What is pol mean?

dFrog ago



Proii_Pariah ago

I don't know if this is from the same video but I pulled a screen shot off of someone's video from inside Comet. As the camera was panning you could quite clearly see the word "Blood" scrawled onto the wall in a dark red color (not necessarily suggesting it was blood).

It certainly didn't seem to be freshly inscribed to me. Which would suggest that removing it or covering it up is not a priority.

murphy212 ago

While we're at it, what's the best alternative to

equineluvr ago

CPP sits at the tip of a horn on the Minerva pentagram laid out over the streets of D.C.

racoonbite ago

imgur controlled by amazon, who is controlled by bezoz, who is controlled by cia. dont click on imgur pedogate images

use some other image hosing site

target_blank ago

I dont see anything incriminating here, its just people in a restaurant. Some people bring there kids out that late and their prob just bad parents. And the second room with the bar? Which day was it? Maybe it was a slow night. Like who really would go there anymore. Unless im missing something i dont see anything wrong here. Its good to get a look into cpp. But i think we need more people investigating inside and since its still restaurant/bar where patrons come and go and there hasnt been more shady shit people have documented. Still we shouldnt jump on anything so little.

Rimbo ago

For fuck sakes when will people learn not to upload to imgur.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Does anyone have the old yelp reviews before pizzagate?

If you where to put this side by side with those reviews, it would red pill a lot of people, because there is no legitimate business reason why that pizza place would have stayed open with such mediocre reviews.

Devious1 ago

Deleted by original poster, yeh right. You mean [deleted] by rouge MOD

Funnily enough, voat misteriously went down about the time this was posted, I wonder why? Could be pure coincidence....

pepe16 ago

I wish there were enough anons, say 30, in the DC area so someone different could eat there and keep a log every day for a few months.

Thrulkggls ago

Didn't this come from a friend/acquaintance of ReallyGraceful aka FranSees? Seems I remember her posting a video about this...

dFrog ago

I think she did make a video about it, come to think of it. I don't know anything about who originally posted it.

HarveyKlinger ago

I remember when these were originally posted. You can't easily tell from the first picture of them but you can in the last that those cages are for locking up alcohol. Not discounting the rest of the pictures or story, just that not everything you see in a pizza place is used for molesting children. They may be used for... wait for it... the pizza place to make and sell pizzas and drinks.

See exhibit A:

Blacksmith21 ago

I made note of the same when this originally came out. Those cages are frequently used in large bars/restaurants to keep the Mexicans and employees from stealing the liquor.

HarveyKlinger ago

Yep. I've worked in 2 restaurants that used them. They're very common.

equineluvr ago

Just because the cages are used for storing booze doesn't also mean that they couldn't also use the cages to lock children up in. Especially with the removable shelves. Dual usage and all that.

And, CONTEXT should be considered. That is some damning info -- young girls and old men disappearing behind and coming out from behind a curtain!

HarveyKlinger ago

The fact that they are currently loaded with alcohol is a good indication they are used for alcohol. I'm telling you, they aren't unloading and reloading all that booze every time they do whatever. It's a royal pain in the ass and chances are it will get lost, stolen, or broken if it's not locked up. So I would have to counter your point with, the cages have a proven, legitimate purpose. There is zero evidence they are being used for locking children up in. Otherwise you could say (and I know I read on here months ago this theory) that the reason they have ovens is so they can kill/dispose of children in them... which is the DUMBEST thing I've read on here yet.

As far as the people disappearing behind the curtain, there's not a single picture of an old person or a young kid being anywhere near that curtain. Of all the dopey pics they took, why didn't they take at least one pic of anybody being in that entire area?

equineluvr ago

"The fact that they are currently loaded with alcohol is a good indication they are used for alcohol." The cages that are visible, yes.

"The fact that they are currently loaded with alcohol is a good indication they are used for alcohol. I'm telling you, they aren't unloading and reloading all that booze every time they do whatever. It's a royal pain.." I never stated or implied that. :)

"Otherwise you could say (and I know I read on here months ago this theory) that the reason they have ovens is so they can kill/dispose of children in them... which is the DUMBEST thing I've read on here yet." I never stated or implied that one, either. :)

You sure expend a lot of time and energy erecting and knocking down strawmen. Why?

"As far as the people disappearing behind the curtain, there's not a single picture of an old person or a young kid being anywhere near that curtain. Of all the dopey pics they took, why didn't they take at least one pic of anybody being in that entire area? " You raise a good point, but my impression -- based upon the photos -- is that they were "parked" in a specific area and didn't move around much save for the "trip" to the back bar. A good researcher would have moved around more. We don't know why they did not; we were not there.

HarveyKlinger ago

You sure expend a lot of time and energy erecting and knocking down strawmen. Why?

