rickman ago

This is the last interview Max did before his death. Its mostly audio. We hear Max mumbling, drifting off, complaining about his throat. He even falls asleep. We then see video footage of him trying to wake up by jumping on a trampoline but he appears to be exhausted. This is 4 days before he died.

The Last Interview with Max Spiers

isthisreality ago

My god. I have spent the last 6 hours doing nothing but listening to/watching his YT videos- this sounds like an almost completely different person.

Edit: It really does sound like he is on H. I've been trying to watch his videos in chronological order- it seems to have lost a bit of weight since 2014ish- not that that means anything, but I just started watching this vid you posted, and I am just trying to figure out what is going on. If it weren't for that text he sent his mom i would honestly assume his death was drug related- but- I dk man.

Sharipie ago

In one video of his, he mentions numerous times, drug addiction as being a consequence of the monarch program. He didn't say he himself was addicted but now in retrospect it appears he was talking about himself too.

isthisreality ago


Roy38 ago

Some people who have done ayahuasca in south America report vomiting black fluid. Shamen say they are physically expelling the evil or darkness that they destroy in themselves while in other dimensions. Could be related based on the abilities Max claimed to have.

isthisreality ago

Thank you. That is very interesting. I watched a doc on ayahuasca a few years ago on Netflix, but don't remember much about it except that it a real eye opener. Supposedly has been used to successfully treat depression when all other methods have failed, if I remember correctly.


I remember his death being in summer but then in October weeks Before PIZZAGATE blew up various alt sites were reporting of his death like it had just happened. I thought that was strange at the time but after pizzagate I realize it was a way of priming conspiracy theorist of what was to come.

srayzie ago

I hate how Mainstream media sling people's name thru the mud. At first they say he has a "secret lover" while he has a girlfriend back home. Later on it says the "secret lover person" relationship is unknown. Maybe she was just a friend! Then, they continue to call him a conspiracy theorist. The words they are use influence their audience. They didn't need to add that crap to the story!

isthisreality ago

I know m8. Conspiracy theorist, secret lover, etc etc. They are all just words thrown in there to discredit what he was really about. Just made a new post btw- https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1679811#submissionTop

Hope to continue discussion there. Shit is way too coincidental.

trypanon ago

I didn't want to dive into the Max Spiers rabbit hole because I vaguely heard mentions of aliens etc. when I hear about him in passing. But honestly some of the stuff he was saying makes sense to me, especially stuff about blood types.

zzvoat ago

I swear to god, if I was ever involved in any weird work like that, every single night without fail I would send whatever information and thoughts i had for that day to 100 people. All this crucial stuff someone was "going to" .... gets lost forever.

Sinsimel ago

He was investigating Micheal Aquino founder of the Temple of Set. That explains so much.

isthisreality ago

Right?!? My god, when I first read the headline (pre-Pizzagate)... I was like wtf is this "conspiracy theory" (ha) headline doing on the front page of Yahoo news (or wherever it was I first saw it)? But I have always remembered the name Michael Aquino since looking into Max Spiers- thats how I first heard of him and the Franklin Scandal/Presidio/etc. So I guess weeks/months later, when PG came into fruition... I noticed so many common elements, it was impossible to dismiss this as a conspiracy theory. Way too many coincidences...yet again.

trypanon ago

I've been into this stuff for about 10 years now. I wrote off pretty much any mention of stuff like this, aliens, etc. because I was like "nah it's explained much easier than that", i.e. people with money/power want more and they do things to suppress the rest of us. I didn't realize that it was practically hundreds to thousands of years all leading up to this and that it was actually psychological warfare on a deep, deep level. I stopped researching for a good year or so because I was getting way too down and I could tell the people around me were being affected by me talking about it all the time. Not that I thought it wasn't worth talking about anymore, but I figured I shouldn't push people too hard about it. Then I randomly log onto reddit sometime in October/November and see an r/pizzagate post near the top of r/all. I was like huh that's weird, I should check this out. The more I read the more I realized that pizzagate tied together every single other legitimate and crazy conspiracy I have ever read about. Things that seemed absolutely bizarre and impossible are now absolutely probable. Literally within 2 days of me delving into Pizzagate, I was in the car with my Dad when suddenly on the radio they begin heavily pushing "There's so much fake news from the 'alternative media' don't believe it" etc. I could not believe that! Two days after finding out about Pizzagate and the MSM is repeating "Fake news" ad nauseum when I had literally never even heard that term before in my life. I knew something was up.

