RockStrong ago

Not into pentagrams and not sure what these details really mean. Someone mentioned to me the Washington Monument is the center of a pentagram. Is that what this is?

The1stLantern ago

Club Aqua is a venue that hosts leather/kink/bdsm themed events... and for some reason shares a building with Loving Day Care.

A kink bar in the same building as a daycare, a location which corresponds to a point on a huge geometric pentagram, designed by govt funded pedo satanic cabal that connects other places involving children and PG locales, all in our nation's capital.

You can't make this shit up.

Lalalola89 ago

The River school makes me think of Clearwater Academy Int. It's a Scientology-run school- very strange. I was reading about the various human-trafficking lawsuits there are against the church, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they're involved. They have parents sign over custody of their kids at age 12 to join the Sea Org it's insane. I've been looking into it but I work for Scientologists and I want to be careful.

lump ago

DC is so corrupt that you'll find corruption in all directions, no matter what shape or size.

dindonufin ago

If you move the southern point of the triangle to The Founding Church of Scientology, essentially ignoring the infamous pentagram, you get an almost perfect alchemy circle.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Wow. This probably deserves a thread of its own.

ansipizza ago

That last location (first pic of conduit school) looks eerily like the schoolhouse in Return To Zork.

zzvoat ago

I've recently begun to think DC should be burned to the ground and a new capitol in a new place be built.

WakingUpisHardToDo ago

Nuked. While congress is in session

User890020 ago

I would be much more poetic to see all the necessary arrests and then law enforcement to the letter.

DangerPizza ago

I think you scaled it incorrectly. What do you think of this?

Edit: Gallaudet University to the east "Gallaudet made it a point to give the children a little treasure that would brighten their day." Oh Sheet

Edit2: Stoddert Elementary School "over half of the students are identified as language minority students from numerous Asian, European, African and Latin American countries"

Eastwood350 ago

Why would they have such a diverse ethnic group?

equineluvr ago

Because "language minority" children don't speak English so well so are less likely to report abuse.

At the very least, it pays to have your "target" -- or the "target" of the ones you work for -- grouped together in one place, like a school.

JesusRules ago

The Freemason who designed Washington DC is Pierre Charles L’Enfant

Roy38 ago

Allegedly, black mason Benjamin Banneker designed DC, and Pierre got the credit.

tippyc ago

i keep waiting for a convincing explanation that isnt based on christianity.

dindonufin ago

You wont find one. The entire basis of Christianity is what we are doing right now.

JesusRules ago

Freemasonry is absolutely anti-Christian

equineluvr ago

Yes, because it is crypto-Jewish. A fact which most Christians can't bear to hear.

Littleredcorvette ago

Loving care is located in the same building as aqua night club. Look through my thread here for some different street views of this place.


wow! very interesting . seems fishy as hell, that makes me think the lovingcare / riverschool map is correct

JesusRules ago

Love your name DickFart : )