Takeitslow ago

I've come to the conclusion that someone doesn't want these victims to recover.

Psalm100 ago

Something I noticed when trying to look up some properties mentioned in this case is that most of the island's roads can't be seen through Google Streetview. Only a few main roads are available.

equineluvr ago

I think MV ties in with the lobster theme.

equineluvr ago

Martha's Vineyard contains Wesleyan GROVE.


GROVEs are satanic meeting places. E.g., Bohemian Grove.

SluggishJ ago

I've been looking into MV deeply for just over a week now. Was going to wait to curate my findings but I'll dump little things I've seen now. I'm on mobile so forgive me.

MV and the community events are all through MVCS, vineyard community services. This has a Youth Task Force, early childhood programs, disabiality services, daycare, etc. they also have an affiliation with All Children's touched by Adoption via Marney Toole.

Community services also mention a Possible Dreams Auction. One "dream" fullfilled was for like $25k to find out the true meaning behind the lyrics of some popular song I forgot.

There's also a thrift shop called "chicken alley thrift shop" that holds a "chicken alley peep show" event. The thrift shop seems to be in a circle of artists, too.

There's something called tithe Teddy Bear suite at the Harbor View Hotel. Videos of the place is interesting, look at the position of the little bear between the lega of the big bear. I thought maybe the Podesta teddy pic could have maybe came from this place. I remember Epstein had a teddy in a photo too. Sure enough, prob not the same teddy but Epstein has been to MV though. In fact, Epstein flew to MV with Dershowitz right after going to the other island

Lynn Rothschild has a summer home there and met with Hillary to raise money

A weird community service they have is for "littles" and "bigs", a mentor service where you can sign your child up to spend time with an older mentor. You can even refer a child you know who you think may need a mentor (kinda weird to refer someone else's child imo)

A lot of overlapping themes and symbolism, but not as shady as we've seen so far. Lots of "changing the lives of our children forever", "realizing dreams", "dreams coming true", "programming", monarch butterfly and owl seen with kids, and an odd thing I've noticed is how many kids are either dressed in stripes or stars or flowers. Probably nothing, but I swear 3/4 kids have that attire.

Will dump more when back on computer

carmencita ago

OK. The mentor service did it for me. Little child with older mentor? Spend time with? Time doing what? These sick perverts need to be exposed ASAP. I don't know how much longer I can wait for them to be roped in and up.

equineluvr ago

Here's a video of the Teddy Bear Suite you mentioned. http://mvteddybearsuite.com/about/

Interesting that the narrator/reporter felt compelled to pile up in the bed with the bears.

Proceeds go to the Boys and Girls Club, which has been extensively discussed elsewhere.

SluggishJ ago

Yeah, exactly. Also, if you look at the html by hitting "inspect element" on the webpage, it gives you photos that aren't on the website. Nothing too unusual, but additional images of the bears and the rooms and a bride and groom. I still think the one part in the video where the big teddy bear is sitting with the small one, and the small teddy bear's legs is so obviously placed over the crotch of the big one is weird. This is a professional advertisement trying to broaden exposure for their brand, so ads are typically well thought out. To me, that was a blatant inclusion of some weird imagery.

To follow your connection to the Boys and Girls Club- I have noticed that the "mentor" system they have in place through the community services and the Boys and Girls Club refer to the children as "Littles" and the adult mentors as "Bigs". Some quotes on their pages were things like "Every little needs their Big" etc. At the Teddy Bear Suite, there was a ton of "small teddy bears, big teddy bears, musical teddy bears! tiny teddy bears!". Just a similarity, though. I'm not seeing anything incredibly out of the ordinary just yet, but with so much powerful and influential people visiting that place, there's got to be something.

There's been a few sex crimes I've dug up just like OP has. The MV Regional Highschool had a Coach that molested an underage student. I saw at least four other sex crimes, all assault/rape charges peppered with the occasional "mysterious creep" who took photos of girls while hiding near some bushes. I did read a story, published in the 90s i think that detailed a child's experiences on MV and the sex parties, drinking and drugs they'd have. This seemed to speak more about the culture on MV (absent parents etc) than anything else, but who knows. It was an outbreak of an STD among underage students that alerted authorities that underage sexual acts were taking place.

educate_yourself ago

i think it is. the kennedy's own a tonne of land out there, its east coast... presidents go ppl running for president go why would they not have a cache of children on the island? tis a bad bad place imho

unclassified ago

Well, rich weirdo's hang there so yeah, they're the ones you gotta watch out for.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

All 'playgrounds' for the rich, you'll find this behavior.

blobster ago

...in 1974, Steven Spielberg filmed the movie Jaws on Martha's Vineyard, most notibly in the fishing village Menemsha....... Hereditary deafness and sign language documented...... In the television series The X files, Fox Mulders' parents lived on the island of Martha's Vineyard....wth.....strange place indeed....... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha's_Vineyard

Touchdown50 ago

I wouldn't put it pass them if nefarious activities was going on there.i got this feeling all these children's benefit stuff is compromised by elite pedos.

newworldahead ago

That would not surprise me at all. MV seems shady as hell. Also let's not forget that the "Automatic at sea" movie produced by JA takes place at MV. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/caesura/automatic-at-sea-a-feature-film-exploring-hidden-r

equineluvr ago

Just wow! Automatic at Sea's kickstarter logo. Going now to search for a thread on this... FULL of stuff.


Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

What is this?

Nana66 ago

Georgetown U...


Things that make you go hmmm, Symptoms...


Takeitslow ago

Many of these symptoms can also be tied to kids who have been abused. Urunary frequency is sign of an infection which is a symptom to possible abuse. OCD, eating disorders can also be present in people suppressing abuse. Yes, it can also be tied to strep infections.

What I question is the name PANs and PANDA. We know these child rapist and torturers like to hide symbols right in front of our faces. We've seen the panda and bruised eye symbolism over and over again. We've seen the god "pan" symbol associated with the child rapist movement already.

The one thing we can learn from pedogate is dual use symbols, art and business. A jimmy saville victim who was raped in a hospital said it was done in the Basement and MDs and nurses were present. Doctors, administrators, cops, politicians anyone can be a child abuser. Including people who write medical and nursing text books. False memory foundation anyone? The PANs /panda push according to Stanford started in 2013. I bet this information is now going to get into medical and nursing textbooks. So the next generation of Professionals won't even think these kids could be victims of abuse. OCD is a sign that at one point someone's life was out of control so the OCD is a coping mechanism developed into a pattern or habit. Not saying all OCD aid tied to abuse, by many people I know who have been abused or have PTSD have OCD. Why would someone get sudden OCD? Then group the name of the symptoms under the god Pan/ panda?

We need digging on Whomever started this panda/pan symptom group. If this takes hold, medical professionals will start misdiagnosing the possibility of child abuse.

I won't get into how nursing and medical professionals figure out diagnoses. But if PANs was drilled into my head in school, the last thing I would be thinking about is that maybe this kid is being raped. PANs/panda needs its own post and digging, huge lead.

People who suffer sra have difficult lives as adults. Suicide is high and many end up in psych wards due to lack of R.E.M. sleep due to nightmares and flashbacks and disssaociation. r/cptsd has some good posts where an OP used San Pedro/ microdose lsd and mdma to over come his symptoms. Psychiatric therapy with low does lsd and mdma during the 70s seemed to be gaining headway until our child raping infested bohemian grove sniff film making politicians made alternative therapies illegal. Could the real reason behind the drug war be to stop people from using lsd, mescaline, mdma in a controlled psychotherapy setting to help people heal? Because people who've healed start pointing fingers, can't have that can we?

People say why don't more victims come forward. From my experience speaking about events can trigger disassociation and self destructive behavior that can last months. So suppression and silence to somehow try and live abnormal life is how they cope.

TLDR:my gut tells me PANs/panda is a form of learned cognitive deletion to prevent medical professionals from ever suspecting child sex abuse that's not severe enough to be obvious. It also trains the kid to think no one will believe them just like the abuser told them. Child psychology manipulation.

Sauce: Am nurse

equineluvr ago

I think you are spot on there. The PAN (god of Pan, pan pizza) and PANDA is a huge red flag. What better way for them to have cover?

Nana66 ago

Yes, it's like when an abuser of a small child calls the abuse something like exercise and the child thinks they are telling on them for what they actually were doing by saying something like uncle so and so made me do exercise and I hated it or it hurt and the parent ends up telling them what uncle so and so made them do is healthy and they shouldn't complain about it....

Takeitslow ago

Yes, similar to object permanence. When a kid plays hide and seek they really think the person or object is really disappearing and reappearing. These people seem to be well versed in child psychology and how children reason. When the abuse interrupts and reshapes these patterns it can have detrimental effects as an adult. The amygdala, fight or flight functions, trust and attachment are all misused with these kids as is hopelessness and learned helplessness. The prefrontal cortex that deals with reasoning and higher function doesn't fully develop until late teen years for girls and early 20s for adults. This is why teens tend to engage in risky behavior. That's why the move to charge kids as adults is wrong. People who grow up under stressful situations may.m not develop the prefrontal cortex fully so as adults survivors and people with BPD still engage in risky behavior that generates stress hormones and reactions.m because stress pain and chaos is all they've ever known.

These pedos seem to know a lot about child psych, it's a subculture with codes symbols and language that bathe these kids in an alternate reality to most people where right is wrong, pain is love etc.

