PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Isn't Neil Patrick Harris on the board or something, I remember he is connected to this.

ASolo ago

pizzagate related how? and gets to stay on main page? silly

DeathToMasons ago

I see said the blind man! The pictures and captions were confusing.

hacktheplanet ago

ive always said this place is an occult secret society. the big owl in front gives it away

21yearsofdigging ago

Been there as well and it was very creepy. Sinister. Doesn't mean much other than that is how I felt

msgtw123 ago

Don't know about this one. Most suicides are not pedo related. Would need more info to tie this into Pizzagate.

quantokitty ago

Interesting. Definitely could be a lead. Dig, dig, dig.


Link doesn't work. I just get a black page.

DeathToMasons ago

This is odd. His Daughter just died in Novemeber of 2016 by "falling off roof". No joke. From the same source.

keepthefaith ago

that IS odd....

jstayz44 ago

Are you guys archiving? Just wondering, since we all know that much will get swept under the rug while people suicide themselves, etc. If we have the info now, they can't erase it all on us...and if this story is relevant, it could. be one to capture the attention of the masses. Just a thought!

abcdefg222 ago

I was invited as a guest there a few times between 2009-2012. It was fun and I didn't see anything but that doesn't mean there's nothing here. This suicide is very strange.

adam_danischewski ago

This may have been tied into the binding spell that went off on Trump tonight, the spell worked and Trump was hit very hard. What opened him up wasn't the magicians really, he opened himself up because his sponsor allowed for the hit for his leaning callous attitude towards airstrikes in particular. He got hit, then went back to a manageable state at around 4am. His tormentors got backfire because they are unclean and those who called for the hit were caught-out trying to not implement their very logic that they argued to bring the hit on Trump onto their own people - it affected almost all of them - the hits are still ongoing.

Suicides and sacrifices generally are used to help "power up" black magic attacks.

TheTruthWorker ago

How do you know binding worked?

adam_danischewski ago

I know because there is an ongoing telepathic connection to those who are involved with the world administrators. The reason I am involved with Trump, Putin, Hillary, Obama, the Rothschilds, the Queen and many others is because of my godhead, I am sponsored by NON FIRST ORDER THIEVERY.

A person such as you or me or anyone in this world is not simply a single self-contained sentient that you are taught to think of yourself as. The person you see in the mirror is actually a complex combination of sentients and masks of various kinds (e.g. masks of: the world, the country, the sentiency station) all overlaid, melded into a resultant you. I don't want to get into too many details in this comment here, but basically you have multiple "sureties" who are attached to you. They witness the same reality that you do, except they are not "main pilots" who are capable of necessarily executing their own will. There are at least 2 surety pilots to each person here yet there can be many more, then there are the congresses of the intestinal flora, mouth flora, etc - the little congresses "vote" on various things like what you like to eat. The world system has a variety of REMEDIES that are built-in and unalienable - for example, reverse-speech-analysis conveys the truth of the forward speech (that is a world remedy), when you die there is an exit interview that is a world remedy where you can make significant changes to your life. Another is BRAIN THUMBNAILS, these are clues to the past that remain accessible to you that help clue you into what you have already found out in past lifetimes. You in this world are in reality what is known as a SHORT STACK, you have a small amount of data and you are brand new so you don't actually have any brain thumbnails. Yet your PILOTS do have brain thumbnails, and they can be of any age.

In my case I am of a Truth Seeker Godhead - we have been at this for a very long time working to shut this system down. This system is an abominable repugnancy because it is a selfish embracement of unbridled first order thievery. I could go on-and-on about this system how it is set up and what is going on. But basically, I am sponsored by non first order thievery, I have several old formerly high powered sentiencies as PILOTS, a huge wealth of BRAIN THUMBNAILS and additionally from the sponsorship I have the ULTIMATE SWORD OF TRUTH (it may sound kitschy, but it is a very powerful gift that designates the sentient who has it as being capable of reaching all KNOWN data (while honoring non first order thievery) including reaching into UNKNOWN data by way of the big powerful sentient calculus machines. On average, I write over a 500 lines of handwritten notes daily. Out of all that I find out about some I take up the task and look into further. I often have nothing at first to back up what I KNOW about what is going on, but when I find supporting evidence or if it's important enough I try to let people know.

kestrel9 ago

I'm posting this here, don't know if there are connections to GWB yet or any other person of interest, just found it.

