Karl Rove of the Bush administration.

islandofdelight ago

What is all this 'promoted as another face of pizzagate' crap?

These are people who have the balls to talk about it publicly... any attention on it helps. Why keep tearing down anyone with a youtube channel who wants to talk about it?

VieBleu ago

thank you, you are also an island of sanity.

redditsuckz ago

Because all 3 of these fucking guys...Neil Wolfe, Titus Frost and David Seaman have been begging form money.

VieBleu ago

maybe you need to get a real job instead of whatever you do here so you are not so jealous of anyone who monetizes investigating pedogate.

You know that reporters actually get paid for their work right? Matt Taibbi, Glen Greenwald, Michael Hastings all make (or made in the case of Hastings) money exposing wrongdoing.

I hope anyone who brings the pedos down gets RICH.

redditsuckz ago

You know that reporters actually get paid for their work right?

So do shills. Weren't you promoting super shoah shill David Seamen just a little while ago?...before he was outed as a George Soros puppet of course.

VieBleu ago

I'll answer your question even though you refuse to answer mine - no not particularly.

I don't know if you are a shill or just a wanna be shill, but I can tell you that we aren't buying what YOU ARE SELLING.

Sorry you are too pure for income and nobody is good enough to march or demonstrate on our behalf. You sound like an out of touch elitist to me. or you are comfy with what you are making here who cares.

VieBleu ago

Well by your method, you will eliminate everyone and anyone who might have been in a fraternity, joined an environmental group, or ever had an association beyond their doorstep from joining and helping to end pedogate. Nice strategy you have to disable the movement. We are so PURE no one qualifies to help us.

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

At least it's a place to start! It's okay if people show up and he doesn't. They can still have a demonstration without him.

VieBleu ago

yes, forget these stupid naysayers. Keep going.