I think the authorities stalling is a way to make people just accept this as another "conspiracy" like 9/11 or jfk. Meanwhile people keep letting arrested for buying weed and other petty crimes. The prisons are filled with more nonviolent offenders than any country on the planet. While at the same time those who hold power and privelidge are raping torturing and possibly eating children. This govt and justice system are illegitimate, PERIOD.

JesusRules ago

George Town U, Jesuits of the Vatican, that's all that needs to be said..

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

WTH - I've never seen this before. So, they're saying the symptoms of an infection just happen to be the same symptoms an abused child would have? Also, pandas & pans? The terms pedos use? What is going on?

theHubrisOfMan ago

What are you saying?

Nana66 ago

They made up a disease to account for children who have changes in their personality to hide pedophilia on children (most likely drugged aka Pandas) and have them get trafficked around by their parents....more than likely to be abused further.

theHubrisOfMan ago

My SO works with an autistic child (13, mentally about 6) and he was recently diagnosed with PANDAS. Its's a relatively new disease and a lot of doctors are still unfamiliar.After seeing his behaviors change when he gets strep (which happens chronically) his behaviors definitely mirror the symptoms listed here.

I mean to say, I don't think the disease is made up, but I DO think it's used as a misdiagnosis to excuse pedophile behavior sometimes.

phlux ago

I just had a really chilling realization:

As we are talking about child abuse by the "elite" -- I had worked on building out the Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital... when talking to the director of LPCH, during the build, she gave me some insight to the patients they have. She said - and I am pretty much quoting her (She was mostly talking about children with severe eating disorders, whom they attempt to treat): "Most of these kids were either abused or severely neglected by their parents who are typically exceedingly wealthy power couples. Basically the kids stop eating in reaction to this"

Now, I just thought that at the time, this was just a thing that needed to be treated (which it does) -- but with the #PG revelations it seems there is a far darker side (total assumption on my part) -- but now they have PANDAS/PAS which is a very strange acronym to use based on all the info we now have....

So is it far fetched to imagine that diagnosing a kid with PANDAS - is a way to excuse their behavior in response to the ritual rape of children and a way to explain away (but also code to others in their scene) certain things....

I believe I am stretching, but its always good to examine all possible realities, then use facts to narrow into the actual reality... right now my reality walls appear to be extremely flexible and stretched.... too much traumatic info indicating fucking weirdness lives just under our noses...

Nana66 ago

"Transmission of Strep throat from Person to Person

Strep throat is considered to be contagious between people. Generally the infectious agent may be transmitted by saliva, air, cough, fecal-oral route, surfaces, blood, needles, blood transfusions, sexual contact, mother to fetus, etc. Strep throat, although infectious, is not a genetic disease. It is not caused by a defective or abnormal gene. The contagious disease, Strep throat, can be transmitted:

from person to person by saliva, air, coughing, contact, surfaces, fecal-oral route, etc."


theHubrisOfMan ago

Yeah, I know what strep is. This child legitimately doesn't know how to blow his nose, so his snot runs down his face and into his mouth when he's sick. He's constantly touching everything and himself. He's a walking germ. Often he'll give it to his sister too and then the strep will go back and forth in the house. And he can't get his tonsils removed, so often the strep will set up camp there and he'll get stuck in a cycle of sickness, making his PANDAS act up. I'm just saying, I'm sure it can be used as an excuse, but that doesn't mean STREP sand PANDAS was invented for and by pedos.

If you want a fake disease to go after, look up False Memory Syndrome.

equineluvr ago

I believe -- I could be wrong -- that the poster was suggesting that these children are contracting Strep in "unconventional" ways, e.g., sexual activity, fecal-oral "activity," being injected with drugs using dirty needles, etc. Then the medical community has and is using the PAN/PANDA diagnosis, which functions as a layer of "cover" for what is really going on.

That is my "reading between the lines" interpretation, and if it's incorrect hopefully they'll correct me.

searchthetruth1 ago

sorry for the links, i delatated them....sometimes i'm so carried away in my researches and i'm not american so i make errors

crazimal ago

MV has been an old money resort destination for >100 years. Like most such, it's a little boring, pretty and has beautiful landscape and nice amenities. Been there a few times, would return. Obama somewhat ruined it by encouraging an influx of err day trippers.

Like most seasonal tourist islands substance abuse is rampant and the economy thin from September to June. Certainly affords plenty of rather private rental houses, not really feeling it as a pedophile epicenter but who knows?

The golf course angle seems a stretch.

thelastcoldwarrior ago

"substance abuse is rampant"

Yep. Huge fentanyl bust at one of the Kennedy compounds across the water in Hyannisport a few months back, didn't get much news. Would not be surprised if they did some of their child-raping there.