Jem777 ago

Vomiting. Who owns the USA the American people or foreign money laundered through Clinton/State Dept./USAID?

IAmJohnBarron ago

My brother used to work for family video when he was in high school. It was a location in Mt. Zion, IL it closed down years ago however. I had no idea there were any family videos still around. I do remember the adult entertainment section however. Always thought it was odd.

micha_ ago

A good cover will always be convincing. Look: a network is normal. Especially in the top league. And especially today.

But: things become a bit strange, if every part of the network ALWAYS leads to child trafficking, satanic rituals, pedos and pizza...

You are new here and if you have a normal and honest life, chances are extremely high, that you have never ever thought about that hard FACT: A shadow government can only work with blackmail. Without blackmail no shadow government.

Now ask yourself, what would give you the ultimate power over - for example - your boss?

Get it, why secret service background checked Buckingham Palace visitor and friend of the royal family, Jimmy Savile, for decades could rape kids and corpses? Why one of the most powerful politicians, the speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, was a pedophile? Do you begin to understand why Lolita Island was full with cameras?

Wolftrail7272 ago

The camera thing in Pedo Jeff Epstein is what convinced me of the shadow gov't blackmail.

Jem777 ago

Agree it's intentional entrapment. Govt. used some sickos too create more sickos. Some fled, some joined, some are, groomed, Winners and losers chosen by those with power. This is why rule of law for constitution is required.

21yearsofdigging ago

Good one. This should be used as a crash course describing a Brownstone Operation

shortymcbossypants ago

Man and Marco's Pizza was my families favorite chain pizza place for a long time.

PizzaGate711 ago

A list of the Marco Pizza Stores in Ohio - Google MAPS addresses and reviews >> Click on it to enlarge.

derram ago :

Fact-checking 'Clinton Cash' author on claim about Bill Clinton's speaking fees | PunditFact

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4realtho ago

If further evidence is available, this could be a major chain providing cheese pizza at a retail location.

Semore ago

These franchises are in my Town...I've been to them..."Familyvideo" has adult sections. IMO these businesses could be major hotspots for chicagos pedo politicians. DEFINITELY worth looking into!

Semore ago

Family Video could be video distribution for the Pedos!