We've been working on an operation all night. Giving it to you here so you can pick up and help us if you want. Probably Pizza related.
Full links to what we've put together and what we're doing can be found here
Potential link to https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affaire_du_Coral discovered via NSA watchlist file. We're exploring it now. We've been tracing IP addresses all night and are starting to see more weird links come up.
Stukov ago
Anything new from this?
datjedi ago
Well then
Fate0011 ago
I've heard that before XD
Catsfive ago
How are you being safe? What precautions are you taking?
bdiminishedminor7 ago
OK, maybe a dumb question, but can someone explain what the purpose of the IP-tracing-tools is in relation to this filedump?
slickleg64 ago
upaste link down
KekusMaximus ago
Hey man. No problem. I'll format and send to you when I get home tonight.
Xpol ago
This link still works http://archive.is/Q1qyH
Not really sure what we looking for in all this
S3m8o3 ago
Link broken... :/
LincolnsMullet ago
I think we're all amateurs here trying to do what we can, so any useful info is good to keep things focused on the right track.
LincolnsMullet ago
Thanks for the clarification!
PizzaGate711 ago
Can we please have a brief wrap up of what has been found to date? Would be biggly appreciated :-))
wrok-wrok ago
Most of these site are hosted at
Thrulkggls ago
These pizza sites share wayyyy too many commonalities in layout, intro, etc to not somehow be affiliated. I visited about a dozen randomly selected from the list...waaaaayyyyy too similar to be coincidental
justice4kidz ago
ORDERSNAPP. this is just the same web developer / hosting right? does this mean anything towards our research?
wrok-wrok ago
It just looks like a front.
I went through every page; Checked a list of "vendors" (empty); Tried going to their hardware page (404). It looks completely Bogus.
I would assume that these pizza places are using something like this to launder money through.
justice4kidz ago
ok I've checked like 5 of these out. all same web host / designer???
BESTA PIZZA? that is the besta pizza in DC.
so. wouldn't the web designer know about a password-protected area on a PIZZA SITE??
heywhatsgoingon ago
mybestapizza.com <- friggin besta pizza..
Ciscogeek ago
gardenofbacchus ago
JoJoVoat ago
weird..pizza websites are identical Uncle charlie wolf street vinos
JoJoVoat ago
guys are they shipping human meat (sorry) to these places? yelp reviews for uncle charlies arent so good on the meat, cheese and flavor sorry ugh
tehthu ago
organs for sure. meat... I bet fuckface CEO from Reddit would be able to answer
Ciscogeek ago
gingHehehe.. DNS humor.
JunOS ago
On a side note. Those email addresses are fucking hilarious. Kellyrolandinternationalfunds@cia.gov & iam.andrewho@cia.gov
Lol - the email server admin just DNGAF.
privatepizza ago
Done ! ; )
Stukov ago
Looking at the DC Madame file and so far this stood out to me.
Can anyone check and see if this is related to the pedo place that Haster/Podesta talked about? Was that Nose or something?
Worth noting something else I found, is that this number in San Francisco is the Japanese External Trade Organizations number.
A number that has no location 410 555 1212 google search links to this private twitter account https://twitter.com/67682f8a74d743d also seems to be used by https://www.moreopp.com/company-details-21/1226862.html
What would this number be? 7/18/2005,6:51,AM,CZECHREP,CZ,,4.20E+11
VieBleu ago
It was Camp Nose in Japan when they were early twenties? from one of the Podesta emails.
privatepizza ago
http://upaste.me/521f4127528570837 Archive - http://archive.is/Q1qyH
dankman420 ago
Aaaaand it's gone
ThePuppetShow ago
I apologize for busting on you, it seems to be a misunderstanding. I was just telling that person that it would be deleted. I don't do 4 chan other that reading stuff that gets posted here.
privatepizza ago
no worries. cheers. lets work. the world is leaking ; )
ThePuppetShow ago
Amalek? Really? Is that your guys alciaduh? I've never had a thread deleted other than the "rule change" thread so what are you talking about cuck? I know you hate me because I'm busting on your bullshit rules, but amalek? Thats just desperate. People here know i argue for the truth and not bullshit look at my history. Are all mods on deck? I haven't seen you post here in a while.
privatepizza ago
Archive - http://archive.is/eR901
Drugs ago
That upast link is dead
Mooka_Molaka ago
Many thanks & /hugs to all of you hardworking, deep-digging spergs ❤
bb22 ago
Affaire du Coral Wikipedia article states this:
"La rumeur parle bientôt d'abus sexuels commis, en particulier, sur des mineurs trisomiques."