Robert Cox, aka Robin Winter is or was a member of the Magic Castle

'A paedophile magician is trying to make his vile past disappear – by doing tricks under a different name.'

Robert Cox left the Magic Circle after he was convicted of hoarding 18,000 child abuse pictures on his computer. Cox was ordered to attend a sex offender programme in May 2012 after he was convicted of 17 charges relating to possessing indecent images of children.

Another link:

Magician to attend sex offender programme

Mad_As_Hell ago

You should make this its own post

diamonddust ago

Killed himself in his underwear. Sounds legit.

GeorgeT ago

Death by hanging - mark of Freemasonry.

anon_sense ago

The Netflix show "Love" shot one of their episodes there:

I've seen the episode and that place seems totally creepy.

juhos ago

Site isn't working. Shows only a black page for me. I'm browsing with phone.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Interesting theory. I would be amazed if it is linked to PG to be honest. Keep a finger on the pulse, but, I'd suggest we respect their privacy unless a direct link is found to a PG data point.

Mommyplayer571 ago

I went to the Magic Castle twice. One of the Carradine brothers was there. I thought it burned down?

Orange_Circle ago

One of the Carradine brothers died in a very similar fashion!

BackAgain ago

I don't really think this has anything to do with Pizzagate at all. Theres always been suicides and there always will be

save_thechildren ago

Anyone can get in...

truthstrangerthanfic ago

Owl very prominent in logo...

Nana66 ago

I usually am on my tablet while my grandkids are watching cartoons and yesterday they were watching Adventure time and I heard something that caught my attention...IDK the characters name but he's the old guy in the ice castle and he said something like he always tries to be a good husband for the girls what's wrong with me, so I looked up to see an owl swoop over and call him a nerd or dork. Then I noticed a lot of the characters seem to be like horny and want to get with other charactors...I didnt notice any other symbols so far but idk exactly know what owls signify.

JamesHowardCrow ago


  1. Members only

  2. Occult Atmosphere

  3. Children involved in competitions on site

littlemrsMAGA ago


littlemrsMAGA ago

Already on this. Look at the Yelp reviews (sort by 1 star). Some rather odd comments from like 2013 such as, "there are cameras and microphones everywhere", and "I think this place is a cover for something ... lol", and "Magic Castle is like Disneyland for creepy old men and aggressive Russians."

There's a freakishly strictly enforced dress code, etc. Just read through the Yelp stuff. Then go look at the website and look carefully at everything. They are definitely into the occult (I'll come back and post screen shots after I'm done gathering info), look at every little symbol on the website and read everything.

In short, within a few minutes, I found more or less exactly what I expected to find. A strange group of strange people running a strange operation. Definitely worth checking out hardcore, in my opinion.

remedy4reality ago

I've been to the Magic Castle twice, both times over 20 years ago . Children are not allowed for regular performances and there is a dress code of jacket and tie. You cannot get in without knowing a member and them putting you on the guest list. The place is definitely old and dingy and has many rooms and secret passageways.

I do have one very interesting nugget of intel. My first visit was around 1990 and guess who was there, drunk as a sailor ? None other than creepo Bob Sagget. My magician friend who invited me told me he was a regular there and was always blasted.

keepthefaith ago

always wondered if that creep was responsible for f-ing up Mary Kate + Ashley.

equineluvr ago

Did you get a load of those board members?! YIKES!!

Former President of the Board of Directors: Neil Patrick Harris (gay actor)

huhhh ago

All those people with the headshots on that website look very off...

8_billion_eaters ago

my mouse finger just got stupid from clicking on that site. thanks.

Orange_Circle ago

Shades of David Carradine!

Littleredcorvette ago Just over a year ago actor David Carradine died a seedy death, hanging by a drapery cord in the cramped closet of a Bangkok hotel room. Now, his ex-wife says she believes the 72-year-old "Kung Fu" actor was murdered.

