findingaway ago

Glen Beck involved with Operation Underground Railroad: Conservative radio host Glenn Beck traveled to Haiti with an organization he has partnered with, Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.), an organization that aims to stop human trafficking and put an end to child slavery. He and the group brought Christmas presents to the children rescued by the organization and has been sharing his moving experience of hope.

HashTagFU ago

“We are not a rogue agency, we are not vigilantes,” said Matt Osborn, a CIA and State Department veteran, who helps Ballard direct the group’s operations.

Ha Ha. CIA doing image control.

Clinker ago

Other 'ex-cia' Robert Steele and Evan McMullin seem like they are aligned with the other side to me. I don't know anything about Tim Ballard, but just because he nabbed some pedos doesn't mean he's on our side. They might be part of it in order to eliminate some annoying competition.

Singleservename ago

What. The. Fuck.

Do not trust CIA, ex-CIA and anyone in between.

allconnected ago

This was the sting that faker Glen Beck was announing. GW says O.U.R is fake and just a CIA frint involved in sex trafficking etc. If you read the NY Post story it actually sounds fake. Seems a bunch of low level pimps went down (which if true is good) but who knows. Who is funding this NGO. How can they afford to be operating in Haiti? What is their track record? Actual names of pedophiles arrested and put in jail? How many?

fogdryer ago

Ok then We have another question for FBI anon

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Can you direct me to the George Webb talk about OUR being a CIA operation? I'm curious to see that, thanks.

zlomsocz ago

Previous thread on this topic with different link and more info

gurneyx ago

Tim Ballard is mentioned a lot by George Webb and he is in fact one of the people involved with haiti and organs trafficking. Webb thinks in charge of an operation Railroad op there. Looks like the Haiti bust is not real but just something to distract us or satiate us.

crystalclear ago

So very disappointing. Very disappointing. just for future reference Tim B allard was the other ex cia ex state dept mentioned as involved

zlomsocz ago

Considering the Washington Post is reporting it I am skeptical as well

gurneyx ago

here is what he says about him

zlomsocz ago

The above link is very useful imho

NoBS ago

If I was a Human trafficker, I'd be manufacturing Heros and scapegoats. But only if Blackmail was my game. Who can make blackmail into law?

zlomsocz ago

" in Haiti, a sting was set up at the Kaliko Beach Club, a high-end resort on the west side of the island of Hispaniola, which is shared by Haiti and the Dominican Republic"

zlomsocz ago

Start digging on this resort, has HRC or silsby been there?

OhRutherfordBehave ago

HRC and WJC had there honeymoon like 20km away.

derram ago :

This man spent his weekend helping to free sex trafficking victims | New York Post

This has been an automated message.

zlomsocz ago

Gotta love @derram on his/her respective A game for archiving.

LostandFound ago

Derram is a real problem!