Jem777 ago

Can we go any lower than Satanic Black Sun of the Horned Goat Sect

Really people every other word is Satanic or Lucifer Sect ..

This is how they feel powerful by worshipping goats in front of children and performing blood sacrifice.

Really it's kind of awkward when autocorrect helps me spell pedophiles and Saten...sorry everyone Satan Is this correct?

These guys are an embarrassment to their cause.

First rule of Joining Satanic Pedophile Cult might be get organized guys. Pick a name any name for your group meetings!

Get yourselves together for crying out loud

Hear stories about great patriot soldiers who probably Laugh at these guys.


ASolo ago

Washington DC is an esoterically designed city, as I described in another thread, a tetrahedronal, pentagon, octa and whatever kind of gon you can imagine. All specifically designed to harbor and contain its own 'magick' - epicenters like these, Paris being one on the most prominent with its phallic reference to osiris, are all over the world constantly charged, used and maintained by sacrifice and ritual.

DC is a tribute to the water goddess Isis

The Golden Triangle = Clinton Foundation = ISIS

ASolo ago

It seems there's much more behind the scenes with Christopher Lee's interest in JRR Tolkien's work.