YingYangMom ago

Nice find, thanks :) Archived: http://archive.is/yfQDP

YingYangMom ago

Thanks, that was a good thread.

sponiatowski ago

First time I saw this. Thank you. So much circumstantial evidence but few arrests. It's like watching a car crash before it happens.

Antonius ago

Sickeningly real...

DarkMath ago

I posted this below in response to a comment by @justice4kids but I thought I'd post it here to given the context it provides. A lot of the evidence in Pizzagate makes a heck of a lot more sense if you look at things on a longer timeline. Does that mean James Alefantis is guilty? No, not at all. In fact I'd argue the wider context points to James Alefantis being set up as a fall guy or patsy.

"CIA op names".........Yep. Michael Ruppert spilled the beans on those ops in an infamous meeting of CIA head John Deutche in LA put on to investigate whether the CIA started the crack epidemic.


Also these people love to play with names. The names of the two ships supporting the Bay of Pigs invasion were "Barbara H." and "The Houston" which are respectively George H.W. Bush's wife's name and his hometown.

Which is doubly strange when you find out the Bay of Pigs operation was named "Operation Zapata". Zapata Offshore was George H.W. Bush's oil company.

justice4kidz ago

also someone said "Pegasus" and "Watchtower", his 2 museums, are also CIA ops names. have not researched this yet though.

DarkMath ago

"CIA ops names".........Yep. Michael Ruppert spilled the beans on those ops in an infamous meeting of CIA head John Deutche in LA put on to investigate whether the CIA started the crack epidemic.


Also these people love to play with names. The names of the two ships supporting the Bay of Pigs invasion were "Barbara H." and "The Houston" which are respectively George H.W. Bush's wife's name and his hometown.

Which is doubly strange when you find out the Bay of Pigs operation was named "Operation Zapata". Zapata Offshore was George H.W. Bush's oil company.

Devious1 ago

Nice 1st post

Silverlining ago

A bit of a stretch that this was the thinking behind the name. I think you may be making sense of randomness - just what the brain is designed for.

crazimal ago


But what was alefantis doing when he chose the name? Are you saying alefantis is a random name generating machine instead of a human? Alefantis was making meaning himself! From his other choices of names and images it is reasonable to draw reasonable inferences, such as his Greco-roman sounding "castellum Achilles" sharing some inspiration with his pedo avatar antinous which he chose for his instagram.

Do you think that was a random choice too?

If the next thing I type is, "fuck off shill" is that random??

Is it??

remedy4reality ago

says the guy who has obviously no overview of the investigation and the M.O. of the suspects

gt8h65fg ago

Yea too much shill today. Their shill operation is obviously on going here. Today's spam, weird dv, force verification in twitter, rothschild censoring, video removal are not just coincidence and it's an anomaly. (I'm not saying silverlining is. No intention to offend you.)

Silverlining ago

gt8 No offence taken. r4r I see castellum>hadrian>antoninus. And with his twitter avatar as antoninus he could well have a head full of Hadrian related information. It may be, but I have a feeling, no more, that castellum is not a word "created" for a unique type of structure on Hardrian's Wall, notwithstanding the wiki page. r4r I don't imagine anyone has a comprehensive overview of the investigation and the apparent MO is so removed from what I regard as normal behaviour [yes - I get it - that is the point] that the mental elastic will only stretch so far at the moment.

@YingYangMom @privatepizza @cantsleepawink @UmmWTF could use your help in their consolidation and dissemination work.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1670374 Voat Pizzagate Technology Taskforce. Consolidation https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/1652968 PG CONSOLIDATION THREAD 1

Head up in the clouds with the angels on this one.

privatepizza ago

Cheers @Silverlining ; ) We do seriously need help over there, even if you've an hour to spare for the cause folks, give one of us a buzz.

Silverlining ago

What can I do?

Missing person youtube re Virginia abnormal stats. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmUFOE28rVI&feature=share&app=desktop

privatepizza ago

Thanks for this, and all the first class info you're passing over!

privatepizza ago

Angel : ) Choose a thread, or subject, I'll pass over the raw data we have, and you can go through it and collate some data. Not the finished article, but some 'areas', we can add to the main thread, would be amazing ! How does that sound?

Silverlining ago

OK where are the threads?

privatepizza ago

That was a shout out to everyone btw, you are already heavily involved in the project! However thanks : )))

privatepizza ago

I'll PM you with everything now

Silverlining ago


remedy4reality ago

I can spot them quickly and when I suspect one, I immediately look at their submissions to this sub. There are many types of shills and this one falls into the category of those attempting to shift the focus of the investigation away from media and CIA involvement, and that includes Hollywood. Protecting Hollywood is paramount ( pun intended ) because it is the megaphone to the World and a primary source of message control and cultural manipulation.

gt8h65fg ago

Indeed. Wikileaks provided us critical info to narrow down and select key persons. Our focus has been Podesta, Comet Pizza, Alefantis, HIllary, Obama, pedo advocating MSM icons and congress men. And nothing has changed. Every research branched out from these clue, even George Webb's deep research isn't an exception.

ArthurEdens ago

I wonder if they use the playground to have children change hands. Some signal is given at the tower to pickup or drop off a child.

Also, this lady has a good theory about the use of the sewar lines underneath pegasus to dispose of dissolved bodies


gt8h65fg ago

Great find. UVed

Rmm ago

All I know is that was some intense basement work going on over there. Good job analyzing the moniker.

Silverlining ago

Rmm Looked like sewers TBH

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

This was the first pizza gate post that it was really starting to worry me about my tinfoil hat. Thank you for your commit

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Appreciate the effort, but this was all previously covered when people discovered Pegasus...

iamthepizzanow ago

Also good to see it again as it's been pushed out of relevance.