neurofluxation ago

How about Amy Pascal?

Lots of odd pizza phrasing there...

cantsleepawink ago

Good post. I'm looking into Google, Thorn, the whole technological mess. We have to stop them from creating their big data systems that are really there to mine for children - and not necessarily to 'save' them. Such a stinking mess.

Edit: Google is not what it seems

SturdyGal ago

George Webb Day 116 - DynCorp Harvest, Killing Is Good Business, Part 2 suggests that Thorn is a front for Palantir and Palantir is how they track the organ trafficking.

The VIC Program, now a part of, was ICMEC's thing. Does that mean ICMEC was not just intercepting porn but also using the huge database for organ/child trafficking?

In answer to OP's question, what was Ernie Allen wanting weekly estimates on, I would say organs.

cantsleepawink ago

Did he? I don't often watch his videos. Great information but I find can be a bit repetitive (I understand why he does that but I bore easily) and it's such grim stuff. I'll have to go catch up.