This says there was sexual abuse committed in particular against "trisomic minors." These are genetic defects or anomalies which include Down Syndrome as one form.
Just thinking out loud here but maybe abusing kids with genetic issues is what eventually led to the eye thing that McCann and Soros have?
chelseaclinton ago
Brilliant idea, child molesters always seem to have one huge evil eye and one smaller confused afraid eye. I thought it was a split in their soul from raping children but it could also be an accumulation of genetic material from handicap children, like girls who fuck tons of dude that collect all of their DNA and start looking like a man.
LincolnsMullet ago
Holy shit that just rang a bell. I looked up reviews for that adoption center that just got busted, and a bunch of negative reviews were from people saying the adoption agency lied and gave them kids with severe handicaps (fetal alcohol syndrome etc). It's like they collected all the children people didn't want or wouldn't miss because they didn't want to deal with their mental and physical disabilities.
privatepizza ago
Talk to the hand. We got work to do.
privatepizza ago
LincolnsMullet ago
I can see that. I posted above that the only possibility would be looking at old info in a new light aka after the pizzagate revelations. Old info, names, etc. that didn't make sense before or have no context may now be relevant. Or not. We'll see.
VieBleu ago
looking at old info (not that old) after being red-pilled is indeed a good idea.
DopeandDiamonds ago
Op, Upaste link is down.
privatepizza ago
the rules are pretty straight up here, on the side bar. 1,2,3, and 4. Being reasonable and polite helps. voat rocks, and its great to see you guys here.
Wolftrail7272 ago
Hundred dollars says I'm on the list.
eyeswide0pen ago
Been looking up some of the CIA cover addresses in the Panama Papers and they all have the same shell companies listed (out of the ones I've looked at so far). There's also over 9000 linked addresses. They've got links to Haiti, Israel, Hong Kong, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Italy, China, Samoa and more. The 9000 plus addresses are in places in the middle east like Qatar, Lebanon, Jordan, Libya etc.
Addresses in Haiti thats linked to CIA cover address: PO BOX 612, OAKTON, VA 22124
P.O. Box 10337 Pacific Centre 2200-609 Haiti
Rm. 1; 16/F.; New Treasure Centre; 10 Ng Fong St.; San Po Kong; Kln. Haiti
madmanpg ago
Well, the upaste link is already dead. Anybody got a backup?
TupacsTattoo ago
MrrHandsome ago
Alot of us are immigrants from Reddit anyway since Spez went psycho, welcome friends!
rodental ago
It's not Spez's fault. If he didn't do it they were going to out him as a pedocannibal.
jstayz44 ago
Reverse IP lookup on IP address from line 129 in NSA list is an internet provider from Oman, a small country in the Middle East. You can find the results here: http://pastebin.com/u/jstayz44. Not sure of significance.
jstayz44 ago
Reverse IP lookup on IP from line 129 in the NSA list - an internet service provider from a small country in the Middle East called Oman
Here's what I found, not sure of its significance: http://pastebin.com/u/jstayz44
jenidaninja ago
Pechal ago
So anyone know how these CIA docs were obtained?
Godwillwin ago
Here's the article. It popped up on my Fox News iPhone feed thingy too
I didn't think anything bad of it, but then I saw someone mention Ashton on this submission so started wondering if there's something going on with Ashton that I missed? I still hadn't read the article. I'm grocery shopping. Lol https://www.google.com/amp/www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2017/02/15/ashton-kutcher-blows-kiss-john-mccain-video/amp/?client=safari
LincolnsMullet ago
You've looked through it in it entirety? To be fair, I copied and pasted some of the phone numbers from the Madam black book and they were previously known. Old articles on the case pop up from 2016 with those numbers.
SpikyAube ago
Yep that's right! :-)
aaallaboard ago
Yo, I am downloading this 4GB file and I don't even know what it is.
I 'm looking for a quick bogdown if anyone can help.
DopeandDiamonds ago
Be careful! An anon of pol said there was malware. Sandbox it.
