ZalesMcMuffin ago

Great find! I'm sure we should take that seriously. There's no WAY it could have been sarcasm.

gt8h65fg ago

I read somewhere snopes is owned by a couple both are tied to people in the swamp.

Melitica ago

When Snopes was publicly announce as one of "the" sources to denounce fake news, they simultaneously took all of their ads off. They have to get funding from somewhere. ..which means they are now an arm of those in charge.


so she attended a White Hosue pizza/hot dog party?

Z11Mama ago

Sure makes one wonder.

DarkMath ago

Around 90% of the times I've visited Snopes their article wasn't even close to the truth. It got so bad I finally would submit Snope's own articles to them just because I couldn't leave the site thinking they could get away with blatant disinformation.

It's also comically therapeutic to submit their own articles to them. It gives us little people back some control which I'm figuring out is what's slowly happening here.

It's going to take at least a year more likely two for this country to polish off this giant shit sandwich. .........Some at the top will be taking larger bites than others.


SturdyGal ago

Yes! You submitted their own articles to them! A negative negative is a positive. Do the Dark Math! hahahahahahah!

DarkMath ago

:-) Try it next time you read one of their gems. It's therapeutic!

RockStrong ago

Pretty sick when you see comments against pizzagate and realize there's probably a pedo on the page.

I saw there what Snopes said about the articles author. Seems like a strange thing to say about an article you claim is debunking something. Yey it's filled with evidence it's true. Doesn't take much brain power to figure out the psychology here. Takes even less brain power to know pizzagate is real.

Z11Mama ago

Regardless of whether Snopes is legit or not, this is a pretty bold statement for them to have at the end of the article.

DeathToMasons ago

Snopes is know Etsablishment damage control rag. Pizzagate- #FALSE!

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Snopes belongs in the garbage bin, we all know that. I think its time for these left-wingers to start saving their money now that were all digging up what they are all about and we know the assets they possess in our society. No more covering up #pizzagate, time to hang.

JrSlimss ago

Hah well they do post useful ones once in a while - even if they don't intend to (and probably regret it now), like this one on Mel Reynolds:

ThePuppetShow ago

There's just as many republicans involved.

abortionburglar ago

Hey, a fucktard using pizzagate to smear the left. Trump hasn't arrested Podesta yet. Remember when Sessions was going to do that? Just had to be confirmed first. I guess you just want your children raped by people who vote like you. Fucking freak.

Forgetmenot ago

why did you copy @abortionburgar 'a name? @vindicator FYI I plan on letting mods know.

Vindicator ago

We are aware this person created this account one day after @abortionburger made a Steemit post about a young man who claimed to have been raped by Alefantis at Comet Ping Pong in an AMA on Reddit.

The AMA was removed by Reddit. When the young man posted it here, we also removed it because we could not verify his identify. Abortionburger did verify his identity IRL and made the Steemit post to spread the word. A couple of weeks later, after seeing how she handled herself, we asked her to help mod this sub. This unleashed an unprecedented storm of shitposts attacking and doxxing her as well as a deliberately misleading smear campaign. Yesterday, her 7-year-old account on Reddit was permanently banned without warning or explanation.

Those are the facts. You can draw your own conclusions.

Posting this for the record @Millennial_Falcon @wecanhelp @Crensch @Kevdude

abortionburglar ago

My name is a pun based on abortionburger's name. I didn't copy anything.

Forgetmenot ago

You satanists certainly love your double en tendres, so witty...NOT! I can't bring myself to further engage you, you are simply unoriginal and irrelevant and trying so hard to be the center of attention. Did your mother not give you enough attention? ? I got to go, are pathetic.

ThePuppetShow ago

Hey look, a useful idiot who has nothing better to do with their time than to harass a bunch of people trying to protect children. Why are you here all the time if you aren't being paid?

abortionburglar ago

You don't protect children by only looking at liberals/Democrats. There are shills who try to pretend only Ds hurt kids. But Hastert was speaker for the Republicans--and many of the Rs in Congress were close with him. I don't trust Trump to do anything. I hope I'm wrong.

ThePuppetShow ago

I don't really trust anyone either, this has been swept under the rug too many times by both fake sides. I'm hopeful it's different this time.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

We are seeing new arrests related to trafficking, pedophilia, and even satanic ritual everyday. I think its going down buddy.

Rhino7682 ago

Ya snopes is run by a hillary supporting couple,so hard to trust

Pg-IzBeyondStupid2 ago

Pizzagate is just a ridiculous conspiracy theory. Not accepting reality won't change that.

ThePuppetShow ago

You're terrible at this.

SturdyGal ago

I'm a little shill bot, short and stout ...

lude ago

Lol, "I came onto voat to make an account about how stupid pizza gate is and fake it is!!!!"

Beaucephus ago

Well, one thing I think is ridiculous is Furries.

You know where I'm not hanging out?

SturdyGal ago


Beaucephus ago

ah ha!