Touchdown50 ago

Regardless he is a metaphorically speaking monster. And its obvious why he hasnt been arrested. Everyone is in on it.

Long_Knife ago

And people wonder why pizzagate isn't taken seriously.

Antonius ago

He may not be a literal vampire...but he is a vampire, nonetheless.

Singleservename ago

Conversely it's very difficult to find a picture of Tony Podesta where he is NOT smiling.

I tried, to compare to the McCann efit. He always sports that asinine smirk (and ditto ties, I might add)

hashtaggery ago

In summary, vampires have vampire teeth.

DarkMath ago

"whenever he gets ready to suck blood out of a kid."

Why the fuck are you shilling for child rapists and organ harvesters?

cakeoflightylight ago

I'm not shilling. I think it's funny he has vampire teeth since he's a sadistic child rapist and murderer. Not that any of this is funny. But fuck John Podesta and his creepiness. I was hoping to find out his teeth had been kicked out since he always has his lips covering his teeth when he talks and he looks like a total creep. Even my husband thinks he's weird, and believes Pizzagate if for no other reason than because of how creepy and weird John Podesta is. Normally my husband thinks stuff like this is just a conspiracy theory. But John Podesta is like a gateway drug to the heroin addiction that is pizzagate research.

DarkMath ago

The problem is saying you think John Podesta is a vampire hurts our credibility. Agreed?

People come here to find out what the fuck happened. There's plenty of disturbing and sordid details verifiably true before you need to bring up John Podesta looks like a vampire.

get it?

cakeoflightylight ago

Yeah, I never said he was a vampire. I'm making a joke about his sharp canines. I have them also. I'm not a vampire. I'm not being un-credible. I'm making fun of him for being a creep. Calm down.

DarkMath ago

"Calm down."

/v/pizzagatewhatever is where you post stuff like making fun of Podesta's teeth.

/v/pizzagate/new is for REAL EVIDENCE.

When you post jokes to /v/pizzagate/new you're wasting people's time and that's bad. We're under-staffed as it is.