I lost the link but there was phone record luring from 2004 and later. Suspicion it was from the DC madam.
demoTheGorgon ago
Just a reminder that Reddit is really pushing the Ashton Kutcher love right now, and that it is suspicious this is the only pizzagate-y / pedo thing getting through their filters.
Something is definitely up with his organization, and it's involvement with the NCMEC and ICMEC and the amber alert stuff. This goes high into gov't. He may not be complicit, but his org is being used, and the org's ties are NOT good.
Thrulkggls ago
Kutcher is a Freemason and a Kabbalist...I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him...
demoTheGorgon ago
I know people get carried away with anti-semitism confusing esoteric and exoteric religion, but when I found out he was a kabbalist I assumed he's at least part of the cover-up. I consider the Thorn/Sarah Gardner/Kutcher and Polk County cover-ups to both be facts now, after the censorship and shadowbanning that occurred on reddit after mentioning either. Someone on voat pointed out that she sits behind him at the conference and smirks the entire time, very viscerally offputting and disgusting.
Thrulkggls ago
Right! That plus a Freemason? No way...that just stinks too much to not be rotten...
demoTheGorgon ago
To be fair I don't think every Freemason really knows or cares to know this is what it's about. Could be wrong. Not a mason.
e: I guess the same could be said of Kabbalah. Hoisted by my own petard, have an upvoat sir. Christ can we just nix the gross pedo stuff and focus on the esoteric dope knowledge shit. Sighs wistfully.
e2: by "we" i mean humanity and not this subverse.
notoriousfox ago
Yes something feels wrong about all of that. When he was giving his testimony there was a woman with a suspicious smirk behind him -turns out she's the Director of Development at Thorn. She previously worked at an organization called Free the Slaves in Washington DC.
demoTheGorgon ago
Was wondering who that bitch was. Smirking was bothering me. Like she knew it was a show. BARF.
notoriousfox ago
Sarah Gardner. She made me really uncomfortable. The smile wasn't normal - it didn't look like she was proud of her work, it felt more like a duper's delight smirk. I wasn't surprised to find out she worked in Washington DC. Took Art History and Gender Studies at Berkeley and then went straight into human trafficking work in DC.
demoTheGorgon ago
UGGGGGGH. I don't need more reasons to dislike the gender studies grads, whyyyyyyy
notoriousfox ago
hahaha I know right. I guess we know what kind of jobs they can get besides whining or working at Starbucks..
demoTheGorgon ago
Godwillwin ago
I missed the whole Ashton Kutcher thing. I saw on my iPhone newsfeed that he blew a kiss to McCain during trafficking senate meetings??? I didn't get to read article though
1984isnotamanual ago
That Laura Silsby is involved with amber alerts isn't she? She should be nowhere near child trafficking organisations.
Godwillwin ago
She is! All of these people that have no business being around children are running organizations to "help" the most vulnerable children. It's disgusting!
demoTheGorgon ago
zzvoat ago
I have NO idea what any of this stuff is or what it means but others here, I'm sure, do. What's REALLY cool is that you include us. Thank you!!
Melitica ago
A lot of voat users are also on 4chan, 8ch, plebbit, even Reddit/R_Donald.
privatepizza ago
WTF I'm in ! Nice one /pol ! This thread may be deleted. Just sayin. Start a new one. I'm archiving this one now, and the rest. Game on.
Gorillion ago
Careful, that's the sort of talk your CTR/CREW boss gets turned on by. Watch your ass.
srayzie ago
Why are you scared?
ArcherMcTaco ago
I'm done being scared. I've already gotten weird cryptic threats (luckily from people who still can't figure me out, which is surprising.) just for lurking and following info. I'm done, they blew their load with me. I'm not gonna be shamed into saying I don't believe in Pedogate (Yes, pedogate. Not Pizzagate.)
srayzie ago
Oh ok. I thought it was something you found or something specifically happened that scared you. This crap is scary. These are twisted people who could care less about anybody
EQJ ago
Is this where the CIA leak came from? https://archive.org/details/CIALEAK
AgainstCotton ago
Excited to see where this leads! Come on in guys the leaks are fine!
AgainstCotton ago
Thanks for joining! Glad to have you!
PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago
Thanks for the heads up!
Littleredcorvette ago
Just did a duckduckg0 search on one of the email addresses i found.
