Chasnigga ago

New info, in light of what this article offers, that is relevant. You can see in the comments how people went from 'these sickos must be stopped' to 'Dr. Handrahan is a psycho.' You decide, but this was from 4 years ago:

Nana66 ago

You mean like at our favorite elite pedo university?


Coloradical2 ago

Why are all of these educators compromised? That is the question we all need to be asking. It's not a coincidence. They are being manipulated into teaching an agenda, knowingly or unknowingly, willingly or unwillingly. Why else would there be so many pedos in the education system?

Chasnigga ago

Now, that is the kind of thinking we need. It's not just that all these fuckers are doing this, but what led them there too. Were they rebellious or just fucks?

kestrel9 ago

Great article thank you! So Academia stays silent on infant porn problems amongst their staff while offering students snuggies and hot cocoa to recover from the trauma of seeing Trump's name written in chalk on a sidewalk? WTF kind of country is this? Parents should demand accountability. Politicized educational institutions that censor normalcy in order to distract from and hide criminal deviancy has to end.

billybigrigger ago

Well put.

Newfind ago

Considering what went on at Penn State this wouldn't be a big surprise.

Chasnigga ago


juhos ago

Some say Aaron Swartz was suicided because of what he found from MIT.

Chasnigga ago


rodental ago

I figure that he was suicided because he wouldn't become a pedocannibal like spez and ohanian.

Antiracist10 ago

When we find out 98% of people are pedos, we're not going to end it.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

Chasnigga ago

That's not the attitude we need to keep the fight going. That's more like a 'why bother' mentality. I bother because I have children who I want to protect and I have an insatiable thirst for justice. I've had to recompense for my offenses, I pay taxes, I 'vote' and take part in 'democratic' processes, etc. It's their turn.

billybigrigger ago

Look for it in your own community. This is a distributed system, the "kingping" probably doesn't exists, or will never be brought to justice anyway.

8toborrm ago

I want to begin investigating pedos and sex trafficking in my town. Don't know where the hell to find anyone to team up with me but I do. My town is supposedly a hub for sex trade.

gardenofbacchus ago

I'm going to start doing church surveillance at churches close to me. These people are fucking EVERYWHERE

8toborrm ago

Yep. Bible belt here. Church is maybe the biggest industry in my town. Pair that with being on a main highway and a low low state budget, it's a hotbed for criminal activity.

I'd be surprised if the major $$$ churches around me weren't all invaded by pedos at some level.

billybigrigger ago

This is the future of the movement. Has to be grass roots, has to start local.

Start at these places, but also look for the art houses, the upscale parties, the people who are on the street where the prostitutes hang out etc. etc. Careful with interaction and your presentation. You will set up red flags if you are obvious about it. Don't be an activist, just get involved in community (church, kids soccer whatever) and such, and stay on the lookout.

thisHoCwilltumble ago

Care to share your town? I'm new here and still learning how to go about this, but I'd help with what I can.

Ilikegood ago

Thanks for sharing. Seems disturbingly relevant.

zzvoat ago

There was a post a day or so ago that was a loooong list of all the academics who had been arrested. Maybe someone can find and the link here. Can't right now.

zzvoat ago

This is everywhere - in every town, city and hamlet; in every profession, at every level. It's men and woman, it's young and old, rich or poor, it's our neighbor, our grocer, our relative, our best friend (think Mile Pence) The scope is mindboggling.

kestrel9 ago

Think more like retired teacher Christopher Kloman, the "TOO perfect' kind of person. Son of Rev. Dr. Felix Kloman, Dean of the Virgina Theological Seminary, Rector of St. Alban's Church at the National Cathedral, WA. Read the letters written on his behalf Even his wife sounds honestly clueless. His closest friends believed it was some mistake he did 30 years in the past and that he had spent years volunteering and doing massive amounts of charitable work to pay for what he did. Like volunteering to help Habitat for Humanity in Northern Virginia and going to Dominican Republic to help build a trade school, he was a fixture at the Claude Moore "Turkey Run" Colonial Farm along with Ken Starr's wife, to help do educational early American Colonist reinactments. He had supporting letters from lawyers, journalists, a life long National Geographic as editor, Pres., CEO, Chairman; clergy, a court appointed advocate (CASA) for abused and neglected children in Fairfax County, VA. who's also a board of Trustees member in Ashland at the time, high level retired Military/civil servant, Kenneth Starr's wife, even James Alafantis's mother? hmmmm and on and on .... He was known for his kindness, and charitable work: Bible studies, Deacon, Library volunteer, Rescue Squad, Sailing Foundation for Kids, field trips, feeding the homeless and more. To read the letters one could swear on the Bible that this man couldn't possibly hurt a fly. Never a raised voice, never a harsh word. Somewhere I read that once he was indicted that other victims stepped out of the shadows and perhaps that's why he was sentenced to 43 years in prison, or maybe it was because he was "too honest" like one of the letters noted, telling the police more then he needed to (as if that makes it okay). So yes, in many cases no one knows until the information finally comes out, and often not even then because people will tend to minimize the reported acts of someone who doesn't fit how they think a 'pedo' should look or act. On the other hand, many good innocent people are wrongfully accused, it works both ways, as their lives can be ruined by accusation alone (often made in order to ruin them). But we know now that all too often, it is known and known for a long time but the people are part of the "untouchable" club. (Saville, Epstein, Clement Frued and too many others to name...)

billybigrigger ago

These kinds of people are desperate for "secret redemption", so they can atone themselves without having to confront the issue or their victims. Which of course continues the failed social programming of pedos and abusers, and why there are so many in churches, schools, and social services. Unwittingly, this corrupted desire often drives their madness.

MolochHunter ago

yes, but the EMPHASIS which we have learnt from pizzagate is that the more powerful and influential someone is, the more likely they are to be a pedophile, a pedophile enabler, or part of the infrastructure of human trafficking

gardenofbacchus ago

It is very hard to come to terms with because accepting this reality reshapes the entire way you view the world and what you think is real .

Odaat ago

And to think a year ago I didn't even think (or know!) about this stuff and now I'm here every day staying up to date, hoping "today's the day" it all busts loose.

billybigrigger ago

Been waiting 20 years. Patience is a necessary virtue, otherwise it's possible to be consumed by this stuff. Be ware the darkside...

keepthefaith ago

Mike Pence?

Clinker ago

Robert Steele, an ex-cia agent went on Alex Jones and declared that Jeff Flake, Mike Pence's best friend is a pedophile. There is no evidence and no accusation that Mike Pence is a pedo. In my own personal opinion, Robert Steele is putting out the CIA/Hillary Clinton story line. It strikes me that Hillary and her staffer try to connect Flynn's resignation to pizzgate, and then one day later he peddles the same story.

SykeSoIMustBeFascist ago