I wouldn't say I've "expended a lot of time and energy" on this. People are up in arms because a pizza place has alcohol cages. 'CAGES!!! OMG what could they be for EXCEPT storing children in?!?!?!' Cages like these are designed for the purpose that they are being used for are and are REALLY REALLY REALLY common in the restaurant business, which I have over 10 years experience in. That being said, had the person taking the pictures said that they saw a sign carelessly left on one that said "German. 4 yrs old - best offer" or a hair ribbon in one of the cages or a even a single blond hair caught in the corner of the cage or something like that, my argument wouldn't be valid.

Hell, there was a thread here a few months ago that essentially "PROVED" Tony Podesta was disposing of children's bodies at his house because... and I quote... "WHAT NORMAL PERSON HAS A BRICK PIZZA OVEN AT THEIR HOUSE?!?!?!" with a ton of speculation that that's where children ended up after they were used. Either many of the people on here have never lived anywhere but a trailer park or have no idea what it's like to have a good amount of money and entertain a lot. I'm not rich by any means and neither are my neighbors but many entertain on occasion and one DOES have a brick pizza oven. I wish I had one.

If you don't want someone's opinion that has experience on some of these topics putting their 2 cents in where it may help, I don't have a problem with that. If that's the case, I would recommend that you close up all the Pizzagate subs, declare it solved, and go find a judge who will hear your case. But if you want to build a case that is more than wild speculation and circumstantial evidence from some people who don't know what the fuck they are looking at or talking about, you should probably accept opinions as someone trying to offer a different side of the story who has an educated opinion and is trying to help.

AreWeSure ago

Google outdoor pizza ovens. There's dozens and dozens of different models.

RoadPizza ago

Although the cages are not direct evidence of children being detained in them, these cages shouldn't be dismissed and they should be taken into account, while the case builds. There are a variety of different types of evidence, which can be useful, because they give possible clues as to what is possible to take place within the pizza shop.

Here's an article for the different types of evidence:

dFrog ago


equineluvr ago

WOW. What a find! I have not seen these before and am just floored.

CAGES!? And we KNOW what is going on behind those black curtains and in that back "bar" that is NOT really a bar!! 20 men in 2.75 hours. HOW MANY KIDS are back there? That girl in pics #6 and #17 has on an "ears" (horns) hat.

My heart breaks for that 3/4 year old. What child that age plays fooseball? NONE!

I remember Jack Posobiec's account. While he was in the restaurant, he asked an employee if he could play fooseball and they were like "Huh?" He had to repeat his request and point to the table. "Oh, uh, yeah, sure!" was the response that he got. It was as though the employee was playing dumb.

Keep in mind that the SOUNDS generated by ping pong and fooseball games will help DROWN OUT noise coming from behind those curtains. Not to mention serving as a general distraction.

Thank you for posting this!

V____Z ago

Here is a Steemit post on the Cages inside Comet

equineluvr ago

Very elucidative. Thank you!

While I admit this isn't "rock solid," IMO there are just too many cage references -- and it is too early -- to blow this off.

V____Z ago

All I can say is that i worked in restaurants all my life - i have never seen a cage like this used. However, they do sell cages like this for storage units, even in restaurant supply places. So we've got good plausible deniability. It's a win win.

When i first saw that cage, it was during one of the video tours of Comet, and it stuck me as weird, it disturbed me greatly but i had no idea why. Then when i saw the art by a survivor of this type of abuse, and it had the EXACT SAME CAGE, it hit me like a boulder: they are using these to hold the children. It also hit me for the first time, how, indeed, would you control slaves who where always wanting to run away? I had never considered before that they would need some sort of holding kennels or devices. I also know they love to "hide in plain site", and i'm sure Alefantis and Podesta would get off on having the very cages used in their sick endeavors out in the open, seen by all, in the very room where kids and families play.

I'm glad others are seeing this too. There is a human sized cage near the bathroom too, at least at one time. There was an indie film that was partially filmed at Comet. There is a scene where they are in line for the bathroom, and they're all standing around this cage leaning against the wall that was big enough for any of them to fit in - it was as tall and wide as any adult. Freaky as fuck.

strix-varia ago

In this video with Carolyn Hamlett she speaks of cages used to hold children before or after abuse and torture. Carolyn

SturdyGal ago

The only thing that I don't think is solid is the cages observation. Really they are restaurant supply storage so guests don't walk off with everything.

V____Z ago

They could be used for both

equineluvr ago

Exactly! They aren't mutually exclusive.

lilwagon ago

I see those at a lot of places. Restaurants keep booze locked in there to prevent employee theft also. Not a solid lead/angle.

Micheal84 ago

When was this originally posted? Very good post didn't see it before.

dFrog ago

I want to say it was some time in November, early December at the latest.

Micheal84 ago

Thanks for the reply

newworldahead ago

Thanks so much for this. Completely forgot about it! I've tried archiving the imgur album on but there are several missing pictures. Same thing with I suggest that we all download a copy of the imgur album.

SturdyGal ago

Thank you for posting this. I remember reading the account earlier and many of the observations are solid. Too bad interim Chief Newsham (New + sham) refuses to investigate.
BTW not sure it is the best, but an alternate image sharing site is