TweedleDee3000 ago

Every member of the rolling bones is a jew and, of course, a satanist. They hide behind many surnames, Jaeger is a source name, Richards and Wood are very common jew surnames that they hide behind. MOst common jew surnames: Smith, Jones, Miller. google it.

greycloud ago

he was just following the example set by god. marry was 13 when she gave birth to jesus. which means she was probably knocked up by god when she was 12 or 13. the idea that this is sick, creepy, or wrong, is a result of modern western brainwashing. name me one other animal that is not human that waits more than 2 years after first fertility (first period for human girls) to start having sex and babies. you can't do it, because it doesn't exist, because it is unnatural and gross to wait so long.

GeorgeT ago

Like Milo Mandy was a predator and went after fame right away - she chose who to sleep with, after all Bill ended up Marrying her. At 13 she should have had better sense but Bill is totally immoral as well so they made a good couple - for 2 years. She got the fame unlike many other 13 year olds who fell victims to perverts such as Wyman.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Wow you sound like Hillary, calling 13-year-old girls predators

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Yea it seems they all did it, Bowie as well, shit kills me, find it much harder to enjoy them

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

And Steven Tyler of Aerosmith became legal guardian of a 15 year old girl so he could take her on tour and sex her when ever he wanted. And Illuminati bastard David Bowie had sex with another 15 year old girl. These stars do this stuff its a part of their ¨culture¨ as the famous Alefantis said.

TweedleDee3000 ago

Steven Tyler = typical, garden-variety satanist jew pedo. Their religion of Babylonian Talmudism condones this. That's why Jesus said it would be better if a millstone were tied around their necks and they were cast into the sea. They're all going to hell, and they know it.

crashing_this_thread ago

Jesus said it would be better if a millstone were tied around their necks and they were cast into the sea

Sounds pretty out of character.

keepthefaith ago

I did not know this about Steven Tyler. I do remember he put very teenage-looking Alicia Silverstone in all his 90s videos. Alicia's career crashed and burned not long afterwards.

thelandofchocolate ago

Wish people wouldn't equivocate on this. You can find it unpalatable to your sensibilities and social norms if you like but you wouldn't exist if cavemen hadn't had sex with young teens. Same can not be said for sex with infants, which is obviously against nature. Don't place them on the same moral plane.

cynicaloldfart ago

you wouldn't exist if cavemen hadn't had sex with young teens.

Yeah, who came up with all this evolution crap anyway. Dumbass.

jenidaninja ago

I've been thinking of how quickly this gender ambiguity came about. I knew about gay lesbian and transvestites. It's less than 5yrs ago that I started hearing about transgendered and less than 2 years that I've heard about non binary cis and all those other confusing identities. Now I wonder if all this was caused by mass brainwashing of our youth? And Is this setting the groundwork for the acceptance of pedophilia (will never happen in my opinion). I wonder if newer generations have been brainwashed into accepting and believing this bullshit. I'm wondering when the marketing of sexuality took a subliminal turn and we (the adults) didn't catch it. When were we groomed into accepting this ridiculous ideology?

TweedleDee3000 ago

satanist jews doing their normal thing. This is why they were forced to wear identifying badges for hundreds of years, and forbidden from attending universities. Look at our colleges now, and the reasoning of our wise White Christian forefathers becomes apparent.

keepthefaith ago

what in gods name is "non binary cis" ???

jenidaninja ago


Melbourne43 ago

Paedophilia is probably at the same point on the curve that homosexuality was in the 1950s. The bulk of the populace are aghast at it and the arty elite have embraced it. I can't get my head around paedophilia being mainstream but history generally repeats itself.

Blessthemaker ago

No there was trannies around 30 years ago when I was a kid. They just weren't celebrated.

jenidaninja ago

yeah trannies - transvestites yes they were around but the other variances are new...right?

HashTagFU ago

He bought it. To my knowledge he never lived in it. He asked a friend to be a caretaker and his friend lived there with his family.

ArthurEdens ago

Brian Jones = Satanic Sacrifice

Keith Richards = Blood Transfusions, Organ Transplants


keepthefaith ago

Was brian jones killed deliberately? There was a film made about this, fairly recently.

Brian was becoming a liability, with many indiscretions. Stones were very powerful around that time and for sure had someone 'take care of it.'

ArthurEdens ago

This guy in this CIA book says one of Brian's buddies saw him being drowned in his pool by some spooks, and told to walk away or he'd be next. He says a lot of the rockstar deaths were assassinations.

And check it out, another thread, this buy brought up Brian's father being military...

keepthefaith ago

Brian kept having bunches of illegitimate children too, so rest of stones probably didn't want numerous claims on their estates?

Reversible ago

Jones' father's history is very interesting. Having looked into this in a lot of depth, it seems most likely that the occult connection in the Stones was Jagger and his father, with Tavistock (Andrew Loog Oldham and probably Stash Klossowski De Rola) securing the hit songs from around 1965 onwards from an anonymous musical genius, reputed to be Marxist philosopher and composer Theodor Adorno (Keith Richards named one of his daughters Theodora) since the band was originally a cover band and only started churning out the classics after Jones' meeting with Stash.

