SluggishJ ago

This is a rabbit hole that I have been working on for the passed 3 days. Needless to say, it keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Admittedly, the connection between Gary Lee Munroe and Worldcorp is a little shaky in my opinion - all we have is that Munroe uses the same name on his Tumblr mentioning Worldcorp as well as a facebook page called "Worlcorp", but I'm seeing no solid evidence that they are most definitely the one in the same. In other words, I'm not entirely sure the Worldcorp website with the "Fatherhood" video is definitely related to him other than just the generic name "Worldcorp"

With that said, going down this path leads to some interesting shit. We know he uses multiple aliases and is permitted into several different countries for missionary type work, aid and volunteer effort, etc. We know he's affiliated with UNICEF given his pictures outside a UNICEF tent. He also aided in Ecuador after the Earthquake in April 2016, and also stayed behind after the recovery effort ended in order to provide extra help. I have also found from his Tumblr some paperwork from the Universal Life Church director, Daniel Zimmerman, sent to Mexico clarifying that Gary Lee Munroe is still active and legally able to reside in Mexico under his current permissions. I looked into Daniel Zimmerman and discovered that he was terminated from his position on Board of Directors for the Universal Life Church due to fraud as well as improper sexual advances to the younger staff members (college aged or so).

Looking into Universal Life Church (ULC), I see that its basically a cheesy online "con" where individuals can become ordained online in a few simple steps and some money. Celebrities have done it (conan, lady gaga, bunch of others). ULC has a ton of affiliated websites, some no longer up, and all have a variety of tentacles and connections to all sorts of different places. Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, Ecuador, etc. Where it gets curious is Gary Lee Munroe talking about these "chip implants" being inserted into people for the purposes of spying on their governments. He talks about what OP talks about, how to discover if these have been used on you using different forms of technology (spectrum analyzers, etc). One quote by him had me interested though...due to his grammar and punctuation I can't tell if these are two different sentences or just one, but I'll include both just in case:

"1.Name of the person known as Jamie Waller or as James Knox Wailer United staes, Mexico, Guatemala. Knoxville Tennasse 2.Works with CHILDREN ADOPTED then sent back to the homeland chip implanted to spy for united states and canada. Missionary Institute Guatemala --> Guatemala Missions News 1: Mormon International is the other that is also behind espionage and spy chip implanted in the world of children wayed by adopting children then shipping back to the homeland for children to spy "

I noticed that Jamie Waller made some blog entries on about International Adoption. Again, this crazy Gary Lee Munroe guy named someone that is allegedly involved in "implanting children to send back to homeland to spy on the government using adoption agencies" and sure enough I'm seeing some confirmation that indeed a Jamie Waller is involved in adoption agencies.

So we have mention of adopted children being "implanted with chips" for spying purposes as well as Mormon International that is also behind this? So I followed both links in the above quote, and the second lead me to a guy (name of Douglas A. Wallace) talking all about this Mormon "takeover". At the tags above on his page, I see one titled "Mormon Church of Latter Day Saints". This was weird to me only because simultaneously while looking into this, I had a 4chan thread up regarding MK Ultra titled "bluepill me on MK Ultra" which can be found here:

In that thread, an Anon that seemed particularly knowledgeable on the subject (I'm new to MK Ultra and all that, I never truly entertained it as being a successful method of control but who knows) making multiple posts in the thread with a very organized history of MK Ultra, satanic ritual abuse, occultism, and the involvement of the Mormon Church of Latter day Saints. What the fuck? So at this point, my question was this: Why are the borderline Schizophrenic ramblings of a "Holy Sage Munroe" that claims to have been a victim of mind control, implanted with a chip, his children taken from him by the government, who also has multiple aliases actually rooted in SOME semblance of reality?

I looked into the Mormon Church of Latter Day Saints (lds) in relation to this and found some curious things as well. Glenn Pace, a Bishop for the church, apparently was raised by Mormon Parents and was in a position of influence in the church until he decided to publish research on RITUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN within the LDS: and

Alright, I'm so confused at this point. What is going on? I truly have no idea, but at this point I am going down the Rabbit Hole for the sake of exploration. Will it lead anywhere? Is this something that can benefit the Pedogate/Pizzagate cause? I'm not sure, but this is fascinating in and of itself.

Here's the next interesting part. Remember Alex Jones talking about "Psychic Vampires" on the Joe Rogan podcast awhile back? He mentions how the Elite believe they are of a different race/species than the "plebs" or something, and they are utilizing AI in order to connect themselves to it via brain connection in order to control the masses? Something along those lines. Anyway, that article by Douglas A. Wallace I linked to above talks about NSA Spying, and how in 1966 a guy named Bill Gay began to create "the electronic ability to spy on people worldwide to help bring about the day when the church would be able to eliminate its enemies...". He says that it is technically a "Microwave Cavity Resonator". He states that the implementation of this technology would not take place until its International HQ at 50 East North Temple in Salt Lake City was completed. The writer's source claims that his job on building this building was to be ended at the completion of every floor EXCEPT the top 4 floors. When asked what those floors were, he said he didn't know, "but they are building it like a fort"

Rabbit Hole indeed. Interestingly though, as interesting as Gary Lee Munroe appears to be, why is it that if he were actually a bad boi child trafficker or having some involvement in it, be WARNING the world about these "microchip" implants for use in spying? While I was reading it, I almost got the vibe that he was using that terminology to actually demonstrate some other type of reality, which would be children from adoption agencies being abducted and ritually abused in order to do the bidding of the abuser. He's mentioned RFID transmitters, which seem outdated to me, but I have found instances of sex trafficking victims being implanted with these devices when the doctors find them after the victim has been rescued.

