AHuman ago

Deleted due to duplicate post.

11-11 ago

Thanks for digging this up

AHuman ago

It made me think tunnels again.

zzvoat ago

I know we all get excited but you we please stop with the hyperbolic titles. There is no reason to use any CAPS in titles. No post here is more important, valuable urgent than any other post.

wincraft71 ago


had_enough ago

Might be cool to put so cheap IR cameras in the tunnels and watch for activity. Pretty dangerous though considering what's been happening when folks get too curious, but if there's any ex-military of techno nerds up to it just park one near pegasus for a while. Time to go all "Marlon-Perkins of Mutual of Omaha" LOL, I'm showing my age kids will have to google it... edit - what about tracking alefantis & friends via their cell phones? Are there any hackers who can track the GPS in their phones? Seems safer than cameras but would be fun to catch these guys red handed.

gumshoe_mob ago

Map of tunnels for Washington DC, old subway https://archive.is/c0MFo

and another https://archive.is/whFIi

and a whitehouse tunnel map https://archive.is/SlOdA

If I remember correctly, the tunnels do not go north by Comet Pizza as there is a river between DuPont circle, the hub of the system, and the north

crazimal ago

This seems like a false "debunking."

Before diving into the address list one by one, I have to point out that just because alefantis hasn't been proven to own the properties does NOT mean he has nothing to do with them. A safe house is not safe if everyone knows you are there, likewise a drug house, illegal brothel, etc.

In the context of criminality and conspiracy, you would fully expect him to have little or no provable link to the properties. Here we have something in between. Some connection, some suspicion....

The fact that there is some documented connection suggests to me that these may not necessarily be the sites of greatest interest. Then again they may have been used criminally then abandoned to avoid attracting suspicion.

It would be interesting to analyze the likelihood of proximity to tunnels in D.C. since there are so many. Are 1/20 properties in D.C. Near a tunnel? 1/10? 1/100? If 1/100, it might be odd for one person to always have addresses near them. But what about other factors? Tunnels often run under parks or other open spaces, for example. Liking to live near a park is normal, so a person who likes to walk dogs or do yoga in parks might gravitate to areas with parks (and tunnels under them).

I'm gong to see what I can find on the addresses...

zzvoat ago

There have been literally tons of posts on tunnels here. We need to activate the pizzagatebot to find and list them for us here.

Don't know how to activate it. If you don't know what I mean, go to the new "Bilbo Baggins"(title) post, top comment.

flyingcuttlefish ago

adding to my blog post about the tunnels (with voat.co add ons in the comments)


equineluvr ago

I'm with this guy:

heroic1539758 · 7 hours ago

Your post is beautiful and historically interesting, but most of the references for the addresses you share ain't worth much. Radaris, for example, is not a viable source of information. You are not using the proper ressource to find the actual owner of the properties you put out. Use the following public web site (like I did a while back to verify the claims of Yoichi Shimatsu) and you'll see there is no correspondence between what the private web sites tell (might be a collection of all the adresses Alefantis ever lived at, liked someone suggested was the case for him in a Radaris review) and the official names of the proprietors.


Let's take the first address: 3334 N ST NW; WASHINGTON DC 20007 is owned by a guy name William B. Broydrick


AHuman ago

Why are you with this guy?

It seems that he hasn't really done his homework.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Ninja Edit: @AHuman... In case it needs clarifying, I was just joking (being a smart ass) when I said You haven't done your homework. I whole heartedly agree with your comment... The point of my comment was to bring attention to @equineluvr , and to point out that Bill B. B is another person connected to this. Also to clarify, I did not mention how Bill B. B. Is connected, I simply quoted his website. However, I know for a fact he's POI, based on information not provided here. Ok, Carry on.

  • +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Why are you questioning Why he's with that guy? It seems you haven't really done your homework.

Homework being, Looking at @equineluvr post/comment history.

He is obviously a shill and or Retard. 6 day old account. All comments could be used to discredit this research.

Best case scenario, He's not a shill and/or retard...He's just a person conducting himself as a shill and/or retard would.

And In case anyone still comes to this thread and reads this comment;

William b. Is not a " a guy" .... Well technically he is a guy. But @equineluvr is implying that he is of no relevance, as He condescendingly tries to dismiss OP's post.

Your post is beautiful and historically interesting, but most of the references for the addresses you share ain't worth much.

The only thing not worth much, Is @equineluvr and apparently, @heroic1539758 's retarded opinion.

First off, Remember The D.C tax site is run by the fucking governement.... Ya know, the same government we're researching for corruption of the highest order... and ya know, In the city that has the most corrupt people per capita.side note:WHAT THE FUCK VOAT SPELL CHECK! You tell me I spelled per capita wrong, and because I can't spell, I believe you... But then your only suggestion is DECAPITATOR! Then I have to fucking google percapita so my comment isn't dismissed because of my inability to spell... Only to find out I DID spell it correctly. Then I have to spend ANOTHER 30 seconds bitching about the fucking spell check. Get your shit together voat spellcheck. Some how I still think I'm the one who spelled it wrong, because of the stupid squiggly under it.

That being said, I use the D.C tax site hundreds of times a day, and often times the names listed are of extreme relevance. Other times The names are fake either fake, Or they are names that can't be found anywhere on internet, other than the site that provided the names in the first place. Also, The amount of dead people that are still listed as owners, is VERY telling.

But back to my original point about "A guy named bill"

William B.

Bill Broydrick has built a prestigious, multi-level lobbying firm through his intricate knowledge of local, state and federal politics. That record holds and he has a reputation for getting things done.

You know who else is known for having intimate knowledge of state and federal politics, and has a lobbying firm known for "getting things done"? The podestas.

He served as former Congressman Les Aspin’s press secretary, managed Congressman Robert Cornell’s campaign and became former Wisconsin Governor Patrick Lucey’s senior administrative assistant.

Bill was elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly and in 1993, led the Office of Legislative Affairs where he served as a consultant to the Department of Defense.

He's a former Politician, and Give's advice to the DOD.

In 1981, Bill founded Broydrick & Associates, directing its rise to a nationally known firm with offices in Washington, D.C. and the Midwest

Wisconsin Is as involved as any of the states.

He has developed a vast network of contacts and offers outstanding strategic planning and grassroots organization.

In 1999, Bill facilitated intense negotiations with the state of Wisconsin on behalf of an insurance client. These negotiations resulted in our client receiving Wisconsin’s largest procurement contract for processing Medicaid claims.

So in case that needs clarifying... He Negotiated for a INSURANCE COMPANY. The insurance company was his client.

These negotiations resulted in our client receiving Wisconsin’s largest procurement contract for processing Medicaid claims.

Bill holds a Bachelor of Arts in government from Cornell University and attended the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.

Again, for anyone who has done their homework, you know the relevance that Johns Hopkins medical plays in all of this.

>Bill’s Specialties and projects include but are not limited to….Department of Defense (DOD) procurements • Graduate Medical Education • National Association of Children’s Hospitals • International Security Issues • Education Reform • CMS Technical Issues • Medicaid

My point is, Get fucked @equineluvr. If you're not a shill and/or retard, Stop saying retarded things. If you're not a shill and/or retard, Delete all of your retarded comments that could be used to discredit this research(Might be easier to delete your account and start over) and I will Edit this comment, retracting my accusations, and admitting that I was the one at fault for assuming you're a shill and/or retard.