Literally felt like I was in the Truman Show. Right in the part of the movie where Truman starts asking the people around him if they think something's weird, and they basically shut him down completely, saying he's just imagining it and they all repeat the same shit to him. Operation Mockingbird. It's like gaslighting to the millionth degree, they are literally trying to get us to misremember reality.

gardenofbacchus ago

I know those feels bro. You feel like you're going insane. My closest friends and even family are gaslighting me now, not just the mainstream media. Very horrible and weird feeling

trypanon ago

Yeah I have quite a few friends and a couple family members that mysteriously are not in contact with me after bringing some of the stuff up. Not saying they are acting suspicious, I know they just don't want to think about PG as a possibility.

equineluvr ago


ProudTruther ago

I heard his friend and fellow conspiracy theorist Stewart Swerdlow was with him. Max was a heroin addict and there's a lot of heroin in poland so I had heard that was something to do with the cause, they were basically saying od. But it was def a suspicious death and he was hitting on a lot of topics that "they" don't like.

isthisreality ago

My ex was a heroin addict who OD'd multiple times. Ive seen a heroin OD one too many times for my liking. Vomiting any amount of a "thick black liquid" isn't a part of a heroin OD. Vomit, yes. Thick and black, no. It sounds like it could have possibly been an alcohol OD possibly... Ingesting something orally that would cause stomach bleeding would be a possibility- but they never did an autopsy, which I find really strange. All the articles say he was a young, healthy guy.... Seems like an autopsy would be in order here. I dk. This whole case is so strange. I remember reading about it before Pizzagate ever came up. Pizzagate became a thing weeks after this. I originally clicked on the article BC my 8 y.o. is all about some aliens/UFOs and surprisingly for his age, already somewhat of a conspiracy theorist (very, very mature kid lol), so I saw this and thought it'd be something he would be interested in. But after I read a few articles, I just felt like this whole situation was really weird. One of the original articles I read had mentioned something about SRA, and at the time, I thought it was ridiculous. The headline read something like, "Well known Ufologist mysteriously dies after investigating elite satanic pedophilia network" or some shit like that. At the time, I thought that was just too much, like a tabloid headline or something.

Who'd have known that months later I'd be obsessed with unraveling this "conspiracy theory".

I'm sorry, I dont care who you are... Something isn't right with this story.

trypanon ago

I know I just replied to your above post, but I just read this one and wanted to say something as well.

"Well known Ufologist mysteriously dies after investigating elite satanic pedophilia network"

Right before I delved into Pizzagate I recall reading something along those lines about Max Spiers as well and thought "lol some conspiracy people take it too far". Now..... I am like w.t.f.

isthisreality ago

good god i know, man. Pre-PG, I found conspiracy theories interesting and entertaining, but didn't really take even 99% of them halfway seriously. All of this has caused me to reexamine everything I have been taught, and really life/reality in general.

I dk about you, but I have been in the middle of an identity crisis the past few months. I dk wtf is going on anymore. I just know that what IS going on is way different than what I thought was going on.

trypanon ago

Yes, identity crisis is a good description. Many things I felt almost proud to identify with I am now almost dry heaving when I think about it. I know deep down inside what is right and what is wrong and I am allowing that to guide me. It's hard to accept that some people I kind of looked up to are scum that I want to completely destroy.

I just know that what IS going on is way different than what I thought was going on.

Yeah, understatement.

dingomeat ago

Wait until you find out Hitler was right.

trypanon ago

The Greatest Story Never Told. Been there. Cried many tears for a man that I was systematically taught to hate my entire life whom I now know was possibly the greatest man to have ever lived in the last 300 years. I came across that in my researching of PG.

doubleherpes ago

What poisons cause vomiting of black liquid? Who was the physician that prevented an autopsy?

isthisreality ago

Alcohol poisoning/stomach bleeding due to alcohol can sometimes cause someone to vomit a VERY thick, black liquid (combination of blood and whatever else in the stomach at the time).

A few years ago my sister called and asked if she could come crash at my apartment after a night of partying and this happened to her. Thank god she did come to my place- I have really bad insomnia and am always up til at least 3am every night/morning.. So when she passed out on the couch I was still on my laptop sitting right next to her. She was out cold, but started puking up shit that sounds identical to what is mentioned in all the Max Spiers articles.

I had to turn her on her side BC she was gurgling and just KEPT puking this shit up, but wouldn't wake up. It wasn't just a little bit either, it was a TON.

A few days later she had an endoscopy and they determined she had a perforated stomach lining (bleeding ulcer), which explained the crazy nasty shit she puked up.

Tl;Dr: Thick black vomit is a result of ingesting anything that would cause holes in your stomach lining (ulcers). Alcohol, NSAIDS, acidic food/drink, and I'm sure a number of chemicals/poisons/etc.

As far as the physician- no clue. Def worth looking into though.

doubleherpes ago

A GI bleed could be a cause, and could explain the lack of autopsy, but then what do the police know that caused them to re-open the investigation?

Gorillion ago

Vomiting black blood = stomach bleeding, if I'm not mistaken.

doubleherpes ago

That was my first thought- coffee ground emesis. But then why did the police open a manslaughter investigation?

derram ago

https://archive.is/SpVic | https://vgy.me/gXIBTW.png :

Girlfriend of British dead UFO conspiracy theorist police | Daily Mail Online

"Speaking soon after his death Adams stated: 'He was terrified, he wanted to leave.", " He said they were trying to get away from them. 'He had gone to Poland give a talk about conspiracy theories and UFOs."

'Polish prosecutors did not reveal why they suddenly opened an investigation into involuntary manslaughter or if any new evidence has come to light. ', "The conspiracy theorist, who believed governments have covered up contact with Extraterrestrials, texted his mother to say 'If anything happens to me, investigate' just days ahead of his mysterious passing.", "Conspiracy theorists have long been convinced that UFO chasers who get too close to the truth are 'bumped off' by the secret services or so-called 'Men in Black'."

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