ArcherMcTaco ago

I'm technically a reverend of the ULC. They were 100% invented for Tax evasion purposes. You don't pay them to be a reverand it's actually easier than that. Just sign your name online.

Any clue if Gary Munroe is related to Bob Monroe, the founder of Binural beats and using it for astral projection purposes. If so on the upside I actually can see about giving info, on the down side I think my family might actually of been tied and involved in all this tangled crap now. Thats really gonna suck for me and explain way too many things about my family that I am not wanting to confront.

SluggishJ ago

I didn't see any connection between the two of them in the research I have done thus far, but I can certainly take a look to see what I could find. Do you think your family and personal experience, regardless of if Gary Lee Munroe is related to Bob Monroe, has any significance in all of this?

ArcherMcTaco ago

Maybe, I don't want to go into it if I don't have to. I personally think alot of things is just insanity.
The military was very interested in Bob Monroes work. It'll leave it at that.

Probably nothing.

SluggishJ ago

Yep, no problem, but I am seeing the military's interest in Monroe's work for sure. At any rate, if I do discover a connection between Robert Monroe and this Gary Lee Munroe guy, maybe I'll PM you, and you can look into that privately.

ArcherMcTaco ago

Yeah, If you find something let me know. I don't wish to reveal myself or anything that can identify me now or in the future. It would answer things for me though.

SluggishJ ago

Yeah don't worry about revealing yourself, if I do find something it would be for your own personal exploration for sure.

gt8h65fg ago

Low frequency under 100Hz is know as environmental pollution. But I don't know high frequency would.

ArcherMcTaco ago

I barley know about this stuff. I know a few things about binural beats but other than that not much info other than you can stimulate specific regions of the body to induce certain chemical responses.

spez_dispenser ago

Is this similar to the /222 Cult that was on the endchans a while ago? That was effed up.

ArcherMcTaco ago

I see hints of that when the amber alert for the superbowl in PA went up and /222 pics went up as well. I know it has to do with hurtcore shit. Any more detail without linking to illegal stuff?

Redcone ago

All the blackmail videos have to go somewhere. Who has them?Worldcorp? Why not? They have john podesta playing dominos on pasta.

djpepe ago

In brief: WC = Intel anon with videos instead of AMAs

ArcherMcTaco ago

It seems like it. Id say there was room to argue it was maybe a troll if it weren't for the fucked up vids of Dr. Munroe. Someone knows something. Someone has the goods.

Primus_Pilus ago

NOPE, metal coverings DEFLECT microwaves. Any microwaves powerful enough to actually penetrate metal would essentially boil any flesh on contact.

Smyrtz ago

Deflects when grounded. If not grounded it's like putting a target on your head.

ArcherMcTaco ago

I'd assume a lead helmet would be more effective than Tinfoil hats.

Azagthoth ago

Second link has been removed by the youtube user. I was in the mood for some crazy shit, too. Can you post an alternate link? Thanks

ArcherMcTaco ago

WTF?! This was up 30 minutes ago. It had info at the end too (not just tips how to use a specific frequency tool to scan for RFID chips) but a time of the 2 videos (2011 but I forget the month and date) as well as the file size and resolution and file type. It also stated the location (phillipines) in the video. Another video on the channel shows a person testing positive with the same testing equipment, and then vid info (philipines, file size, res, etc.) The ICAACT video covers all info, and in many ways is superior. The fact that someone is taking down those videos is weird.

Very weird. I would hate to get into tinfoil territory and say that an RFID chip can be implanted to give more specific control of people than just altering their moods (why else would a PhD drink his own piss out of a dirty toilet) but it is theoretically possible. Look at what we have done with insects.

Smyrtz ago

RFID chips would be pretty old school considering voice to skull tech was accomplished in the 50's using chips but now only requires an eeg to lock on to a specific target.

They don't have to hide the big secrets. Most would never believe it.

ArcherMcTaco ago

I know. There are people that believe Donald Trump is taking bribes from Russia but refuse to acknowledge the media is colluding to push a co opted narrative.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I suspect either the FBI is behind WC, or wikileaks. Weird and far fatched, I know, but its the perfect cover and those two would be smart enough to craft it.

ArcherMcTaco ago

Possible. A non-profit is great for think tank purposes. Get like minded people with one focused goal from all over the place.

iamthepizzanow ago

<Worldcorp seems to be hinting that they aren't the bad guys

You're getting fucking trolled, why can you not understand that?

ArcherMcTaco ago

Well if they didn't release a video of a UN PhD Drinking their own piss and acting like a dog, or the podesta vids I would agree.

Do you think the Podesta video is fake?

iamthepizzanow ago

If you can't prove it, don't post it.

What Podesta video? There is no Podesta video.

Prove me wrong or fuck off with your disinfo.

ArcherMcTaco ago

Oh so you are saying the fatherhood and each day I grow some more videos which have been posted and topped this sub and have had voices analyized and has the abused child identifying the abuser a both "John" and "skippy" as well as the assailent referring to to him self as "John" all while having a similar voice as John Podesta are fake. You are right. Probably just a prank bro. Probably just an art piece. Don't look into it. Looking into it is wasting resource despite that there is no confined restraint or focused goal of what people research or look into. I should take your advice and not look into anything you suggest I don't look into. Others should do the same. Ignore that UN PhD that was drinking his own piss. Just a prank bro.

Do you actually follow the shit that makes it to the top of this subverse?

drunk420 ago

Link to piss drinking vid?

ArcherMcTaco ago

Uggggggg. I'm so lazy. Check 8chan thread for pizza gate and scroll to post 9238735. You can also go to the world corps site and look for worldcorpo in the videos section. That person is Dr. Garry Lee munroe. He is a PhD and UN employee.