Tanngrisnir ago

Why would I blame Dyncorp's behavior on Russia, dipshit? David Brock needs to find better shills than you. This is just pathetic.

DarkMath ago

"How are George Webb and you guys planning on pinning this on Russia?"

GonnaNeedMorePrisons only a shill would say that.

Even Andrew McCabe of the FBI says the Russia story is bull shit. The fact you're still pushing "The Russians Did It!(tm)" is sad. I have only feelings of empathy and compassion for the position your pay masters have put you in.

(sarcasm -on -type=Empathetic color=Sappy)

I wish I could just hold you in my arms and rock you back and forth and tell you it's gonna be alright.

(sarcasm -off)


@Tanngrisnir @armyseer

DarkMath ago

"these shills"........The shills used to bother me but not anymore. I just see it as an opportunity to red-pill them.

Let's face it, there's very strong evidence of human trafficking, organ harvesting and gang rape of a large Caribbean island once a colony of France.

No shill on Earth could take money from people who did that.

DarkMath ago

"shill hunter @armyseer"........Armyseer thinks I'M A SHILL. Go through my comments and see if that makes sense.

Tanngrisnir ago

Don't worry about Armyseer (or his new name GonnaNeedMorePrisons) the guy is himself a shill. All he ever does is try to cause disruptions in the ranks and clear focus away from anything but the most asinine parts of the Pizzagate investigation. He even calls Abortionburger, Hopingtohelp and PleadingTheYiff shills. I've got the guy foaming at the mouth over me after one of my posts got tagged as new evidence. If you are on his shill list, DarkMath, it is probably because you are on the right track.

Tanngrisnir ago

Hey ArmySeer, good you could join us!

Jem777 ago

Yes this needs to be the focus. Let's go there

DarkMath ago

Good catch, definitely worth digging into.

Are you game @PizzaGateShill? Do you want to start doing some digging and be part of the solution instead of the problem?


PizzaGateTwiceRetard ago

I'm not here to dismiss valuable information that doesn't a) tip-off your targets and b) erroneously harass liberals for being weirdos.

I'm here to argue against genuinely retarded bullshit. If you can figure out a way to find actual evidence of wrongdoing by anyone while not alarming them that they're being "investigated", then great. Kind of hard to do that in a public forum.

DarkMath ago

"I'm not here to dismiss valuable information"........Great! Me neither.

How many of the George Webb videos have you seen?


Jem777 ago

DarkMath I know you have been red pulled as well with George Webb. Think you sent me a message. Have very deep info on this stuff but do not want to share it on this forum where am attacked. Webb specifically mentions RTI and harvesting. Where is a secure site we can go to focus research on the deeper topics

DarkMath ago

"Where is a secure site"........I have no desire to go to a secure site "to focus research" and you shouldn't either.

This is an open source investigation and letting in the sunshine is kind of the whole reason we're here.

Jem777 ago

Okay I agree. I just thought you were mentioning a secure site in yiurcorior post. I am all for focusing on these deeper topics like RTIcsugucal,,bone havesting,stem cell harvesting and dyncorp. Let's open it up