Weirdly enough, Stash himself is the son of Balthus, the acclaimed modern artist whose work was banned from exhibition in Essen recently after it was deemed paedophilic. We know Jones enjoyed hanging around with the likes of Andy Warhol and he was far from innocent, but I can't see him as the true mastermind behind the rise of the band.

The YouTube researcher Jungle Surfer has some crazy ideas about the Stones all being transgendered. I don't buy it, since I know Jones has many lookalike children and grandchildren who you can even contact yourself on Facebook. They were adopted by 'normal' families.

So, these rock circles are definitely a weird mix of 'normal people' and high masons and nobility. I'm not sure exactly what to make of it. For example, I can't seriously view the children of Keith Richards or Eric Clapton as Illuminati insiders. But there will always a cloud of suspicion over these people because of the company they choose to keep. I'm tempted to conclude that Jones was a high IQ rogue genius who was connected to the others via Oldham, and tried to ingratiate himself with this elite crowd, with depression and mental illness to follow for reasons that we can never be sure of (though the overall picture is clearer now).

Honestly, it seems like there was a genuine rift with his father who HATED rock music and the 1960s social movement and refused to meet any of his illegitimate grandchildren. So I think Stash is the Tavistock link, not Jones' father who was an aircraft designer with fairly loose links to RAF Intelligence which were my own guesswork (I admit I was filling in the blanks there. The background connections are strong but I was still being a bit creative).

This picture gives you a rough idea of what I'm talking about:


A very intelligent, paranoid guy, I think. A wannabe rebel who became embroiled in something way over his head, and had a nervous breakdown as a result.

keepthefaith ago

Stash is described/talked about in depth in Marianne Faithfull's autobiography. Hers beats Keiths or Ronnie hands down. I wish Anita Pallenberg would write her memoirs.

sponiatowski ago

Proof that it is an elite privilege. If it had been a 47 year old bank clerk, he'd have been arrested, charged and locked up a long time ago.

HashTagFU ago

Rhymin, Wyman bustin some Hymen.

GoddammitMrNoodle ago

Mandy claims there was sex but unless I'm mistaken Wyman in his bio said nothing happened until she was old enough. Don't get me wrong he was seriously deluded over this chick, but it's not a slam dunk that he was a pedo. Unless someone has conclusive info to the contrary.

Besides, it's only rock and roll.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Yeah I'm sure they just held hands for the first five years of their relationship

HashTagFU ago

Jimmy Paige too. Hate to say it because I love LZ but c'mon, 13 and 20 something? You a pedo Jimmy.

TweedleDee3000 ago

Any relation to jew Larry Page of Google? Another name these scum hide behind.

ArthurEdens ago

He lived in Crowley's house too right?

keepthefaith ago


ps - its Page, not Paige

HashTagFU ago

My bad. Paeg. Got it.

keepthefaith ago

LOL. Jimmy won't be impressed.

HashTagFU ago

Jimmie's gettin upset.

keepthefaith ago

Jimmy needs his balls chopped off for getting away with pedo grossness all these years.

Stfuretards ago

Yup people are pediphilles. What does this have to do with pizzagate?

carmencita ago

I believe other Rolling Stone members may be involved. Weeks ago, I read in an article on here about Antonin Scalia involving the Cibolo Ranch that Mick Jagger was at one time one of the visitors, Dick Cheney another. Can't remember them all. We are going to be constantly in shock while all of this is aired out.

TweedleDee3000 ago

They are ALL jew satanists.

semens ago


equineluvr ago


semens ago

Yeah having sex with a willing pubescent female is so disgusting!

rodental ago

An adult having sex with a 13 year old is disgusting, and the adult should hang for it. I say that even though Wyman is my all time favorite bassist.

semens ago

Nature is disgusting in a lot of aspects. I have no idea who wyman is or how that pertains to this.

rodental ago

Bill Wyman was the bassist for the Rolling Stones for 30 years, and is my favorite bass player. He fucked a child and should be hung.

SwampdrainerNo1 ago

Totally agree. Look into Tavistocks involvement with the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Tavistocks way of gauging public reaction to something as outrageous as a child bride in the 80's.

superesper ago

From what you've said I bet you've already heard it but check out Dave Mcgowan's work on Laurel Canyon if you haven't. Just about every major figure in the hippie movement in the US had ties to the military and intelligence communities and specifically to mind control programs. Jim Morrison, David Crosby, Zappa, the Byrds, it goes on and on.

murphy212 ago

For a 47 year-old man yes, it is.

semens ago

I am not advocating fucking teens. Biology says otherwise. Pubescence does not factor in age. But this is the virtue signaling sub so I am wasting my time @greycloud if you want to argue with these people feel free. You are more smarter.

murphy212 ago

Virtue signalling? When everyone is anonymous? For saying old men who fuck pubescent teens are sick? Let's say you must have a very special kind of intelligence.

A 47-year-old man who dreams about fucking a pubescent teen has a mental health issue; at the very least he despises himself so much he only feels comfortable around vulnerable children he can easily impress.

When said man acts upon such sick impulses, whether the irresponsible/vulnerable child was "consenting" or not, he deserves to spend the rest of his life in jail.

SwampdrainerNo1 ago

@semens Hurt ur feelings micro cock??

semens ago

You are just fishing for dick picks aren't you? Faggot.

SwampdrainerNo1 ago

In your dreams micro-penis pedo cunt!