4ppr3n71c3@cia.gov Here are the results:
https://www.scribd.com/document/332959597/CIA-EMPLOYEE-DIRECTORY-djvu-txt https://archive.org/stream
A list of usernames-emails and passwords? https://archive.is/iU1lS http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2009/Sep/att-212/pakbugs_users.txt
slickleg64 ago
pakbug forum dump . Pakistan cyber army. Looks like CIA destroyed that shit in 2009. These are are accounts and salted passwords with salts for the whole forum, notice that address? yeah the dumb ass actually used a CIA address to snoop in on those forums, must of worked though.
LincolnsMullet ago
Some of the CIA emails are ridic. Hillary.Sec.State.Clinton@cia.gov.com abused@cia.gov.com
Some strange ones that lead to actual businesses like beechwoodactprep@cia.gov.com, some tutoring place in KY. Why have a cia.gov email? Same with pwindsfarm@cia.gov.com leads to Prairie Woods nature farm in Indiana. Wtf. bin_lad@cia.gov.com osama@cia.gov.com
Unsure if anything is PG related, but considering how interconnected they all are, I'm certain there's a lead in there somewhere. Even if some of this info is old it needs to be viewed in a new light aka post-pizzagate era or PPE.
BackAgain ago
Bruhs.........I'm pretty sure you guys are discovering undercover cia ops
I'm scared!
slickleg64 ago
Its a account dump of a pakistan hacking forum from 2009. that CIA guy was using a .gov address to snoop on the forums lol
LolturdFerguson ago
Reminds me of an episode of Archer, where ISIS stumbles upon back door CIA arms deals by complete accident and ends up decimating their plan...all by mistake.
Keep digging!
Craic_Cocaine ago
All of these names appear to be of Pakistani origin...The ones that are actually names, that is.
LincolnsMullet ago
Been lurking on voat for weeks, finally joined. Everyone here is doing an amazing job. This is good work, always remember that. There's some intense info in some of these docs including that list of passwords and names. It's heartening to see Reddit/4chan/Voat working together on all of this. The only way this stops is if they shut the internet down.
Godwillwin ago
Shhhhh. Don't give the globalist any ideas! ;) Little soros minions spy here
BoraxTheFungarian ago
Yeah, they never thought about shutting down the internet... Oh wait, that would hinder their efforts way more than ours. I have a feeling that at this point they need the internet more than us.
madhatter67 ago
Ya...shutting down the internet would cause chaos....people would be asking what happened....they'd have to blame the Russians or say it was fakenews!
userdeletedtwice ago
You're PM_Me_Yours_Mitts, no?
ThePuppetShow ago
I meant here =)
ThePuppetShow ago
Where did you buy this account? Haha
KekusMaximus ago
New thread is http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/112966102 old one's near bump limit
ThePuppetShow ago
This thread will be deleted by the cuck mods, but thank you.
KekusMaximus ago
Mods left 2 threads up even when i dumped IP's and personal info. Maybe they're brb soup.
ThePuppetShow ago
They delete everything here that doesn't have a specific link to pizzagate. There's no investigating on voat, just presenting. They must be eating something.
Dressage2 ago
LOL or fell asleep on their shift! Fire 'em!
SpikyAube ago
I'm here! I'm interested. Not sure what it all means but definitely don't think it looks like it should be deleted. I think it's comradely. But can you explain what it's about?
ThePuppetShow ago
I'm just got the info too, but the 4chan thread says it seems to be a dump from an anon with CIA info.
All smartass-ness aside you have to admit that this thread would normally be deleted.
SpikyAube ago
I don't know, it says it's Pizzagate related and has a link, I suppose there isn't that good of an explanation as to what we're looking at, which might mean it gets deleted. When stuff is deleted, most of the time if the same thing is reposted but with just a source to back it up added, or an explanation of what it is, instead of just a link etc, it won't be deleted again. People could prevent stuff being deleted by basically imagining that they are a PG newb coming to the sub and reading their submission, and ask themselves if they would udnerstand it, if they would see that it makes sense and is backed up by at least some evidence, or some background info, or if they would either ignore it because they don't want to click on alink when they've no idea what it is, or because they don't get what it has to do with anything, or they assume it's just wild crazy speculation with no evidence and they leave and go tell their friends that it's all a load of crap. And then rewrite it to make sure it wouldn't prompt those negative reactions.