Marfa-Lights ago

Piers Morgan is a dangerous man. He is not on our side, trust me.

keepthefaith ago

Rupert Murdoch was his direct boss for years.

Chipping Norton set: Murdochs, Freuds, Camerons, worldwide head of Sony, Howard Stringer, The Bamfords etc etc

equineluvr ago

I'm sick of hearing of that disgusting faggot.

The blood bath and the LSU performance ("get your d***s out!") were the last straws.

keepthefaith ago

unfortunately for you, hes here to stay.

keepthefaith ago

I don't think he was partying with Bryan Singer.....

numbat ago

The Daily Fail is a bullshit tabloid with zero credibility. Trump has banned them from press conferences for a fake story about his mrs being a hooker

alliecapone ago

Well, good. I read DM daily because we just don't get the news here in the states that they print.

speckledcat ago

Well they just made him bigger. congrats milo.

IlluminatiKing ago

We'll see. He gots an announcement this coming Monday.

quantokitty ago

We don't know what Milo will do, but it would be a good platform for him.

WeWillWin ago

Interesting. I assumed from his press conference that Milo was going to start his own thing instead of moving to another media organisation.

keepthefaith ago

I'm sure Daily Mail asked him to name his price. He will reel in readers (and that all important comments section) by the millions $$$$$

Antonius ago

I hope this is true...Milo is huge!

ThePuppetShow ago

Fuck Piers Morgan! Has everyone forgotten his gun stance? Dude is a sellout.

Pizzainmyass ago

I mean people can have their opinion and he's British who gives a fuck about his gun stance lol

ThePuppetShow ago

He was on CNN pushing his gun stance to us, calling us all stupid because we wont give up our guns. He's a shill.

Bitchybadger ago

I think I recall him saying he was wrong on that stance. I think he is slowly being red pilled.

ThePuppetShow ago

He said he was "too aggressive" and "didn't listen to the other side" as much as he should have. Hardly red pilled, just a PR campaign to get people to listen to him again.

Bitchybadger ago

Thanks for correcting. I think he is a twat. He just seems like he starting to grow a brain lately.

Kiwi_Slave ago

Agree. PM simply cannot parse the concept of people being endowed with unalienable rights by their creator. Self defense is an absolute natural right. People who accept being deprived of their divine right to self defense are already enslaved. PM is neither a free man nor in favor of human freedom.

Kawksnahch ago

Isn't the Daily Mail an english Tabloid?

numbat ago

Yes it is. It's a joke to British people. A bit of made up racist news to keep your grandad angry and voting Tory. Piers Morgan is hated even more than the Daily Fail in the UK. He was the editor of a left wing paper during the phone hacking scandal now he has right wing opinions for money.

keepthefaith ago

but he has several shows in which millions seem to love him? that morning show?

Kawksnahch ago

Piers Morgan is a jackass. And not in the fun way like Milo.

keepthefaith ago

worldwide. The most read news site in the world.

You sound lke the kind of person who doesn't have a passport.

Kawksnahch ago

sweetie, I've been to Europe, of course I have a passport. It can be the world's most read tabloid for all I care.

You didn't answer the question, you just tried to attack my character. :P

keepthefaith ago

its 'British.' England is a country in the UK.

Kawksnahch ago

-yawn- y'done?

PizzaGate711 ago

This is brilliant news for world. His global reach will be yuge. So happy for Milo too. And the lunatic left thought they'd brought down Milo. Let's watch that play out now ....

keepthefaith ago

Agreed! I wonder why it took a Brit to come over here and speak about American values? Where are OUR youth?

numbat ago

Milo, Piers Morgan & John Oliver from UK. Assange and Rupert Murdoch (Fox) from Australia. Why do Americans allow the outside interference?

keepthefaith ago

the south African guy from the daily show too....why is this?