Authorities ruled that Carradine had accidentally suffocated in a lone sex practice known as autoerotic asphyxiation, but his fourth wife, Actress Marina Anderson, claims in a new book that the actor "never flew solo" and the autopsy and other details of his death "just don't fit."

Interestingly enough, David carradine died in June 2009, which also is really close to the CNNLeaks time period.

remedy4reality ago

He was murdered, for sure. I also believe Michael Hutchens of INXS was murdered in the same fashion.

The method of 'suicide' emotes disgust towards the victim by the public, making investigation into their deaths much less likely. It's sickening genius and total CIA.

joey4track ago

Why would someone murder Michael Hutchence? Genuinely curious.

BerksResident ago

St Bob Geldof a one hit wonder band from the 70's who realised scamming the public during Band Aid would make him a billionaire. Also ridicules UK fisherman who wanted their livelihood back by voting Brexit. His eldest daughter who followed Crowley (OTO) also committed suicide as did her mother Paula Yates Hutchence lover.

Orange_Circle ago

They were murdered by themselves while masturbating.

remedy4reality ago

thanks for proving my point

anyone who believes what the Police report at face value is naive

Orange_Circle ago

Police report: Hung himself in his underwear.

Real life: Freak was addicted to auto-erotic asphyxiation and died while doing the dirty.

remedy4reality ago

bullshit... guy could shag 10 girls at once or even a hundred, every day of the week for the rest of his life

never believed it for a minute / look at his relationship with Australian TV star that likely exposed him to the entire underworld

Orange_Circle ago

Both his latest ex wives testified that shagging just wasn't enough for Grasshopper.

remedy4reality ago

and his own brother is convinced he was murdered

Orange_Circle ago

Who you gonna trust? The women who knew him sexually or the brother who was hardly ever around him?

remedy4reality ago

dude... go away

keepthefaith ago

daily mail link:

I don't fully understand what this club is? A private place for David Copperfield types to hang out and do magic tricks for each other? Who are the members? How/why is it a secret society?

It sounds like its trying too hard to be "fidellio" from Eyes Wide Shut for fucks sake.

kestrel9 ago

"The Magic Castle operates as a performance venue where several magic shows put on each night." so yeah it is a place for David Copperfield types to hang out and practice and perform for small audiences. Not a lot of demand for magicians on TV so much and since one has to keep the secret to the 'trick' secret, it's probably easier to practice there, where one might assume they could share and store some props. About 25 years ago I went with a friend who was a mechanical engineer so he built custom props for magicians (hence his membership), for people entering Rose Parade floats. I think the assumptions here are overblown as far as the venue is concerned, but we don't know who the guy was...they say suicide but really? Bag over one's head hanging in a closet with only underwear on?

kestrel9 ago

I don't like to jump to conclusions, I believe it's not fair to the man's family and friends to make up scenarios out of whole cloth, we don't even know his name. The place is also a restaurant, it's has a the atmosphere of mystery, Victorian décor, with a meal and a show, card tricks, nothing outrageous (at least not 25 years ago!) Anyway, I read a tweet of a friend of the man who died, how he is grieving over it and I felt bad for him.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

It's essentially the union headquarters for 'magicians' or performers/illusionists etc.

In itself the facility is innocuous, but it gains a great deal of notoriety for basically being an expensive LARP venue.
Much of the iconography and decorations are the result of a bunch of people trapped in the fantasy of the concept.
Problem with that kind of crowd is it tends to attract people who are more serious and actually believe, which leads further down the hole into reprehensible actions.

This case is either nothing but a person taking actions for their own reasons, or it could be much more sinister.
We just don't know until there is more information.

heywhatsgoingon ago

Don't agree at all with Jehovah's Witness teachings in general, but there is something to discuss in this case.


The Star of Bethlehem has an astronomical explanation. Definitely not a myth! The Magi were into math and astrology (I don't mean astronomy here, which is an actual science). Whenever you see astrology, satanism is on the table.

SuperJohnWayne ago

So he sawed himself in half, escaped through a trap door to a non-extradition country. jk

Baxterbaxter ago

Well he did have a bag over his head it says, so they probably couldn't ID the body. Too bad it's already been cremated.