e-traiu ago

this poll is as accurate as elwction polls was

TreborPJ ago

It won't let me vote :(

doubletake ago


He is Shutting Out MSMs HEGEMONY over information distribution.

"CNN says it's ILLEGAL for you to read the Wikileaks/Hillary Clinton emails"


Flat_Truth ago

That is an anti Trump poll....no voting will make it positive for Trump's actions. Its rigged.

reasonedandinformed ago

The irony is that Obama did this to the ONE corporate media outlet that did not actively shill for him (Fox News), and it was a non story for them. In this case, Trump is doing it to media that actively lies and misrepresents to constantly put him in the worst light. They falsely claim that he removed the bust of MLK from his office, they attack him for pointing out that Sweden's violent crime and unemployment has spiked with its open borders policies - hiding or distorting the facts, and they refuse to report ANY poll that shows Trump has majority support. He needs a campaign that juxtaposes corporate media lies against facts to show that they are THE source for "Fake News."

ScottRockview ago

I clicked no, it tells me "sorry something went wrong" but I could see the results flashed for a second and were much larger for the "yes" bar.

Abelico ago

Same here...

Bitchybadger ago

Their name says everything I need to lnow about them.

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/thetylt/status/835326054294151168 :

The Tylt on Twitter: "@realDonaldTrump Is Trump threatening the free press by shutting out news networks?"

This has been an automated message.

OrwellKnew ago

Why give these creeps clicks?

HeaCel ago

Polls are hardly accurate when Twitter is filled with NWO bots and shills. Don't waste your time and energy on Twitter.

SaneGoatiSwear3 ago

but you're not allowed to talk about them taking over voat!

SturdyGal ago

Of course MSM is a joke. Our tax dollars are funding propaganda disguised as free press. But we are in danger of shutting down all press because who is going to decide what is fake or not? The answer is to stop funding intelligence agencies who throw our money around to control the outcome.

OrwellKnew ago

No danger. The Mainstream is the danger

Alt Media and social media are the remedy

SturdyGal ago

Yes, but I'm wondering about where this is going. Any regulation has to be applied in a way that does not compromise the 1st Amendment, that is all.

Geo_synchronous ago

You're exactly right. our 1st Amendment is still in effect. Im pretty darn sure it doesn't say "free speech and free press, unless we don't like what you say" The beauty of the 1st amendment is how easy it works for everyone. If you don't like what I say. All one has to do is not read it. Sticks and stone...

OrwellKnew ago

stop funding intelligence agencies who throw our money around to control the outcome

Could not agree more

druhill007 ago

Some guy asked for people to tell him why they voted no. We should oblige. Open eyes